In case the point has not already been made diamond-hard and diamond-clear over and over again every day for the last 30 years, allow me to reiterate one more time for the people waaaaay in the back that if the "the Center" ever was any kind of defensible, fact-base political position in some gauzy, bygone day, it stopped being that a long, long time ago and has instead become the national No-Tell Motel for every lazy cretin and moral coward who doesn't have the nads to face reality.
For more on this eternally-breaking story, digby:
Waiting For The Man In The Middle
by digby
Oh please just shoot me now. This is from Tuesday night's Spitzer Parker show. The round table was asked who they would like to see run for president in 2012. Here's noted "centrist" Matt Miller:
Spitzer sort of tried to point out how utterly obscene it is to tout a billionaire for this wonderful Man in the Middle who's going to come and save us, and Sam Sedar rightly noted that the idea of someone who is without party getting anything through congress is a joke. But by what measure does anyone believe that the country is 20% too hot, 20% too cold and 60% just right? Why are so many people convinced of that?
I guess it's that it is just too painful for many people to grasp that the country really is full of people who vehemently disagree with one another on a host of political issues. That just can't be true --- deep down the majority of this country is in agreement and we all really love one another and this whole thing is just an awful game being perpetrated by terrible folks who want to make everyone else miserable for their own selfish reasons. If we could only find a politician who could represent that great silent majority of pragmatic, friendly, apolitical people who just want to buckle down and get the job done, we could solve these problems in a flash and go back to shopping and TV watching.
It's childish nonsense.
Go read the whole thing here.
* (And, yes, I can personally attest to the fact that there is [or was] such a place as the "Covert Motel" deep in the bosom of Chicago's south suburbs. In fact, I may or may not have been the guy who took $20 off you playing pool there on some long-ago Saturday night.)
1 comment:
Dude, you're a pool shark, too? How many fucken talents you got??
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