Snapshot I took at the Chicago stop of the January 10, 2001 Clinton Victory Lap Tour.
If, having screamed yourself stupid over Whitewater, Travel-"gate", Vince Foster and the impeachment of "Slick Willie" (who left behind a surplus) during the eight years that preceded this then spent the next eight years screaming yourself stupid at the dirty hippies for being insufficiently deferential to and reverential of George "TheGreatestFuckingPresidentInHistory" Bush...until you miraculously rediscovered your deep and abiding love of balanced budgets and the Constitution eleven seconds after the black Democrat put his hand on the Bible...kindly wrap your tri-corner hat in your Gadsden flag and shove the entire bundle up your lily white ass.
I see the virtual waterboarding, of political ads and what passes for punditry. has shortened your fuse too?
So, do you think the programming "error" that has the Green Party's candidate for governor listed as "Rich Whitey" will give Rich Whitney a bump in early voting?
Yes. I am reminded of the story of certain teevee writers so sick of the direction one show was taking that they tried to name a new character "Christian White". Almost got away with it too.
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