Daily Dish:
"What matters is that the GOP is increasingly not a secular political party, but a fundamentalist religious organization seeking political power."
Which I suppose is true in the same sense that the surface of the Sun is "increasingly" not a temperate, fecund vacation-paradise, but a nuclear furnace suspended in the lifeless vacuum of space.
It's true in the same sense the Glenn Beck is "increasingly" not a bespectacled, intelligent professor, passing on historically accurate anecdotes holding profound meaning for today's world, but a raving, deluded sociopath, selling toxic waste to vicious throngs of idiotic mouth-breathers like some depraved carnival barker out of a David Lynch film.
Yea, it's kinda like that.
And the sky is green and the grass is blue.
Winter is coming and I am more worried about not freezing my ass off.
The crazies are out and about before Halloween too.
Thank goodness the Chamber of Commerce has our backs.
Fucking bastards.
Only calls for oaths of Christian faith from all public employees & mandatory executions of unbelievers can "increase" the level of Hemhorragic God Fever on the American Right - & they may have already gone there since the last time I checked.
and all this time I thought the Sun was the Mother of Creation, who joined the sky after lighting up all the caves to wake up all the insects, and to melt all the ice inside the earth so that we could have rivers and streams and oceans, and who after screwing up the duck billed platypus finally got it right by creating man and woman...
but you say it is a nuclear furnace?! amazing what you can learn on the intergoogles anymore!
the auto naming crazy crop also did the car-Sanoma I thoulght it was not well researched.
Yes, Andrew does have an amazing ability to detect that pooh smell ... when it reaches the vicinity of his lower lip.
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