You've announced that you're bailing out of your job-for-life just ahead of what is expected to be one of the worst financial implosion in the City's history. What are you going to do now?
I'm going to Asian Disney Land!

From the Sun-Times:
Daley going to China, KoreaExpect more of these big, wet thank-you kisses from Daley-friendly organizations like WBC and the Chamber.
September 1, 2010
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter fspielman@suntimes.com
Mayor Daley traveled the world promoting Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games -- and all he got to show for it was a first-round flame-out in the competition ultimately won by Rio de Janeiro.
Apparently, the mayor's traveling days are not over.
The mayor's office announced Tuesday that Daley will lead a delegation of Chicago's business and cultural leaders on a trip to Shanghai, China, and Busan and Seoul, Korea from Sept. 18-24 to highlight Chicago as a "premier global business and tourist destination."
The trip is being sponsored by World Business Chicago and the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.
"In these tough economic times, we need to do everything we can to make sure our city is competitive globally, and we are attracting business and tourism which will help boost our local economy," the mayor said in a written statement.
If you are a City worker, contractor, agency employee or funder with a story to tell, please EMAIL ME at driftglass00 AT yahoo DOT com. Confidentiality assured!
Because modern infrastructure, a functional city government and an educated workforce in no way support business and tourism.
Good god do I hope you get some local dirt from a contractor, disgruntled city employee, et al.
Maybe we could get this awful parking meter deal annulled somehow if we can show gross misappropriation of funds, incompetence, or whatever.
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