With Hizzoner lifeboating it off of the Good Ship Chicago before the passengers start to realize that the hull is busted and debt is gushing into all of its watertight compartments, a hole has been created in the local political firmament.
Some say a Rahm Emanuel-sized hole.
Were that to be the case, and the Fixer of Pennsylvania Avenue (Secret Service code-name "Fuckity-Bye") were to return to land of "Where's Mine?" to seek his political fortunes, the President of these here United States would need to line up a new Chief of Staff pretty quick (and judging by the mouth on the current chief, will not be nearly as persnickety about tonsorial habits as the original Obama White House "have you ever said, emailed, pillow-talked, hummed or written in the comment section of a blog anything whatsoever which may, in the slightest degree and under the light of even the most ludicrously dishonest Breitbartian interpretation embarrass the President of the United States" job application indicated.)
Which makes your humble scrivener wonder, should Rahm depart the D.C. vale of tears, what kind of Chief of Staff does President Obama need?
I have a few hundred ideas on the subject, starting with these, most of which are not safe for work:
Perhaps you do too?
YES. I have always thought that Rahm was Malcolm without the Caledonian accent.
Now I'm wondering what the SS name for Rahm really is?
Time for some Truth and Soul:
Perhaps he needs someone who won't tolerate rude behavior.
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