i sort of wish it was Electro Shock therapy on Liz Cheney
I second that emotion!
Excellent blog.Fancy the content I have seen so far and I am your regular reader of your blog.I have added http://driftglass.blogspot.com/ in my blog http://news-updations.blogspot.com/.I am pleased to see my blog in your blog list.Hope to see a positive reply.Thanks for visiting my blog as well !Waiting for your reply friend !!!!!
A truly satisfying lightning-smite, in my old neighborhood (god what an eyesore - lmfao)."62-foot butter* Touchdown Jesus struck by lightning and burned to the ground."*(Actually wood pulp, resin and styrofoam. Went up like a rocket, go figure.)Best comment: He is Resin.http://www.mockpaperscissors.com/http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Dayton-Daily-News-lightning-King-of-King-thunderstorm/photo//100615/480/urn_publicid_ap_org_b8bd107213aa4e03a8cbb7d90584d889//s:/ap/20100615/ap_on_re_us/us_lightning_strikes_jesus_statue
Speaking of Touchdown Jesus, I would assume that the Solid Rock Church engaged in fervently fervent prayer, so, what's the implication? That they were way behind on burning heathens?
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i sort of wish it was Electro Shock therapy on Liz Cheney
I second that emotion!
Excellent blog.
Fancy the content I have seen so far and I am your regular reader of your blog.
I have added http://driftglass.blogspot.com/ in my blog http://news-updations.blogspot.com/.
I am pleased to see my blog in your blog list.
Hope to see a positive reply.
Thanks for visiting my blog as well !
Waiting for your reply friend !!!!!
A truly satisfying lightning-smite, in my old neighborhood (god what an eyesore - lmfao).
"62-foot butter* Touchdown Jesus struck by lightning and burned to the ground."
*(Actually wood pulp, resin and styrofoam. Went up like a rocket, go figure.)
Best comment:
He is Resin.
Speaking of Touchdown Jesus, I would assume that the Solid Rock Church engaged in fervently fervent prayer, so, what's the implication?
That they were way behind on burning heathens?
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