Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down

Armageddon: How will it play politically?

The networks circled the wagons hard this week, rolling in the Oldest and Most Establishmentarian war horses available: Party bosses, party chairmen and panel's full of every moth-eaten Villager they could trundle up from the MSM wax museum.

Of course, Tea Party Übermensch Rand Paul's

delightfully rustic views on civil rights were discussed, as was his Sudden Onset Palinitis as he fled like a coward from the national press that he had, only recently, courted so ardently.

Sister Sarah herself did a turn on “Fox News Sunday” to talk about the fine points of the midterm elections.

Because who better!?

We learn that Rand Paul is just a Civil Rights luvin softie who was cruelly stalked, Gotcha-ed and field-dressed by a “teevee character” woman who had “an agenda”.

Just like they did to poor Sister Sarah!

Do you see any parallel between the horribly unfair behavior of the Liberal Media asking Rand Paul questions about what he believes and then, based on his answer, asking him follow-up questions…and their brutally unfair treatment of you?

Palin: You betcha I do, Chris! That teevee character person wouldn’t let him talk about his stuff! Also too we have to stop this Pelosi/Reid/Obama agenda that is harming America so much!

In Palinworld, there are two kinds of media: the kind that asks you hard stuff like “What newspapers do you read?” and makes you look stupid...and kind panders to your “I’m a victim” bullshit, asks you “Don’t you think that other media treated you worse than nine Hitlers?” and then pays you enormous amounts of money.

The first kind are “lamestream media” losers; the second kind is fair and patriotic.

Speaking of the lamestream media, on “Meet the Press”

The Wall Street Journal's Paul Gigot complains: President Obama has governed so far to the Left that the poor, poor Republicans have been driven to the Right.

David Gregory: When you have such activism in the Left and the Right, how will the Awesome Center – where all the reasonable and Serious People live – survive and govern?

Tom Friedman (donning his Ninja suit and leaping into the fray): It has been decimated. By cable and gerrymandering and campaign finance reform and Teh Internets.

Andrea "Mrs. Alan Greenspan" Mitchell: There is so much punishment when people try to work across the aisle

On the subject of the BP Oil Spill, The Washington Post's Bob Woodward accidentally demonstrates how astonishingly ignorant the Big Dollar media can be outside their little bubble.

Bob Woodward: Why don’t they call Google? They’re smart.

Paul Gigot: Because it’s a really hard engineering problem. And what do you expect the gummint to do? They just don’t have the expertise to fix this problem.

Bob Woodward: But Google isn’t the gummint. And they’re so smart.

Because when you're stupid, all technology is magic and all smart people are warlocks.

driftglass: And this is the problem with having a stupid electorate and a stupid press. People sling declarative sentences around about what is and is not dangerous and what is and is not possible based on the theory that there is a cadre of supergenius X-Men just waiting in the wings to kiss their boo-boos and make in all better if it turns out they’re horribly wrong.

Mitchell: BP said that this exact problem would never happen, and they could fix this exact problem if the unthinkable ever happened.

Friedman: If we could just magically solve all our problems then our problems would be solved.

Gigot: Oh for fuck’s sake, shut the fuck up you wormy little fuck. You know what the “long term” solution is; slap a 3-5 dollar tax on gas and suddenly people will start getting serious. You also know that no politician in America is going to do that, so what the fuck do you keep babbling on about?

Mitchell: This was not an inevitable accident. This was caused because safeguards and expertise that they promised were in place were not.

driftglass: Another solution? Start packing the wellhead with dead oil executives.

Over on “This Week” Republican Chief Obsequious Officer, Michael Steele was asked about Rand Paul’s letter supporting the right of plantation-owners property-owners to discriminate in selling or renting to minorities.

Steele: That’s a philosophical position that lots of Libertarians have. Lots of people have lots of different philosophies.

Terry Moran: But...

Steele: Lalalala!

Terry Moran: But I...

Steele: Lalalala! I-cannot-hear-you! Lalalala!

On ”The Chris Matthews Show” Jonathan Alter (of that-which-used-to-be-Newsweek) notes that: Obama was a little naive, believing that because he just won the election by a wide margins and was walking into office facing a catastrophic economic collapse, that the Republican Party would have been willing to help him a little bit.

He found out the John Boehner had told his caucus to just say no to everything. That he was just wasting his time.

Wow! Really?


Anonymous said...

"My cats breath smells like cat food"- Sarah Palin

tsisageya said...

Armageddon: How will it play politically?

Another perfectly perfect post, Driftglass. Hilarious and tragic at the same time.