From one more Conservative idiot with a national column:
Sarah Palin killed my conservatism
I know exactly which seconds Sarah Palin killed the last piece of my conservative soul. On 28.52-29.19 in the C-Span video “Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin (AK) Full Speech at the RNC”.
Listening to Conservatives agonize over the death of their Glorious Movement at the hands of Sarah Palin or George Bush is like listening to a Dixiecrat finally, tearfully taking down his "Wallace/LeMay '68" lawn signs...in 2010.
Your movement is and always has been a fraud and a front for despicable interests, that propped itself up these last several decades by bulk importing the most most destructive and evil of all the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow: its absolutely poisonous ideology. The belief that God has decreed that White, Conservative, Christian, Men should rule over the Earth by divine right, and that if you're not a White, Conservative, Christian Man, your job is to shut the fuck up and do what you are told.
And if you don't go along with the program, it is perfectly legitimate to rain holy fire down on your traitorous, Commmie, Liberal, faggot ass.
And while it's mighty white of you guys to begin to catch up with where Liberals were, say, 40 years ago, if Conservative intellectuals were, say, bridge-builders, and had been knocking together beam and truss and suspension bridges out of scavenged glass and pixie dust and dynamite -- one after another -- since the 60's...
...while every step along the way ignoring the warnings that were being LOUDLY SHOUTED AT THEM that the components they were using to build their bridges were incredibly dangerous and unstable and would sooner or later lead to catastrophe...
...while every step along the way also mocking the people who were shouting those warnings...
...until the day came when traffic started to move across those bridges, and they began to collapse and explode, one after another...
...at some point shouldn't the designers and builders of those bridges have to SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY?
1 comment:
Palin '...could have been a new Ronald Reagan. She could have been a new Margaret Thatcher.'...?
Remarkable. I wonder what unions she might have gutted or public safety net shredded beyond repair to make democracy safe for an all-wise oligarchy of crony clusterf*ck capitalists. Bring on the workhouses, women and children first - 'Jesus Macht Frei'.
Perhaps this fellow 'means well' - But as Blue Gal might say, 'Bless his heart'.
I refuse to accept that anyone old enough to remember the vicissitudes of global politics in the 1980's as a cognitively unimpaired adult could act as an enthusiastic apologist for the policies and actions of either Thatcher or Reagan without being labeled a useful propaganda tool, or in on the con.
However, that's just not-really-progressive, pragmatic little old me...Forever doomed to the tender marginalization of undogmatic moral clarity.
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