Friday, April 16, 2010

We Can Change What's Real

Re-arrange what's Real.

Today in Chicago, literally dozens of confused, pissed-off, pasty White people gathered in Daley Plaza to hear various other angry, pasty White people yell bumper stickers at them.

As I had some dainties that needed to be rinsed out I was unable to attend, but the pictorial record of their brave struggle against oppressive Reality reveals a tale of staggering depth and complexity. (All photos by Laura M. Browning via the Chicagoist site here.)

The story of men who, completely unassisted by fancy Liberal textbooks or TelePrompters, could accurately point to the spot where their Medicare-funded cardiac stents had been installed

every single time!

The story of a people rising up to challenge the illegal regime of a Kenyan Usurper who seized power using the oldest Marxist trick in the book:

1. Telling the American people about stuff he planned to do if elected.
2. Getting a majority of American citizens to vote him into office.
3. Implementing the stuff he talked about when he was running for office, often in a tepid, corporatist, center-right way that infuriates us Liberals.

The bastard!

The story of a people so oppressively overtaxed by this America-hating, Commie junta and its Lesbian allies (?)

that they can no longer afford even the most basic of life’s necessities.

Basics like…

…history books

(Reagan tripled the federal deficit, increased the size of Evil Gummint, and raised taxes more than any other President in history.)

…new clothes


…or even one, single, decent, All-American, God-fearin',

Red Magic Marker!


Fran / Blue Gal said...

The stupid, it burns.

loretta said...

Holy cow, the signs just get more bizarre and stupider.

Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest.

Unknown said...

Archie Bunker's Army

Boston Tea Party? NO!

Boston Spaceship? YES!

How wrong you are

Comrade PhysioProf said...

Can it really be that these people spell so atrociously?