Tuesday, December 15, 2009

RIP Oral Roberts

Almighty Finally Whacks Controversial Minister.

From the Dallas News:
Evangelist Oral Roberts dies at age 91

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oral Roberts, the Tulsa, Okla., evangelist who rose from an obscure tent revivalist to become one of the century's most recognized religious figures, died today of complications from pneumonia, his ministry said.

Some Americans will remember Mr. Roberts as the itinerant revivalist with the "world's largest tent" who from the '40s to the '60s traveled from town to town with his preaching and faith healing ministry.

Others will recall him as a religious broadcasting pioneer who made the transition from sawdust trail preacher to the highest rated evangelist in prime-time television.

But for many others, Mr. Roberts may well be most remembered for the times he claimed that God appeared to him with specific instructions for conducting his ministry.

Faced with a financial crunch in 1980, Mr. Roberts wrote in a fund-raising letter that he had seen a 900-foot-tall image of Jesus standing over his hospital complex. The vision was a sign from God that the medical complex would be completed, he said. During the next few months, his ministry received millions of dollars.

In 1987, Mr. Roberts stunned the nation when he reported that he needed $8 million for his medical school by April 1 or God would take him "home." The money was raised, but financial troubles continued. A few months later it was revealed that donations to the ministry had plunged from $5 million a month to $2.7 million.

When reached for comment, Yahweh would only say, "Oh Oral? Won't see him no more."


Serving Patriot said...

I guess the snake twirler's $8,000,000 gift from the adoring followers finally ran out and he was "called home."

No loss.


doorworker said...

that photo is truly worth 1000 wds.

Get a load of that fucking hillbilly bullshit.

double nickel said...

Yeah well, fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

justme said...

I asked elsewhere if it was too soon to think about organizing the beer bash to piss on his grave and lubricate his way into hell.

I'm guessing I can put you down for a twelve-pack, easy.

robertkidd1700@att.net said...

Shame on All of You You have no Right To Bash One of Gods Grate Blessings to The past Gengaration.you should be a shamed and repent.God Said touch not my anounted and do my prophet No harm.dont wehre your hallo so Low it becomes a Nose.God Loves you and payed For the sins you are cometing you know if God Exspoesed all your sins each one of you we would have a real show there so thank God your sins are forgiven and stop Bring his out.