From Yahoo News:
China unveils 'world's fastest train link'Ha!
BEIJING (AFP) – China on Saturday unveiled what it billed as the fastest rail link in the world -- a train connecting the modern cities of Guangzhou and Wuhan at an average speed of 350 kilometres (217 miles) an hour.
The super-high-speed train reduces the 1,069 kilometre journey to a three hour ride and cuts the previous journey time by more than seven and a half hours, the official Xinhua news agency said.
Work on the project began in 2005 as part of plans to expand a high-speed network aimed at eventually linking Guangzhou, a business hub in southern China near Hong Kong, with the capital Beijing, Xinhua added.
"The train can go 394.2 kilometres per hour, it's the fastest train in operation in the world," Zhang Shuguang, head of the transport bureau at the railways ministry, told Xinhua.
Everybody knows trains are hobos, mass transit is for sissies and that Real Men take the God Damn Tahoe.
Fucking Commie losers.
Keep in mind that China is a totalitarian country with plenty of (virtual) slave labor. give us a chance to catch up- and soon, the USA will be just like China! with super-trains, and factories the size of a city, and swift execution for any manager who is *caught* poisoning the milk. Unless the milk is poisoned with synthetic hormones, of course.
I want to live someplace where I can ride my bike all the time. Notice, the Danes don't wear helmets, but they sure look chic.
If slave labor is required to make super fast trains affordable, how to explain those in Europe and Japan?
Our government is run by and for corporations, and corporate profits are generated by peeps in automobiles, so of course there continue to be a million excuses why we cannot invest in high speed rail, or indeed in public transportation of any sort.
This hallucination that we lead the world in anything but chutzpah is wearing thin.
Mr. DG sir, I love that, "real men take the God Damn Tahoe." and Karen Marie I think you are spot on with your observation that gov't "is run by and for the corporations... " We can't have progress in the little mass transit infrastructure that we have and save the automobile companies at the same time, so the obvious answer is save the makers of automobiles and screw the needs of addressing climate change in a meaningful way or even healthcare. Go USA, God Bless America and fuck the world, an attitude that has seen its best days and should be now left behind in the historical archives of what may remain of a failed empire.
Sadly, America is a decayed, empty husk. Our intellectual, scientific, R&D capacity is a distant memory. About all America can muster in response to crisis is a prayer circle.
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