National Press literally distracted by shiny object as Balloon Boy buoy's the collective hopes of anxious Americans that we can finally stop paying attention to serious, scary shit like health care and war and how creepy it is that the Right has terminally cracked its mental engine block.
Ripped from the front page of America's Newspaper of Record:
Balloon Lands, but Boy Is Not Found InsideLook!
A homemade weather balloon, mistakenly thought to have a 6-year-old boy inside, floated over Colorado for over two hours on Thursday before coming to a rest.
Up in the sky!
It's...an inflatable runaway bride!
It's...a kid stuck in a well! In the air! With UFO sprinkles!
Shit, Drifty you put exactly the right spin on this. I could not believe the collective twitter freak out. Not to mention two and a half hours of billboarded cable news shoved in your face. I turned off everything, said a prayer for the kid, and took a goddamn nap. Woke up and gasp! He magically disappeared!
I'm sorry for the tragedy and the waste of NORAD, but honestly had this happened eight hours later, in the dark, with no available helicopter video footage the teevee would NOT HAVE MENTIONED IT.
But if we could only have those whenever we needed them (to stun and amaze the twits at whim) . . . .
With UFO sprinkles!
Wait, the boy was hiding elsewhere all along? This is really bad, since it insures that Bruce Willis will get shot at the airport and a virus will be spread that destroys mankind.
But back to reality. The fervor with which the newsheads jumped onto this story was downright orgiastic. A few minutes ago I saw Ariana scold Ed Shultz about wasting time on the story. Ed fell in line and talked abut Afghanistan. His show ended and then MSNBC preempted Tweety to go right back to covering this non-story.
Sweet Jesus in the morning, what a pathetic indictment of our so-called journalists.
-Habitat Vic
Holy Shit Balls!!
I was TRYING to do productive, paying work at the 'puter. And there's this endles NON-STORY blabbering on the Boob Toob.
The Boob Watcher is my elderly, Alzheimer's ridden mother.
So what's Wolf Blitzer's, ABC's, NBC's, Fox "News'" excuse? Anyway?
Got it! This is the Baby Jessica Fell Down the Well (circa Bush One, 1988) of the current lost era.
F*ck Mainstream Media. They can't tell their own ani from a hole in the ground. Or the hot-air balloon.
NORAD for this but not on 9-11? Showing THIS non-story INSTEAD of our President's town hall meeting in NEW FUCKING ORLEANS?
"National Press literally distracted by shiny object"
THAT is the fukken truth, aint it Drifty?
I haven't been by here in a while - will try to reign in my penchant for posting a lot of comments while here...
But they HAD to!!! It was a little (fair-skinned) child that had been on Wife Swap and used dirty language and the family is strange anyway (why'd they build those weather balloons anyway? to find aliens???) and when was the last time they could follow something that may end in a horrible (but highly video tape-able) DEATH?
You really expect them to pass that up? Pfffft. Right.
Sometimes, I'd just like to slap the snot outta Ted Turner with his 24 hour news idea.
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