Suck. On. This.
From Yahoo News (emphasis added):
UK far-right party to allow nonwhite members
LONDON – The far-right British National Party agreed Thursday to change its constitution to let nonwhite people become members.
The party opposes immigration and says it fights for "indigenous" Britons.
A government-backed rights body took it to court, claiming the party's constitution is discriminatory.
At a court hearing, a lawyer for the party said leader Nick Griffin would ask members next month to change the constitution so it did not discriminate on the grounds of race or religion.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission, which brought the case, said it would be watching to see whether the BNP complied.
"Political parties, like any other organization, are obliged to respect the law and not discriminate against people," said the commission's John Wadham.
There are few indications, however, that nonwhites would like to join.
Well, duh.
I mean, what kind of self-loathing,



would willingly join a movement that was aggressively dedicated to the cause of smearing and subjugating them?
It's not like having a screw loose discriminates.
Well, it should. They are a dying breed.
well played!
Wouldn't want to be a nail in that neighborhood.
Disagree. Freedom means having the right to freely associate, but it doesn't give you the right to associate with people who don't want you.
As a political party, should they ever have governance responsibilities, then they should act appropriately (i.e. not treat any people differently, for any reason). And if you did elect them, you can pretty much assume that they have no desire to do so.
Still, you cannot truly have freedom without the freedom to discriminate, if only in your person doings.
Okay, fine. You want "personal doings" and to discriminate all you want? Don't call yourself a political party and stop trying to run for office. Otherwise, you're a public organisation and should have to function as one, particularly if you're aiming at governance.
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