Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Max Baucus Anthem

From Crooks & Liars:

Max Baucus Is Ready to Sell Meaningful Reform Down the River. Let Him Know You Won't Stand for It.
By Susie Madrak Tuesday Jul 28, 2009 12:00pm

See, here's the thing about the very concept of "bipartisan" compromise: The only Republican officials left are from the far fringe of their party. So you really can't negotiate with them in any meaningful sense - you can only capitulate.

And that's pretty much what the members of Max Baucus's little private party have done. They've stripped anything resembling real competition from their secret healthcare proposal. I wonder why Republicans are running this process? {And please note: not one member of this cabal is a progressive, nor from an urban area. Not very representative of the rest of us, wouldn't you say?)

This would be a very good day to flood the offices of Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., Sens. Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, the Democrats slicing and dicing away our future, with PHONE CALLS (not emails) telling them you want a strong public option - unlike President Obama, apparently.

Lean on your car horn and bang pots.
But above all let the Party know that if they permit an already-weakened, already-compromised, already-remaindered health care bill to be completely fucked into the ground to mollify a handful of paid-whore fifth columnists, it will cost them.


Cirze said...

We should all be banging on every pot and pan we have left.

This is a national disgrace.

Warren Beatty had it down so looooooonnnnngggg ago (1998).

How did so many miss this?

Thanks, Dg!


SadButTrue said...
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libhom said...

Baucus desperate deserves a primary challenge.