Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Washington Post Continues To Test Market

hilarious Bill Kristol-like parody.

File under: Bill Kristol’s work product is related to “journalism” as a child’s drawing of a termite taking a dump is related to “tree”.

From the day in 2006 when Time magazine hired Bill Kristol to phone in an occasional, feeble, flaccid column, to the day the New York Times hired Bill Kristol to get his intern to phone in an even more blindingly insipid caricature of what a Kristol column would look like if Kristol could write, you could see where this extended performance art experiment in telling the Second Longest Journalism Joke in history was going.

Yesterday -- with the column the “What Did Rahm Know?” in which Bloody Billy tries to expand the circumference of the GOP-distract-o-matic non-troversy of Nancy Pelosi to include Rahm Emanuel (“[Leon Panetta] surely at least ran the letter by White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel to get clearance. It’s also possible that Panetta was encouraged to send the letter by Emanuel.”) – the punch line arrived.

Empty the paper chip pan from of any library circulation desk three-hole-punch into a sheet to gluey newsprint and you will get a more coherent and readable product.

Get a cord of lumber piss-drunk and let it stagger around on a page and you’ll end up with prose more supple and wise.

Clearly Kristol’s intern has at last turned the job of phoning it in over to some cousin’s girlfriend’s bored kid brother who assembles it from charcoal rubbings from various of men’s rooms where Kristol may or may not have once drunkenly scribbled down something raunchy.

And yet, week after week, as hundreds of talented journalists are jettisoned into professional oblivion, the Bloody Billy parody column continues to find a place of honor in one of America's premier daily newspapers.

Way to commit to the gag, WaPo!

I salute you.

Of course this is something the uptight quality control goons at the New York Times

would never permit.


Cirze said...


You're scaring me now, Dg.

Once they go broke and are sold for scrap, the new owners (others - bottom-feeders - just like them who are waiting for the price to get right before they spring into action) had better hire you if they want to maintain the illusion of any integrity at all.



Distributorcap said...

kristol is an embarrassment to writing, pens, newspapers and my peoples......