Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The End

According to the Washington Post, Actual President Cheney will be attending the end of the Warped, Frustrated Old Man regime in a wheelchair:

White House Says Cheney to Be in Wheelchair Tuesday

Vice President Cheney will be in a wheelchair for tomorrow's inauguration ceremony, the White House said tonight, after he pulled a muscle in his back.

Cheney was moving into his new house in McLean from the Naval Observatory when he hurt his back moving boxes, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said.

The vice president's doctor found no significant damage from the injury, Perino said. Nevertheless, he advised Cheney to spend the next couple of days in a wheelchair.


And while I don't buy for a moment that Evil Regent Blam-Blam hurt his bionic fanny moving his collection of shrunken human heads out of the Cheneybunker, I do believe in a God of justice and hilarity, and therefore cannot help but believe that She will, at some point today, briefly arrange the following tableaux

for our entertainment and instruction.

UPDATE: Of course, Malacandra beat me to it by a month, and darkblack's Dicktor Strangelove shows that he is the King of All Pixels :-)


Fran / Blue Gal said...

Oh. My. God.

And just when I thought the day couldn't get any brighter,


Thanks, DG!

Phil said...

Karmic justice says you ain't just walking away from this disaster, pal.

Michael Hart said...

You gotta love the Minuteman bust looking away in shame. . .
"Walll, Alll tellya Mr. Cheney, somebody's gonna answer for all the sewage you've dumped on this nation, and I'm here to tellya— it's gonna be you!

And that goes for your little dog Scooter, too!"

darkblack said...

'Rollin', rollin', rollin', though his feet are swollen...'


David Aquarius said...

Every time I saw Cheney, the Darth Vader theme from Star Wars went through my mind.

Blader said...

This development is basically proof that the God of Irony exists.

Life As I Know It Now said...

my take on it was that he couldn't "stand" to leave power, literally.

Malacandra said...

I hate to say it, Drifty... but I got there almost a full month ahead of you: http://twurl.nl/pdxodo

Rehctaw said...

Sweet and Karmic Irony.

Nice take Liberality!

Not quite feet first, not frog-marched, but somehow better than him simply slithering away.

RedSonja said...

Ron Reagan commented earlier on Air America that Cheney in his wheelchair reminded him of Hannibal Lecter on his gurney.

At least if he'd been wearing the mask, he wouldn't have scared as many children.

Blader said...

I've had a chance to run the calculations and no longer buy the 'sore back' story. I think they had to sedate him to drag him out of the West Wing. He'd refused to leave.

Anonymous said...

It's a play for sympathy. It didn't work, and I'm not sure why he, of all people, thought it would.

Some friends of mine who were there said the crowd cheered loudest when the Bush's left.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people online have remarked that Cheney in his wheelchair added a very "Dr. Strangelove" vibe to the day's proceedings.

Perhaps that could be a future possibility for your considerable photoshop talents, Drifty? Dr. Strangecheney? (Not that Cheney as Mr. Potter isn't apt!)

mikeinportc said...

LOL! Mr. Potter. Exactly what I thought when I saw Icky Dicky in the chair .

when he hurt his back moving boxes ... to the shredder . :)

Myrtle June said...

I thought it fitting he was in a wheel chair for this last day.... but this just NAILS why I thought that!! Perfect! :D

It's a FINE day in the neighborhood!!!

Cirze said...

Thus we are left with the Chenegang Maistre's last and most telling expression when he realizes he can't steal any more of the citizens' munnies, but also just . . . can't . . . walk . . . away.

I love it that you leave us with that look, Dg. One for the ages.


Ms. Strangelove(s) it

zencomix said...

In all fairness to Cheney, I'd probably pull a muscle in my back, too, if I was trying to move a man-sized safe. Especially if it had a body inside.

jurassicpork said...

Man, these look familiar.

Anonymous said...

An even better Dr. Strangecheney:
