Standing in their poo-stained underpants and screaming "This shall not pass" at, well, the entire future, the Angry Baby Party isn't going to grow up and isn't going to go away.
From John Amato at C&L:
Rush Limbaugh is not mincing words and showing the real face of Conservative ideals as he announces that he wants Barack Obama to fail. He is the worldwide voice of Conservatism, so the Republican party has just gotten its marching orders. I dare any Republican to defy him.
What this means, of course, is that he hopes the economy crashes into a full-blown depression. His multimillion-dollar salary is safe, obviously, so to hell with the nation and its economy if the cost of saving the country is being guided by a Democratic President.
Limbaugh: I'm happy to be the last man standing. I'm honored to be the last man standing. Yeah, I'm the true maverick. I can do more than four words. I could say I hope he fails and I could do a brief explanation of why. You know, I want to win. If my party doesn't, I do. If my party has sacrificed the whole concept of victory, sorry, I'm now the Republican in name only, and they are the sellouts.
I'm serious about this. Why in the world, it's what Ann Coulter was talking about, the tyranny of the majority, all these victims here, we gotta make sure the victims are finally assuaged. Well, the dirty little secret is this isn't going to assuage anybody's victim status, and the race industry isn't going to go away, and the fact that America's original sin of slavery is going to be absolved, it's not going to happen. Just isn't, folks. It's too big a business for the left to keep all those things alive that divide the people of this country into groups that are against each other. Yes, I'm fired up about this.
And so with Drinky McStagger slinking back to Crawford and eternal infamy, and disgraced former Vice President Orlok
forced to relocate his pine box to new, unhallowed ground democracy's own tapeworm
(From the Washington Post, December 11th, 1994):has come slouching out of the cold puddle of Conservative Bush Administration after-sick to reclaim the title of Once and Future King of the Pig People.
The House Republican newcomers made Rush Limbaugh an honorary class member tonight, a symbol of their gratitude for conservative talk-radio hosts who championed their campaigns. Limbaugh was presented a "Majority Makers" pin, the emblem of the newcomers who have given their party majority status in the House for the first time in 40 years. Six GOP women in the class added their own special thanks, presenting Limbaugh with a plaque that said: "Rush was right." And Rep.-elect Barbara Cubin (R-Wyo.) added: "There's not a femiNazi among us."
Hey, Rush.
The fat motherfucker is starting to make Anne Coulter look downright civilized.
(Body Shiver).
The wailing screams of a sycophant who just stepped off the edge into the bottomless pit to Hell.
Bye Bye asshole, irrelevance suits you well.
I don't know, you seem to sound just like what I imagine Rush would sound like if I ever even listened to him.
Tim, suggestion, take your fingers out of your ears and use them to close your eyes, now you don't have to read. Problem solved!
Tim: yeah, Driftglass is just exactly like Rush... minus the ignorance and hypocrisy.
I guess the problem is that a tone of fierce indignation sounds the same to the untrained ear whether the root of it is hateful jingoism or anger at real atrocity.
That's why so many confuse the latter for the former, to the enrichment and exaltation of the former.
Dinosaur, meteor, primordial ooze.
Buh. By. Rush, et al.
Wow, Drifty, you're still getting hits from the Abbess. Awesome.
5 Words for Rush. Diminutive words so as not to tax his synapses.
Okay seven.
Whiney-ass crybaby!
Oh grating oracle of wingnuttia. Who anointed you? Where's the Newter?
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