Saturday, October 11, 2008

This Is Gonna Hurt

A lot.

As the world economy implodes into a confetti of Monopoly money and fairy dust, I take some small consolation in the knowledge that, somewhere, Holy Joe Lieberman (I, Goshen) is coming to terms with the fact that he will not only never, ever be Secretary of anything or Ambassador to anywhere, he’ll be lucky if his sanctimonious quisling fanny isn’t being traded for cartons of Newports in the Senate cloakroom by Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Driftglass, I love you!
Karma is a bitch.

Melina said...

I dunno he gonna be in jail? Because I'm living (only sometimes these days) in his town, and Ive tracked carefully the crony-boat that keeps him afloat (hey, that rhymes!) and just like you and so many others, I watched in horror as he got a standing O upon his triumphant return after screwing over the people that he supposedly represents in order to get his seat back...and he is, like Bush, in that sanctimonious bubble of lies in which he thinks that HE knows better than anyone that there will be a good outcome.
Suffice to say he will be on his deathbed waiting for that outcome, but narcissism really does run that deep.
I doubt that he will ever really know what he did, even if he ends up in some war tribunal.
His best friend Chris Shays is also like that, and tho he appears to be mild mannered dope who pretends to be a liberal republican, he has a real bad, mean streak and a horrible hidden temper (I made him mad a couple of times questioning him and I could see him trying to keep the lid on)...he and JOe are all about Victory!! But unable to fully say what that is besides a feeling in their chests where a heart might be if they were real boys and not mere puppets.
Shays also thinks the economy is "strong"...and unfortunately he remains a couple of points ahead of his challenger, Jim Himes. Last time he only won by a hair so it seemed a done deal...I havent been able to look into to, but Ill be surprised if he actually wins. His mailings are total bullshit.

Meantime, our Joe has 2 more years on his contract, but hopefully he will be rendered a mute embarrassment.
Most of his old buddies round here are really pissed at him for lying. But really, it didn't take a college degree to see that he was clearly lying, courting the republican vote, and bending election law to fit his strange circumstances.
I hope he ends up in the purgatory that Jebus is no doubt personally setting up for these folks. Hell might be too good...

a fun story (fun to me only maybe)... is that my sister saw old Joementum at the Westport town pool swimming laps (and did she call me to run there with my camera?? No! bitch!) He was all alone and a few people said Hi to him. When he got out of the pool he was this little roundish yoda with a body covered with white hair...ewwwww! Hes got hair on his back! I so wish I had been there because I'd like to talk to him.
(And if that, Drifty, doesnt make you open photoshop, then I dont know what will!)

Unlike Shays who has town meetings in which he ducks and parries very well...lying boldly...Joey wont speak to us unless we catch him in a diner.

what a wuss! But Im on the lookout and I will find him eventually! fur will fly...back fur! and maybe I will ell him about the wonders of laser hair removal (tho I hear it doesn't work on white hair)

Anonymous said...

Ancient Klingon Proverb:

"Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Rehctaw said...

He won't get the chair. Any chair. Not even chair of the doggonit committee. He may be the ONLY standing member of the senate who isn't a chair or co-chair of something.

He could fittingly be called a stool.
With a face to match. -I- will stand for inconsequential, ignored, infantile and impotent.

In two years he'll be a trivial trivial pursuit answer.

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

If, on Nov 5, the Dims have 59 seats, plus Wholly Joe, we'll all be so fucked...

Broadway Carl said...

He bet on the wrong horse. He should've gone with Big Brown instead of betting the house on Fleabiscuit. All of it was calculation and politics and he blew it.

Armadillo Hussein Joe said...

I for one will be glad to see him as a man without a home in a Democratic Senate, unwelcome with the majority he's consistently enjoyed fucking over and unwanted by a minority to whom he is no longer a useful idiot. His phone won't be ringing for TV appearances because he will no longer hold the balance of power in the Senate in his narcissistic little hands. No one will want to talk with him and watching him slither into obscurity will life my heart.

Armadillo Hussein Joe said...

that should read "lift my heart"...


...remember... proofread...

Anonymous said...

The unmatched video editing of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart got the slimey Mr. Lie-berman admitting he had A LOT to atone for this Yom Kippur.

Awww. 'Course Rape Gurney Joe Lieberman prolly thinks his bad was not rimming Rove sufficiently.

Hope Joey the Lieb rectified (rectum-ified?) that during the past week's holidays.

Phil said...

I'll drink to that thought Drifty.
Let him spend his semi official retirement tucking his prolapsed asshole back in every five minutes.
Dirty sonofabitch anyway.

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

Yeah, probably Lie-berman's toast.

Unless, after the dust clears, the Dims hold 59 seats, including Bernie Sanders.

Then Joe gets to have Debbie Wasserman-Schultz give him daily blowjobs...

Anonymous said...

I would guess the Dem leadership will be careful not to alienate him, cuz they might need him if they lose some seats in the 2010 midterms. If the magic 60 only happens if you include Lieberman, then we're all screwed. He would somehow be The Magic Keeper of the Balance that Harry Reid would continue to kowtow to. Now, if a disconsolate McCain wastes away and goes to sleep in the arms of Jesus after the election, the Dem gov would replace him with a Dem, so Joe would lose his magic. If the Dem majority hits 59 (excluding Joe), the leadership should bend over backwards to give Collins and/or Snowe whatever the hell they want to jump ship, so Lieberman can be hurled overboard.

And, hey, can anyone explain why everything has to have 60 votes now? What happened to 50-50 ties broken by the VP?

res ipsa loquitur said...

he will not only never, ever be Secretary of anything or Ambassador to anywhere,

Oh, I dunno. I think President Obama should call on him to become Ambassador to Iraq. Only the Chimp, McBush, and Lindsay Graham have been more devoted to the cause, after all.

Anonymous said...

Snowe, yes; Collins, no - I'm from Maine and know from whence I speak.

Anonymous said...

>isn’t being traded for cartons of Newports

Bartkid sez,
And Mr. Obama gave up smoking this year, didn't he?