Friday, October 10, 2008

Sure, It Turns Out The McCain Volkssturm

were exactly the brainwashed hate-spewing degenerate dregs of American society we on the Left have been fucking warning you about for a quarter of a century,

but man those crazy little goosesteppers

sure can sing!


Porlock Junior said...

Didja have to link that lovely scene in the German countryside? I had to go purge myself after that. Not hard to do, since I wanted to see a kinda famous secene
to look for a remark that I think the "You still think you can control them?" was inspired by. But the clip doesn't have that line, so I'm still not sure.

for the real thing by an impassioned Frenchwoman. With multiple verses, which seems to be about as common as the additional verses of the Star-Spangled Banner.

BTW they always leave out the last phrase. A Francophile friend told me in high school that after "abreuve nos silloons" one may call out "Tas de cochons!" or "Bunch of pigs". Which brings us full circle to the posting, doesn't it?

Porlock Junior said...

Sillons, dammit!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Cabaret. However, this scene is truly powerful. Now, we can understand how the Brownshirts in Germany were able to destroy a civilized country. Bush has shown us that with fear and lies, that it's not all that difficult.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Mormons, jesus.