Friday, August 22, 2008

Senator Ringwraith?

Over at the Group News Blog, Hubris Sonic hooks us all up with the fabulous idea articulated in the video above.

But of course the Real Story is much darker. Much more ominous.

Consider what we know about Senator McSame:

First, he has Nine Rings.

Second, he has the power to become completely invisible to media scrutiny at will.

Third, he has somehow extended his political lifespan unnaturally long.

Fourth, he has obtained glory and great wealth.

And finally, the price he has paid is to become a neocon thrall under the complete control of the Cheney Administration.

The rest is left

as a problem for the student.


Rehctaw said...

Just fuckin' ducky.

Where's our Gandalf? Who's our Frodo?
Where's our Elves? Our Dwarves?
The comparison is apt perhaps, but if so, it's a cheap B-movie remake.

Your "Chains you can believe in" was far superior.

Anonymous said...

Well, we've got a Gollum in the person of holy Joe Lieberman.

Anonymous said...

Where you from, Drifty? Naperville? Bollingbrook?

Your game has lost its edge.

McCain's an easy target. Where the red meat at?

Unknown said...

John Sidney McCain III is totally NOT the mighty Witch-King of Angmar. He's just one of the back-bencher guys in the Mordor Senate. He would be one of the more weaselly minor characters, at best. One of the orcs who wanted to eat Merry and Pippin, maybe.