Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rhymes with

"Mime Fable" (photo from here)

The NYT reports on uppity Iraqis who apparently think they own the place.

Draft Accord Said to Set Goals for Iraq Pullout

BAGHDAD — The United States has agreed to remove combat troops from Iraqi cities by next June and from the rest of the country by the end of 2011 if conditions in Iraq remain relatively stable, according to Iraqi and American officials involved in negotiating a security accord governing American forces there.

The withdrawal timetables, which Bush administration officials called “aspirational goals” rather than fixed dates, are contained in the draft of an agreement that still must be approved by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki and other Iraqi leaders before it goes before Iraq’s fractious Parliament. It has the support of the Bush administration, American and Iraqi officials said.

American officials stressed repeatedly that meeting the timetables depended on the security situation in Iraq, where sectarian killings and attacks on American troops have declined sharply over the past year from the peak levels in 2006 and 2007. Iraqi officials, who have pushed for an even tighter target date for the United States to end its military operations, could also end up rejecting the draft agreement.

Even so, the accord indicates that the Bush administration is prepared to commit the United States to ending most combat operations in Iraq in less than a year, a much shorter time frame than seemed possible, politically or militarily, even a few months ago. President Bush and many leading Republicans, including the party’s presumptive nominee for president, Senator John McCain, had repeatedly dismissed timetables for pulling out of Iraq as an admission of defeat that would empower America’s enemies.

But Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government demanded a withdrawal timetable as the price of legalizing the American military presence in the country after the expiration of the United Nations mandate at the end of this year. Security gains in recent months also made the prospect of a winding down of military operations more palatable to the White House and top military officials, said people involved in the talks.

Shorter: As the Iran-friendly Shiite government we spent trillions of dollars and over 4,100 American lives to install in Baghdad moves to end George Bush's big Iraqi dick-waving party...

...somewhere at the shallow end of the American political gene pool, John McSame and Kapo Joe Lieberman are falling asleep tonight sobbing manfully in each other's arms, while Lindsay Graham curls up at the foot of their bed, growling and twitching and dreaming fitfully of being chased by fuzzy bunnys with big, pink cocks.


lostnacfgop said...

JEEBUS Heche Chrysler, doesn't anyone remember the past, anymore? This pile of horseshit's been dumped on the electoral doorstep before, too. Anyone remember "Peace with Honor" in the waning days of the slaughter of '72? Tricky Dick and guttural Henry K. wandered 'round the country far and wide talking about it, and using that phrase from Convention time until the landslide buried good George McGovern. 4 years earlier, Tricky did it too, with the "Secret plan" to end Vietnam to nose past HHH at the wire. Now, we're getting "timetables" for withdrawal being discussed at convention time so that it will all dovetail nicely into those twittish "Obama is wrong about" the extra-specially super dooper surge success that gave us victory speech meme that will be blared ad nauseum in Minneapolis in two weeks. Its the same old tired recycled manure bag, one turd over from "Democrats are Soft on (fill-in-the-blank"). Are we all collectively too f**king dumb to wake up and see it for the crusted canard that it is? AWWWWWRRRRRRGGGHHH!!!

Anonymous said...

Beyond all of the teeth-grindingly obvious moral and political reasons that I opposed having the RNC invade St Paul, I am NOT HAPPY about the TOTAL EFFING TRAFFIC JAM(TM) about to occur because of it!