Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I Understand Our Bankers

are sponsoring some sort of sporting event.


Fran / Blue Gal said...

Oh noes! Not another Olympic travesty! The Yugoslavian judge scores the US team low on the 'dodge the commie tanks for petro dollars' competition! I'll never forget Barcelona, bitchez! Never!

Mr. Natural said...

America leans in the car window - "Hi sailor, like a date?" "greatest country in the world" my aching ass. Great pic Drift!

Walt said...

Ah, yes. The Synchronized Armored Vehicle Rhythmic Gymnastics competition (also known as the Tank Ballet)is always a crowd pleaser.

Unknown said...

Dammit, Drifty, now I'm earworming the Olympic theme.

Anonymous said...

i had my last tzing tao beer that day. i'm only sorry i could not keep the rest of china from being part of my marketplace.