Saturday, May 31, 2008

All on a Summer's Day -- UPDATE

DNC Meeting Pre-Cast.

The Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws Committee meets met today to take up vital Party matters today.

The overarching issue seems to center around the Queen of Hearts.

She made some tarts.

They were her fucking tarts.

But the Knave of Hearts stole those tarts.

Took them quite away.

Very sad.

Apparently it boils down to a controversy around things known as "delegates" from two states calling themselves "Florida" and "Michigan".

One proposal:
I gave her one, they gave him two,
You gave us three or more;
They all returned from him to you,
Though they were mine before.

All on a summer's day...


Late Afternoon UPDATE: The tarts got cut in half into tartlets, everybody got a taste, and there were no beheadings.


Malacandra said...

Let it ne'er be forgot, the Queen of Hearts was for giving away those tarts before she was against it.

puddy said...

bah! what an incredible waste of time. florida is a banana republic - we should cede the 27th state to cuba.

Rehctaw said...

The queen will work the process.
Next up the credentials committee.
When that fails, the parking lot!

Anonymous said...

"...there were no beheadings..."

Yet. :o)

In a political sense; soon, soon.

Hillary Clinton walks into a doctor's office, with a large frog sitting on her head wearing a "Democratic Party" lapel pin.

The doctor looks her up down, and says:

"How can I help you?"

The frog says:

"Doc, you gotta help me get this wart off my ass." :o)

Unknown said...

No beheadings but a shitload of bitching and moaning dude. ;p

Distributorcap said...

no beheadings YET -- the queen still has 3 months to let them eat cake

Myrtle June said...

Dear Driftglass... I KNEW I could count on you for the rundown on the goings on. I was camping, no phone, no pool, no pets.... okay there were pets.... and music playing and shooting stars and lots of people. Anyway, I missed it.

Little disappointed about the "no beheadings" part, but tartlets happen. Whatcha gonna do.

I agree that Florida should be lopped off and set adrift.... gahhhh. Michigan could be lopped off as well... set adrift to cuba and canada. OFF with the tartlet states!!!!

Tanbark - LOLOLOL
