Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy Birthday David

Both in honor of Bowie surviving another year on planet Earth...and a certain political Donnybrook under way in New Hampshire tonight :-)

David Bowie & Queen - "Under Pressure Live Re-edit Version"

Can't we give ourselves
one more chance?

Why can't we give love
that one more chance?

This is ourselves
Under pressure

Turn it up .

Yeah baby.


The Minstrel Boy said...

fuck yeah, some songs should only be heard at eleven.

lostnacfgop said...

For the record, The King woulda been 73 today . . .

Anonymous said...

What an unlikely and wonderful combination.

Anonymous said...

Not bad...

consolidation federal loan

Anonymous said...

I love this more than breath.

Anonymous said...

Bowie and Freddie Mercury--not something you see every day.

Thanks, as always, DG.

Oh, and, suck it Vanilla Ice. ;>)


Anonymous said...

I've always thought that the way the intensity of that song gradually builds and builds to the climax makes it one of the best in rock history.

Anonymous said...

it takes one to know one.

i'm up off my ass and dancing!!!!
