Friday, July 27, 2007

That Blue Gal

is making the leap into those talky "moving pitch’ers" all the kids are crazy for these days, and is trying to work out the “Glasses on or glasses off?’ details.

Well Blue Gal is just fine either way, and up here at the castle we only have one, iron-clad rule when it comes to accessorizing:


Anonymous said...

Funny thing, I thought I could listen to just a bit of that song then move on. Not possible. Had to hear the whole thing. It filled my head with oh so many lovely images.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes.

LOVE that song.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

No kidding. I love you, Drifty. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed that.

Thanks, Cary, Joe, and Drift. :o)

Unknown said...


I'm a longtime listener, occasional commenter on your blog. If you saunter over to this URL, you'll find a picture:

No... fear not, it's NOT kryptonite. This photo displays 23 exquisite pieces of drift glass, your namesake. And I wish to present these to you... as a token of esteem for your incomparable blogging, at your convenience sometime next week while I and my companions are in Chicago at the YearlyKos convention between August 1st and 5th.

We'd be happy to take you to dinner and treat you to the libations of your choice... and raise a toast to your health. And I know of some other blogfolk who would like to honor you, as well.

These gems were harvested from the California coast at Goat Rock State Park in beautiful Sonoma County, California under the most auspicious and portentous circumstances. These were discovered on the beach by myself and my companion, a red-haired libidinous liberal lass on Friday the 13th of July under a Full Moon.

As I said, these originate from Sonoma County... a community so liberal that it is not just blue - it is ultraviolet: "We the People" who send Lynn Woolsey to Congress with 76% pluralities. With 89% of registered voters participating.

So, what do you think? Would you consider providing an opportunity for some of your readers to honor you as we're gathered at your doorstep for Lefty Blogapalooza?

Think about it...

You can reach me at YKos4Drifty[at]blueshifting[dot]com


P.S. You needn't be concerned that you might diminish your online stature by allowing us to see you in real life. After all, have Digby and Atrios been tarnished by revelation to the public? Not a whit.

And besides... these teensy bits of drift glass look cooler online, too.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Malacandra was going to post on this thread, but let me add my voice to his - as the red-haired LLL in question who helped him gather the luminous drift glass.

I'll be there too... provided you say "yes" and let us buy you a celebratory drink!

(Perhaps that sweetens the pot. ;)

Myrtle June said...

That Brave Blue Gal!! You go gurl! :-)

I find a nice pair of stilettos pairs nicely with a hat. Jes sayin'. :-D