Saturday, July 28, 2007

Libby visits his old boss

in the recovery room to keep him up to speed on the Saudi project, the Lieberman project, and the Gonzalez initiative.


Anonymous said...

Libby stealthily waits until the Secret Service guys wander off to see if it's true what they say about nurses.

Cracks open Cheyney's door and peers in: "Hi, Boss?"

Cheyney opens one eye; sees Libby; (HUGE spike on his heart-monitoring device.)

"You little son-of-a-bitch, how'd you get in here? I told my detail to break both your legs if they saw you within 50 yards of the hospital. NURSE!!!"

"Now wait a minute, boss. Don't forget your new hardware. Any NASCAR-sucking peckerhead can tell you about a gentle break-in period.
Besides, now that I've taken my hand off the closet doorknob (the one with all those bones and gobbets of flesh stored in it) is that any way to talk to your former right-hand man?"

"Stop calling me "boss". I'll right-hand-man you, you turd. After dingbat applied the "commutator", if some 'razzi nails you coming out of my room, it'll look awful. Christ, I'm already channelling Spiro Agnew so tight, I felt his ghost groping me last night:

"C'mon; Mr. Vice President. Loosen up. Everything's gonna be OK. History's dung-heap is actually pretty neat.", it said."

"Sir, that's just your imagination. And maybe, a bit of guilt at assigning me to transaxle-checking-duty as the Graydogs depart the D.C. terminal."

"But, let's not waste time in recriminations. I see your SS detail coming down the hall in a dead sprint, with some large orderlies for back-up. Please, just tell the president how much I appreciated the FIRST INSTALLMENT of "Operation Grease the Scooter". Keeping me out of that Club Fed Tennis Clinic, was gratifying.

Now, if you and Halliburton, etc., don't mind, I could use a little help with those legal fees.

Woops, time to scoot! Be talkin' to you."

(Libby takes firewell steps three at a time; O.J.'s his way out of the hospital and disappears into the crowded D.C. sidewalk traffic.)

Anonymous said...

Tan, Teh Harkonen were lost as bad as this Crime Family Are.

Or is that yer point . . .

Michael Valentine Smith may die at the end of this saga, but, we are all FreMen . . . . Micheal Valentine Smith and Paul Atreides seem SO similar to me . . .

Oh, two dif story's. But, they SEEM the same . . . ;-)

Anyhoots, it's music to my ears to hear, teh Fremen might win.


Anonymous said...

I guess this explians the Washington Press Corps.
They all have heart plugs that the wingnut commanders can pull at any time.