Saturday, July 29, 2006

I miss Frank

How pitiful that he only gets more stick-in-your-eye relevant as time goes by.


¡El Gato Negro! said...

Dreefty rules, chingaderros de las madres.

Thees fact, joo must deal weeth eet, before eet destroys joo.


Tata said...

I will love him always for declaring himself "a Constitutional Fundamentalist" - meaning he liked his Constitution the way it was.

Deb said...

I miss him too. The man was definitely a genius and ahead of his time. Yellow snow was just the tip of the iceberg. Oh well, we still have the Wainwrights.

Anonymous said...

I've just refitted my turntable with a high end cartridge and cobbled together a vacuum record cleaner, so my Frank collection has been playing in the house lately. "Brown Shoes Don't Make It", from Absolutely Free, reads like someone who got up this morning, read the paper and watched the bobbleheads, then sat down and wrote a song:

A world of secret hungers,
Perverting the men who make your laws
Every desire is hidden away,
In drawer, in a desk,
By a Naughahyde chair
On a rug where they walk and drool
Past the girls in the office.......

Time to go home, Madge is on the phone
Gotta meet the Guerneys And a dozen gray attorneys
TV dinner by the pool I'm so glad I finished school
Life is such a ball I run the world from City Hall

And of course, Frank's suggested route out of the existential abyss:

Going to smother that daughter in chocolate syrup,
And boogie till the cows come home!

I miss him too, DG. But today's vinyl prescription for feeling better: Steely Dan's "The Royal Scam", and turn it up real, real loud.

Anonymous said...

I think Frank's in Heaven, because the LORD doesn't have an ego like us mortals do, hence why would He give a flying duck whether we believe He exists or not? The account of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25 suggests that what the Deity cares about is how we treat one another. It doesn't say one thing about whether one believes God exists or not.

Y'know, Frank kinda looks like Jesus in this video. What if Jesus delegates the job of judging Americans to Frank?

My favorite Zappa quote is still "Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over,"from "Heavenly Bank Account".

Not eating the yellow snow, Kid Charlemagne

Rich Miller said...

I am old enough to have seen that original show. I recorded it on my little cassette recorder and played the entire show over and over and over.

You're right. His stuff was timeless.

Thanks much for posting that video.

Anonymous said...

To alter a quote from "Hannah and Her Sisters", "If Frank were alive today he couldn't stop throwing-up."

I just saw the Zappa band play here at the Auditorium in Chicago about a month ago, and it was fvcking awesome. I didn't expect it to be so good either. It was, however, pretty well devoid of Frank's Libertarian politics.

Anonymous said...

Me too DG, me too.