Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Christalopithecus Stands Alone.

I’m a Googlewhack.


What's a Googlewhack? Go here to find out...

Working at a gallop for the last two days, and back into the scrum again today, threading the needle between the Scylla and Charybdis of responsibilities and available time. And for goofs, I heeded commentor “waiting for fitz-o”’s observation – “You'll have a googlewhack as soon as they get around to indexing this.” – and took a peek.

And lo and behold

First time was the phrase (w/o quotes” “driftglass ovipositor”) which used to guide one to this – and only this – post…until I myself stepped on it.

Ah, you never forget your first whack…but I am still waiting on that check from Google.

And now, all these months later, I look back and find that I’ve done a little of this and a little of that.

Actually coined a new word or two, and bumped some old words together in a way that made me smile once or twice.

So I’ve got that going for me :-)


Anonymous said...

And to think, I knew him when he was just a wee blogger, now he invents new insults for those who richly deserve them, and gets recognized for his efforts. Right on!

Wipes away tears...

Anonymous said...

You and your damn high-falutin' Ivy league vo-ca-blary.

Congratulations. And that's not all you've got going for ya.

-- mac

driftglass said...

us blues,
I'm still just a wee blogger, but now have some temporary accidental search engine fame.

Aw shucks, ma'am.

E. Normus Johnson said...


Yer a fookin' geenious.

But I got dibs on Sheryl.

-Fat Bastard

PS: If Mrs. B should read this, I was only kidding, hon, really seriously, I [WHACK]

Anonymous said...

Proud owner of two googlewhacks myself. "Erdölsraum and "Osama bin Laden delendus est".

It's disappointing, in a way, that nobody else thinks of it. "Christalopithecus" is kind of self-evident.

Anonymous said...

"Googlewhack" would be a great name for a rock band, although not as awesome as ".38-Caliber Seppuku".

Anonymous said...

Corngrastulations. But technically the googlewhack requires two words: "fear-injected christalopithecus", though redundant, would qualify.