“Nothing you didn’t already know” department.
Here's a little gem you can origami into a fetching Holiday Chapeaux for your favorite inbred Red State sterno sipper.
Then affix to their head “Crown of Thorns”-style with a staple gun while you explain, “Ok, now you’re oppressed. Get it? This is what being victimized actually feels like.”
Of course they won’t get it. They never get it.
Because they are, in fact, just plain nuts (And has emphasis been added by me? Oh, Hell yes.)
Psychiatry Ponders Whether Extreme Bias Can Be an Illness
By Shankar Vedantam
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 10, 2005; A01
The 48-year-old man turned down a job because he feared that a co-worker would be gay. He was upset that gay culture was becoming mainstream and blamed most of his personal, professional and emotional problems on the gay and lesbian movement.
These fixations preoccupied him every day. Articles in magazines about gays made him agitated. He confessed that his fears had left him socially isolated and unemployed for years: A recovering alcoholic, the man even avoided 12-step meetings out of fear he might encounter a gay person.
"He had a fixed delusion about the world," said Sondra E. Solomon, a psychologist at the University of Vermont who treated the man for two years. "He felt under attack, he felt threatened."
Mental health practitioners say they regularly confront extreme forms of racism, homophobia and other prejudice in the course of therapy, and that some patients are disabled by these beliefs. As doctors increasingly weigh the effects of race and culture on mental illness, some are asking whether pathological bias ought to be an official psychiatric diagnosis.
Several experts said they are unsure whether bias can be pathological. Solomon, for instance, is uncomfortable with the idea. But they agreed that psychiatry has been inattentive to the effects of prejudice on mental health and illness.
Advocates for the new diagnosis also say most candidates for treatment, such as the man Solomon treated, are not criminals or violent offenders. Rather, they are like the young woman in Los Angeles who thought Jews were diseased and would infect her --she carried out compulsive cleansing rituals and hit her head to drive away her obsessions. She realized she needed help but was afraid her therapist would be Jewish, said Dunbar, a Los Angeles psychologist who has amassed several case studies and treated several dozen patients for racial paranoia and other forms of what he considers pathological bias.
Another patient was a waiter so hostile to black people that he flung plates on the table when he served black patrons and got fired from multiple jobs.
A third patient was a Vietnam War veteran who was so fearful of Asians that he avoided social situations where he might meet them, Dunbar said.
"When I see someone who won't see a physician because they're Jewish, or who can't sit in a restaurant because there are Asians, or feels threatened by homosexuals in the workplace, the party line in mental health says, 'This is not our problem,' " the psychologist said. "If it's not our problem, whose problem is it?"
"They are delusional," said Alvin F. Poussaint, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, who has long advocated such a diagnosis. "They imagine people are going to do all kinds of bad things and hurt them, and feel they have to do something to protect themselves."
But Poussaint said there is a difference between ordinary prejudice and pathological bias -- the same distinction that psychiatrists make between sadness and depression. All people experience sadness, anxiety and fear, but extreme, disabling forms of these emotions are called disorders.
While people with ordinary prejudice try very hard to conceal their biases, Solomon said, her homophobic patient had no embarrassment about his attitude toward gays. Dunbar said people with pathological prejudice often lack filtering capabilities. As a result, he said, they face problems at work and home.
"Everyone is inculcated with stereotypes and biases with cultural issues, but some individuals not only hold beliefs that are very rigid, but they are part of a psychological problem," Dunbar said.
The psychologist said he has helped such patients with talk therapy, which encourages patients to question the basis for their beliefs, and by steering them toward medications such as antipsychotics.
The woman with the bias against Jews did not overcome her prejudice, Dunbar said, but she learned to control her fear response in social settings. The patient with hostility against African Americans realized his beliefs were "stupid."
Solomon discovered she was most effective dealing with the homophobic man when she was nonjudgmental. When he claimed there were more gays and lesbians than ever before, she presented him with data showing there was no such shift.
At those times, she reported in a case study, the patient would say, "I know, I know." He would recognize that he was not being logical, but then get angry and return to the same patterns of obsession. Solomon did not identify the man because of patient confidentiality.
Because I am a pragmatist and a good progressive, I want to understand why a guy on the “el” would pull a knife on me for the same reason I think we should understand avian flu and global warming: because I really want to live in a world with fewer muggers and pandemics and hurricanes, and because only a child or a pinhead can possibly believe that you can wish or pray or bomb problems away.
In real-time, as the guy on the “el” flashes the blade – or the mental patient starts screaming “I have a bomb!” on an aircraft -- I am supremely uninterested in
his sad story and troubled life.
I am interested in bringing immediately to bear whatever will drop him like a sack of hammers, and if you ever step into a real fight thinking “I’ll only use exactly enough force to disable this poor, confused man”, you are either a damn fool or a Krav Maga master.
Which is why, as interested in the pathology of the Fundy and the Segregationist and the Homophobe as I may be in the abstract sense, in the right-now-real-world, I’m not interested in their problems.
I am interested only in driving a stake through their dead and desiccated hearts and hauling their hateful and deranged ideologies to the Ghenna of history and burying them – unmarked and unmourned – in a concrete and lead-lined crypt, 500 miles below the most godforsaken spot on the floor of Death Valley.
Once they are kept at all times – by police order – 1,000 yards away from the levers of power, we can quibble about exactly why they are such hapless fucknuts, and what can be done to medicate them into health or extinction.
But in the here and now, would anyone have the slightest problem picking the rightard who demonstrates this behavior...
…the patient would say, "I know, I know." He would recognize that he was not being logical, but then get angry and return to the same patterns of obsession.
...out of a political lineup?
Does anyone not get that he has his own teevee network?
His own string of Hate Radio stations echoing his bigotry back to him coast-to-coast at 100,000 decibels?
His own newspapers?
His own political party?
His own publishing industry?
His own, private Congress?
His own, Dobson-Seal-of-Approveal White House?
His own Religion?
His own God?
And that he has all of these things -- and more -- specifically and explicitly because “Moderate” Republicans have used him as the means to seize political power? Pandered to and lap-danced and tongue-kissed these scumbags year after year after year after year.
And now, thanks to the aid and comfort that the Brooks’ and Friedmans of this world have given to these enemies of democracy, the LGFers, Humes, DeLays and Falwells have been given a free hand to build their Bridge to the 13th Century.
Then strap that notorious lesbian couple -- Lady Liberty and Blind Justice -- into red-white-and-blue burkas, and force-march them across it.
Well, I for one would like to know WHO ARE these "Remorse Buyers" from these lastest polls. Who voted in the election for these ass-wipes?
These MORONS, these FUCK heads who only NOW have realized that somehow Georgie-porgie-pudding-and-pie would kiss the girls and make them cry. (And break everything else he EVER laid his grimy fingers on.)
But can there be a turn around in 2006 and then beyond?
I certainly hope so.
It is my best thought for the future and the potential to correct the course of the Nation as a whole. But NOT if these fucking MORONs refuse to do their duty to one and all...and stop electing these bastards.
Well, TIME will tell and the Wake-Up call has been given. It's not necessarily too late -Yet.
Hope and heart can carry us through.
There's two different types of people being described here: the ones the shrinks are talking about, who seem to be very unhappy with their lives (and with their delusions) and the righties driftglass describes, who REVEL in their bullshit. Notice that the former group are judged to be non-violent, not so the latter. I'm certainly open to exploring treatment for the first group - fuck the other ones.
I have to agree with you, Driftglass. But what a weird article. You and scottspot have described something that seems to be negated by a quote there.
While people with ordinary prejudice try very hard to conceal their biases...
I sincerely doubt that it's safe to say that in this climate, people with ordinary prejudices go to great lengths to hide them.
Is Santorum's anti-gay stance pathological because he's open about it? Or is it just an ordinary prejudice that he's chosen not to bother hiding, because he doesn't need to, and in fact it's gotten him where he wants to go thus far.
We can argue about people like Robertson and Wildmon and O'Reilly, and I suspect there's room for debate there.
But indulge me for a moment. At some point in the nineties, it became fashionable, in a counterculture way, to be clinically depressed to the point of medication.
Did this mean more people were depressed than would have been? I don't know. Did it mean more people talked about being depressed? Yeah. Did it mean people who were probably really just "sad", as the article defines it, went to their doctors and got diagnosed as "depressed" and got a prescription? Apparently so, from the drug company profits.
But were they really clinically "depressed", or were they just "sad" with a societal approval bump?
How many of the people currently saying loathesome things in public are pathological, just because they're willing to say it aloud rather than hide it? Remember, part of the diagnosis for depression used to be that they felt they couldn't really talk about it with anyone, either.
It seems more likely that these are people who wouldn't tell the *first* racist joke at a party.
But then, someone else is plenty willing to break the ice.
It seems to me (with some training) that these cases are about boundary issues. The man with the raging homophobia is just an extreme outgrowth of what a lot of men feel. People who don't have strong ego boundaries feel very susceptible to outside influences, to the point where they don't have a strong sense of self.
After all, what is the big deal? Just being in the same room as a gay person will do what? If you have a strong, mature, ego...nothing. But those who do not have strong lines between THEM and US feel as though they will be invaded.
This explains the raging xenophobia of the Radical Right. They immerse themselves in GroupThink and GroupFeel and they are vulnerable to anyone who offers such, because they don't feel strong in themselves, and their permeable ego boundaries are begging to feel stronger and more important.
And it's important to them to get rid of anyone who opposes them, because those same permeable ego boundaries can't handle opposing viewpoints. It creates a split in their minds they can't bear.
Yes, there is something wrong with them. How did an America which is supposed to encourage rugged individualism come to such a pass? In the case of these people, it didn't work. Their formative years were not encouraging them to be strong in themselves. They were told to go along and get along...and now they cannot stand alone.
That's why these people will, in need of a leader, chose a strong dumb guy over the weak smart one. (I'm just talking perceptions here.) It's one of those hard-wired things that worked for us in Saharan temperate zones, and less well here and now.
This is the core of why I feel the Democrats are so hurt by their attempts to "soften" their message and be more like the Republicans. In a choice between the strong dumb guy and the weak guy who says the same things, the sheeple will STILL go with the dumb guy.
Can some of Bush's support be peeled off? Absolutely. There is a hard core who wants theocracy, but I think most of them are just trapped in their "I don't know what's going on, I'll pick the guy I think looks the most confident" and it has little to do with the actual policies at that point.
The tide IS drifting away from him, and a strong Democrat who runs with that tide will pull a lot of support. Because riding that tide are the people who only think a certain way when they feel the majority is with them.
This is the core of why I feel the Democrats are so hurt by their attempts to "soften" their message and be more like the Republicans. In a choice between the strong dumb guy and the weak guy who says the same things, the sheeple will STILL go with the dumb guy.
Going back to Drifty's post about hope for the future, it's because of more than just Diebold and its bogus voting machines that I tend to wax gloomy about the prospects of change in the near future (though that's certainly a big reason). Another thing is an "opposition" party that again and again and again and again, every time they're given the teensiest, tiniest opportunity to prove their worth, automatically and reliably behaves as though they just don't want to win, not now and not ever. And in the spirit of the transpersonal psychological bent of this particular post, in such a situation, like Dr. Phil (yeah, I know he's a blowhard and a phony but nonetheless) I ignore what the person or people involved are saying they want and instead consider what they're doing as the truly reliable indicator of what they want.
For an example of what I'm saying here, just look at how the Dems in the House of Representatives behaved when Congressman Murtha had the balls to say the jig was up in Iraq. The Dems couldn't start outdoing one another quickly enough to stake out the "respectable" position to the right of Murtha even when the population agrees with the solidly anti-war position staked out by this the most hawkish of Democratic congressmen! Ugh.
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