Sunday, December 11, 2005

Are you sure the Dems can’t hear us, Dick?

Quit being such a pussy, CodStool. Now here’s the plan…

First, Atrios reminds us what kind of flag Joementum was flying waaaay back in 2003

10/4/2003 Washington Post:

In the day's sharpest attack, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.) accused Bush of deceiving Americans over everything from national security to helping the poor. "There has been one value repeatedly missing from this presidency, and that value is integrity," Lieberman said. "By deception and disarray, this White House has betrayed the just cause of fighting terrorism and tyranny around the world." Leaking the CIA employee's name "was the politics of personal destruction at its worst," he said.

And during the run for the White House…

In our democracy, a president does not rule, he governs. He remains always answerable to us, the people. And right now, the president’s conduct of our foreign policy is giving the country too many reasons to question his leadership. It’s not just about 16 words in a speech, it is about distorting intelligence and diminishing credibility.

But of course his merry song has changed again. From trying to wedge himself up Dubya’s ass on Social Security, to his backing of the mash-the-working-man bankruptcy legislation, Kapo Joe has shown himself to be nothing but an opportunistic disease infecting the Party. A Vichycrat of the first water.

But of course we can see you, Joe.

We can see you’re lips move as you kiss Dubya’s ass and make yourself the boot slave of your countries enemies, bellycrawling to the tune of the highest bidder.

We can see and hear everything you do and say as you rebrand yourself as a loyal wingnut.

This from the New York Times...

December 10, 2005
Lieberman's Iraq Stance Brings Widening Split With His Party

In the last few days, the senator has riled Democratic activists and politicians here and in his home state with his vigorous defense of President Bush's handling of the Iraq war at a time some Democrats are pressuring the administration to begin a withdrawal.

Mr. Lieberman particularly infuriated his colleagues when he pointed out at a conference here that President Bush would be commander in chief for three more years and said that "it's time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that."

"We undermine the president's credibility at our nation's peril," Mr. Lieberman said.
Much of the open criticism has been from liberal groups and House members. But his comments have also rankled Democrats in the Senate. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the minority leader, phoned Mr. Lieberman this week to express concerns with his views, Mr. Reid's aide said.

"Senator Reid has a lot of respect for Senator Lieberman," said Jim Manley, a Reid spokesman. "But he feels that Senator Lieberman's position on Iraq is at odds with many Americans."

An aide to another leading Democratic senator who insisted on anonymity said the feelings toward Mr. Lieberman could be summed up as, "The American people want to hold George Bush accountable for the failed policy in Iraq, and Senator Lieberman doesn't."

Although some Democrats are upset with Mr. Lieberman, Republicans are embracing him, with President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld singling him out, and his support for the war, for praise in speeches this week.

Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House minority leader, said the breach was deep.

"I completely disagree with Mr. Lieberman," Ms. Pelosi said at a news conference. "I believe that we have a responsibility to speak out if we think that the course of action that our country is on is not making the American people safer."

Mr. Lieberman faces trouble in other quarters in his home state. Although few elected Democrats would criticize him publicly, several Democratic activists promised retaliation at the polls.

Tom Matzzie, the Washington director for, a liberal advocacy group with 10,000 members in Connecticut, said it would consider a challenge if the right candidate came along.

"It's like a betrayal," Mr. Matzzie said of Mr. Lieberman's stand on the war. "He is cheering the Bush Iraq policy at a time when Republicans are running away from the president."

“Betrayal” is such a harsh word, and since Kapo Joe has never had anything that you’d ever mistake for principles…drunk…in a dim bar…at 3:00 a.m., what’s to betray? In his soul, Kapo Joe has never risen above the ethical baseline of the two-bhat hooker that he truly is, because Joementum will preen and oooooh-baby and obediently regurgitate whatever his current john or sugar daddy writes on the cocktail napkin.

As long as the White House was within target range, Joe was willing to put on his best slutty dress and Vote Me shoes and play the Centrist Democrat. Sashaying around the room and talking dirty about George Bush.

But that party’s over now, and Joe was suddenly back out on the street with a fierce Power Player habit. Sticky and broke and working the curb again.

Then in the itchy, denim-colored pre-dawn, a glistening limo with Texas plates and an “I Brake for Faked Intel” bumper sticker rolls to a stop.

The window glides down. It’s warm and dark inside, and “Brown-Nosed Girl” is pounding out of the Blaupunkts.

Joementum shivers, with cold and with anticipation. He trowls on another quick layer of lipstick and straightens his wig.

“Hey baby,” Dubya slurs from the back seat. “Wanna party?”

“Yes sir!” Joementum giggles as he hops into the abyss. “Yes sir I do!”


Anonymous said...

Great rant, but as I recall, the HAL 9000 was the bad guy on this particular ride and Joe hasn't exactly limited his activities to whispering in the escape pod. Though tossing him into the vacuum of space does have its attractions.

BitterHarvest said...

Ha Haaa! Joe deserves a good beat-down session on every honest blog.

Anonymous said...

"Vichycrat" is a good term. I suspect many Vichy supporters were not true fascists, but mere opportunists who bet on the wrong horse. I hope many "Vichy" Democrats and Independents will get as weary of collaborating with fascism as Captain Renault did.

I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find that BLOGGING is going on in here, Ivory Bill Woodpecker

driftglass said...

Its the bane of literal analogizing, but the imagery was too good to pass up.

ivory bill woodpecker,
I'm sure I swiped it from somewhere. Probably Steve Gilliard's place. And of the millions and millions of them, I gotta think that a handful would be getting tired of being screwed over by their Dear Leaders right about now.

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