With Cheney (verging on heart attack number seven) lunging out of the crowd?
Since it became obvious that it was going to be devoid of international legitimacy and therefore devolve into a combo platter of the least appetizing aspects of a Soviet show-trial and the Cirque du O.J., the Hussein Trial is becoming more than just a minor irritant to this Administration.
It’s six-to-five and pick ‘em exactly how it will end, but I’d bet a week’s beer money that it’ll look something like this.
Step away from the photoshop and get some sleep!
Jesus, that is a crazy sight to wake up to. My mom tells me I saw that incident on live TV, but I was only 3 at the time...
Drift, that's the wickedest piece of photoshopping I've EVER seen.
I'm gonna sue your ass for endorphin overload. :o)
That smile on junior's face!
Too fukkin' good!
Well, we do know one thing: Saddam will be dead. How it will happen is another thing. This is why this particular "war crime" was chosen to prosecute: no apparent U.S. participation. Then the EXECUTION would eliminate any need to examine our complicity with the “Really Big War Crimes” he could be charged with and put on trial for.
I also saw this live as a teenager and it still sends a shudder though my soul, Photoshop, or not.
Goodbye Saddam!
While the names may change, the script does'nt. One fine piece of analogy though.
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