A riddle.
Q: How is a Bush Supreme Court nomination like Ken Mehlman availing himself of Jeff Gannon’s “professional” services?
A: Both are carefully scripted, run at seventeen-smirks-per-second, last about as long as a Taco Bell commercial and are strictly “No Questions Asked”.
I have just received marching orders from Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Secret Liberal World Headquarters.
Transmission follows...
Dear Freedom Lovers,
For the next ten days, please make sure every conversation you have with the press or with Republicans features the following three elements:
Step 1: “Because we believe so strongly in the Rule of Law, we will give President Bush’s nomination of John G. Roberts Jr. as an associate justice to the Supreme Court the time, attention and careful deliberation it deserves in five weeks, when the Senate reconvenes. In the mean time...”
Step 2: “Because we believe so strongly in the Rule of Law, we urge President Bush to repudiate the reckless, irresponsible and treasonous behavior of Karl Rove, and demand that Mr. Rove accept Personal Responsibility for his actions publicly apologize to the individuals he harmed, the security agencies he compromised and the America people, who’s trust he betrayed. We further urge President Bush to keep his word to the American people and fire Mr. Rove, as he promised he would do to ‘anyone involved’ in the Plame Scandal. And...”
Step 3: “Because we believe so strongly in the Rule of Law, we urge President Bush to keep his word to the American people, demand that anyone else involve in the reckless, irresponsible and treasonous behavior that let to the Plame Scandal come forward, apologize, and accept Personal Responsibility for their actions.”
Transmission from global Liberal HQ ends.
Liberal HQ also sent along a nice Alaskan smoked salmon gift basket and a bottle of Calvados, but those I'm keeping for myself.
Drift, good stuff!
But go check out the photo on Jesus' General lead thread:
"Real men don't sing like girls"
Goddammit, Dale LIVES! :-)
The calvados is mine. Give it.
thanks, tanbark. Nice link. And, as other's have said, you should think about hanging out your own shingle one of these days.
Sorry, sez right here on the label, "driftglass' huny".
I for one hail our newest Republican Overlord!
(excuse me, I'm going to go cut my throat)
"Mr. Roberts... has long-standing and deep connections to the Republican Party. He is a member of the Republican National Lawyers Association and worked as a political appointee in both the Reagan and Bush I administrations."
"President George H.W. Bush nominated Mr. Roberts to the D.C. Circuit, but he was considered by some on the Senate Judiciary Committee to be too extreme in his views, and his nomination lapsed."
"The brief ... also made the broader argument that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided."
"A Deputy Solicitor General, Mr. Roberts co-wrote a Supreme Court brief in Rust v. Sullivan,1 for the first Bush administration, which argued that the government could prohibit doctors in federally-funded family planning programs from discussing abortions with their patients."
"As a lawyer in private practice, Mr. Roberts has also represented large corporate interests opposing environmental controls."
"Mr. Roberts co-wrote an amicus brief on behalf of the Bush administration, in which he argued that public high schools can include religious ceremonies in their graduation programs, a view the Supreme Court rejected."
In other words, he's perfect for Bush's Supreme Court.
What did you guys expect? And you just know that when the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee start making noises that don't sound like Hosannas during the confirmation hearings, Bush and his GOP goon squad are going to start bringing out the rubber truncheons and whacking the liberals on the elbow in retaliation for "partisan politics." Yeah, sounds like Bush really "consulted" with those 60 Senators and I'll bet you 55 of them were the Republicans. Lip service, as I'd said before and now he's just running interference for Karl Rove.
P. S. Save me the wheat crackers out of that basket, will ya?
Yeah, sounds like Bush really "consulted" with those 60 Senators and I'll bet you 55 of them were the Republicans. Lip service, as I'd said before and now he's just running interference for Karl Rove. \
And, among the (nominal) Democrats were likely "Joementum" Liberman, Joe MBNA Biden, and, I would imagine you could pick three more out of the usual crowd of suspect-DINOs and be right
Geez, my Secret Liberal gift basket had turkey jerky and Strawberry Hill. Am I not secret enough, or not liberal enough? Or is it because every time I try to say "personal responsibility" and "Bush" in the same sentence, I fall down choking and gasping? I'll work on it.
Question for the day: which sucks harder, the surface gravity of an average neutron star or the Dubya Bush Administration?
From internal exile, Monster from the Id
He gave the nomination to one of his campaign contributors. A Harvard educated New York multi-millionaire. Just what the folks in Arkansas and West Virginia were counting on when they voted for that beady-eyed pimp.
Guys, 'scuse me goin' OT, but that August 15th deadline, for SOME kind of constitution to be presented to the Iraqi Parliament, for approval, just now, is looking like homemade shit.
With the Sunni "constitutionalists" walking out after two of their members were assassinated, and with all the disagreements over how much Sharia is TOO much Sharia, and with the southern provinces wanting to lock in the same "25% of the dinosaurs are OUR dinosaurs!" (as well as having their own regional parliament and militia) deal that the Kurds are demanding, AND with the insurgents also owning calendars, it's gonna be a busy 26 days.
I can't remember what happens if the "deadline" isn't met, and if no constitution is presented to the Parliament. I suppose they (we!) can just extend the deadline and then everyone can keep on keeping on, with their respective versions of Leggo nation-constructing...whether it's sectarian knot-tying (Gordian knot...) or sectarian political assassinations.
But I can't help wondering if Bush isn't flirting with the idea to stop channelling Churchill, and, as I posted a while back, to START channelling Oliver Cromwell, or at least, the part where he dissolved Parliament.
I mean, don't you think
"Lord Protector of Iraq" has a nice sound to it?
Bush territory should be Phallusland, NOT Jesusland, Which they blasphemously misname.
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