Thursday, July 21, 2005

I’ll bet you he stops for red lights.

So why can’t you?

For the past few weeks, swear to God, I’ve been meaning to stop on the way to work at one of the many, many, many intersections where, every morning and every evening, cyclists go rocketing through red lights and into busy intersections.

Not all. Not every. But enough so I actually notice it when a biker stops when they’re supposed to. Enough that when they’re not barreling into busy intersections, Manolete-ing through a vortex of cars, just so as not to have to stop and toe-touch the hated curb, it catches my attention as uncommon.

Enough so that had I waited near a prime cross-street during the morning rush, I could have photographed several such head-down-oblivious-fucktards every minute or so, for as long as I cared to wait.

I know a couple and they are what I can only call Bicycle Baptists (or perhaps, if they’re style is prone instead of seated upright, one might fairly call them Recumbamentalists.) True Believers. The World was Created by the Cycling God and His divine plan is for everyone to ride, walk, or get the fuck out of the way.

Saturday I sat in traffic watching two gentlemen in my rear-view mirror on Ashland boom through one red light after another without slowing down. On Sunday, this silly bint went sailing through a stop sign right in front me. She was seated on her vehicle very erect, rolling hands-free, one arm folded across her chest, her other hand holding a cell phone to here ear. She looked for all the world like she was sitting at her kitchen table, gossiping away on her cell, eyes and thoughts far, far away...except she was sailing helmetless and unaware through traffic on a busy Sunday morning.

When she noticed where she was and that I existed and that plunging along she had missed my bumper by a couple of feet she looked scared and stunned. I was sitting perfectly still, but to her mind it must have looked as if I’d just beamed in from Alpha Centauri.

Want to bet that if she had clipped my inert automobile, she would have found some reason to be furious with me?

And these are not in any sense aberrant events.

I don’t mind someone taking a Hollywood roll through the stop sign at an uncluttered intersection, and I don’t really care if a cyclist uses the wrong side of a non-busy street, or runs the wrong way down a One Way. Cycling is a healthy actively, it’s fun, it’s efficient and it’s a responsible, renewable, green form of transportation which is why it is especially irritating that so many cyclists seem to be such fucking morons, and that when they get called for being fucking morons, they act like pricks.

It’s what killed Socialism, kids. Great on paper, but evangelized by too many insufferable assholes and self-righteous control-freaks.

I never did take that picture, but imagine my surprise when I saw this in the paper today (Which I will excerpt) complete with a rebuttal letter (which I’ll reprint in toto just to be fair).

Now that’s what I call service!

Bicyclists not free to ride as they please
A police crackdown in the city's Lakeview neighborhood carries a warning: Traffic laws that apply to cars also apply to bikes.
By Kelly Kennedy
Tribune staff reporter

July 20, 2005

When bicycle police stopped Jacob Meehan at Roscoe and Halsted Streets in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood, he immediately knew what he had done.

"I was going the wrong direction on a one-way," Meehan said.

"No, we caught him going through a stop sign," the officer said.

"Oh," Meehan said.

Members of Mayor Richard Daley's Bicycling Ambassadors, an educational outreach group, were also in Lakeview on Tuesday, passing out bike safety information and maps showing routes with bike lanes or wide streets. They'll be out again in Lakeview from 1 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.
Bicyclists in the neighborhood agreed they tend to ignore the rules, and that it could lead to injury. Police decided to start on Halsted Street because business owners had complained about too many bicycles on the sidewalks, Chicago Police Sgt. Phil Greco said.
Greco said a lot of bicyclists do not know that only children younger than 12 may ride on sidewalks or that the same laws that apply to cars apply to bicycles. But some of them do and ignore the rules.

Just after scooting through a red light, Josh Zaffino said police had no reason to patrol the neighborhood because most of the bicyclists are regulars who know the rules.

"Granted, there was a red light back there," he said, "but there weren't any cars."

As he spoke, another man drove his bike past on the sidewalk.

Zaffino said he sometimes rides his bike on the wrong side of the road, but that sometimes it is hard to get over to the correct side when traffic is heavy.
And bicyclists need to be safer in general. Jennings said seven bicyclists died in 2003 in Chicago. "We want more people to bicycle," she said. "We aren't here to scare people, but they have to be safe."
Then he said he has a tendency to drive through red lights on his bicycle.

"I guess it's too much like being a pedestrian, so I don't think about it," he said. "It's probably a good idea to give out tickets."

That article elicited the following letter from Outraged Citizen, Steve Rosen.

Ticketing bicyclists

July 20, 2005

I've had my car broken into numerous times, been burglarized, vandalized and robbed at gunpoint, so it is a great comfort to me that the Chicago police will be dedicating manpower to writing tickets to bicyclists, ("Bicyclists not free to ride as they please," Metro, July 20).

Our reward for less pollution, less traffic and a healthier lifestyle is to worry about a rolling stop on a bicycle that will result in the same fine as when a car does it. I wonder if I'd feel better about the alleged bike routes in this city if I'd ever seen a ticket written to someone parked in the bike lane or people who pass on the right, nearly killing any bike rider in the lane. It's a comfort to know that the mayor's office on bicycling is looking out for us, not by creating safe bicycle passage or enforcing bike lane violations by cars, but by dedicating the police force to chasing us down.

I hope the special force keeps an eye on the mayor. Rumor has it he rides his bicycle, and I assume, being the law-abiding citizen he is, that he will come to a complete stop at every stop sign and if he errs, he will be charged.

And this is why some, bad people fantasize about cyclists being centerpunched by Mack trucks and being horribly smithereened. In slow motion.

I don’t – I know exactly what happened when a car hits a cyclist and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone – but Mr. Rosen has distilled down into a few paragraphs exactly why some cyclists are despised.

You operate a vehicle, Mr. Rosen: if you don't like the bargain, don't take it. And frankly it’s not the lawbreaking, that gives people that nails-on-the-chalkboard sensation when they hear this kind of talk. It’s the lawbreaking PLUS your sense of aggrieved, oh-so-put-upon victimhood PLUS handlebar-thumping hectoring...all with a heaping helping of snarky, petulant whining slathered generously over the whole mess.

So instead of bitching about the evil petro-conspirators and how we’re all out to get the humble, noble cyclist – upright or recumbent – lets have a few facts.

Cyclists in the City of Chicago have it better than they have in a lot of places, and much better than in most major metro areas.

Perfect? No, it’s not, say, Boulder, Colorado, but then again our major industry isn’t university students.

There are 350 bicycle events in the City this summer.

One of those events is called Bike the Drive, where the shut down Lake Shore Drive for a couple of hours and let cyclists have the run of the place. FYI, I think Bike the Drive is a terrifically cool idea.

There are 100 miles of bike lanes and 50 miles of bicycle paths, with 125 new miles of lanes and 250 miles of signed routes planned.

Chicago already had more bike racks than any other city in the country, with plans to install a total of 2,000.

The buses are rigged to accommodate bikes, as are the "el" trains.

There are public parking facilities in virtually every public facility.

The Mayor, who certainly has a lot of faults, is, in fact, a cyclist.

In case you haven’t been reading the papers, the City is broke. For all the fast budget-talk ramadoola the simple fact is the City has apparently pissed away its allowance on hiring politically-connected drunks and dead-people, so now it can’t find two-nickels to rub together. And for all the legitimate public-safety concerns, ticketing is also source of revenue. And especially when a City is broke, it takes generating revenue very seriously -- so seriously, in fact, that they’ll now boot your car after three (3) outstanding tickets. So if you think cyclists are being afforded special, vengeful attention, or the City is somehow being lax on drivers, well, let's just say that opinions like this makes you look kinda stupid.

Finally, there are close to 4 million people in the metro Chicago area, all trying to get someplace in a hurry. The roads – half of which are under construction on any given day -- have to allow for the following: cars of every make, model and description, from mini Coopers to Rolls Royces to 40-wieght burning shitwagons. Buses and freight haulers. Dickheads in SUVs. Professional and amateur movers. Garbage trucks. One million taxis. Horse-drawn carriages. The tin-jobbers in rusted-out pickups piled 3-rickety-stories-high with old fridges, screen-doors and folding chairs. Streets and San guys. Fire trucks. Those CST VanBulances that haul senior citizens around and are always double-parked. Actual ambulances. Pizza guys. The Tribune’s delivery trucks playing Deathrace with the Sun Times’ delivery fleet. The soda and beer haulers making their morning deliveries...and always good for a case of something cold if you’re very fast. Milk trucks (yes, there are still a few.) Oblivious roller-bladers. Segue-nerds (OK, I envy them, but they’re still nerds.) Serious motorcyclists. Fey, weekend, yuppie motorcyclists. Crotch-rocket-idiot-helmetless-rich-kid motorcyclists. The stolen grocery cart brigade who collect pallets, or the scrap that the tin-jobbers missed. Limos. Stretch limos. Stretch-Hummer-UberPhallus-I’m-embarassed-we’re-countrymen-Limos. Trains: commuter, long-distance-passenger and freight. Joggers. Gawkers. Mommies with buggy caravans. Dog walkers. Marked police cars. Unmarked tactical unit cars. Paddy wagons carrying Hired Truck former city employees and current convicts off the federal prison. School buses. Charter buses full of Cardinals fans. Drunks. Street preachers. The Ghost Tour Bus. The Untouchables Tour Bus. Geek Squaders. Assorted minor superheros. Film crews. Action newsmobiles. Pam Zeckman chasing errant Aldermen. Hookers. Spies. Consular vehicles. Those weird street cleaning things, that have been around since the 1930’s and were modeled after WWI tanks. The homeless. Roger Ebert.

And Oprah and her entourage.

If you want to Doppler as quick as thought over mile after unbroken mile of open road, without slowing down, great. That’s why God made Montana. Go and enjoy.

If, however, you want to live and operate your vehicle alongside all the other vehicle operators in the third largest, busiest city in the American Empire -- one that is already about as bike-friendly a gotham as you’re likely to find – quit behaving like a spoiled little child, shut up, man-up and stop at the fucking stop lights like the rest of the grown ups.


Anonymous said...

Perfect? No, it’s not, say, Boulder, Colorado, but then again our major industry isn’t university students.

Driftglass old buddy, now you're making it personal, bringing up my hometown and associating us with nothing more than drunk, couch-burning, riot-causing college students at "Ski U."

Our biggest growth industry last year was in retail establishments that sell hydroponic gardening gear. Despite all our sunny days local residents like to grow tomatoes in their basements and back-bedroom closets.

We are also home to the Atomic Clock at the National Bureau of Standards. Next time you look at the time on your cell-phone, or set the time on your lap-top via the Internet- know that the source of your temporal accuracy comes from Boulder. Of course, we can't be bothered with telling time due to all the hydroponic tomatoes we consume,

And believe me, all the Lance Armstrong wannabe's (male and female he created them) out here ride the same way as their Chicago bretheren, and it is not uncommon to see police cars and ambulences attending to the fallen.

And as for the college students, come on out here in late August for SERIOUS eye candy when the co-eds return from summer vacation. I personally am forced to drive past the University twice daily when I take my daughter to and from elementary school, but I do it because I want to be a good father. ;-)

driftglass said...
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driftglass said...

US Blues,
I had family out in Boulder for years. We use to go up to the Woody Allen famous EnCar (sp?) station to watch the deer at dusk and wake up to the Flatirons having been painted with yet another "CU". I love the place...and when last I visited it was still alive with outdoors-lovers, hikers, climbers (and there was always a story in the paper about someone cracking up "coming down the mountain) and hence, some of the best bike trails around.

And YES, the eye-candy is glorious.

Anonymous said...

Minor disagreement: I think helmets are worse than pointless, and it's safer to ride against traffic, so you can see what's coming. I don't bike any more because of the traffic.

—Ped in NYC

Anonymous said...

Driftglass- if you are ever back for a visit let me know. We can sample the local beers and hothouse tomatoes, then saunter down to Pearl St. to catch the eye candy.

And the Flatirons remain the primary reason to be here.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Nice rant Drifty. And you're right. Look, it's one thing to violate traffic laws. Everyone does it (and I'm not encouraging anyone here mind you) but to whine about getting pooped for it, or even worse, POTENTIALLY getting popped for it is pusillanimous.

I have a blog/site dedicated to the Prius (Toyota's hybrid car). I won one. I love it. But I drive like a normal car. Some of the drivers, goddess bless them, drive these cars liek they are trying to win a goverment grant for extreme MPG. It's annoying after a fashion. Anyway, great parallel rant on my site about how annoying some Prius owners are, or would be, if they actually do the things they talk about to save gas.

Thanks Drifty.

darrelplant said...

Just be glad you don't live in Portland, Oregon. My wife and I drive very little. She uses the bus pretty much every day. I work from home and can walk to stores during the day. But we live in a neighborhood overrun with crazy, deadly bicyclists. I broke my leg a couple of years ago, and having to dodge cars (which at least nominally stopped at signs) and bicyclists (who didn't ever stop) while I was moving at less than warp speed was tricky. Then, a couple of years ago:

Oregon Cycling Magazine May 2005


The 2003 session saw some controversial proposals, such as HB 2768 - Rolling Stop for Bicyclists at Stop Signs. Can you describe the challenges to the BTA in taking one stand or the other on an issue that generates so much controversy within the cycling community?

The BTA legislative committee stance is that we should make a position on issues relating to cycling. Sometimes, frankly, it would be easier not to have a position, but neutrality does not always fly. We have to weigh issues carefully and realize that it’s not always going to assure our popularity.

What about rolling stops for cyclists at stop signs? Is that idea dead?

With that particular issue we got a lot of flak. However, this is a common practice. Most cyclists do not stop at every sign and in reality the ability to do that is not inherently dangerous—it depends on which stop sign you decide to go through. But then there is the vehicular cycling argument which states that cyclists are part of traffic and should enjoy no exceptions to the rules and standard practices; of course, traffic regulations always have exceptions. The stop sign bill originally included red lights and we would not support that. There is a current bill that proposes to let cyclists ride through stop lights at T-stops, and we are lukewarm on that. We feel it’s a poor PR move for cyclists to run stop lights, even if the practice is safe.

So the idea is still there, but I haven’t seen anything yet this session. Floyd Prozanski, who was the main supporter of HB 2768 last session, may yet roll it out, but he has not told me.

Anonymous said...

well done, again...

Anonymous said...

I rode on a cross-country bike ride with a woman from California back in the 90s, one of those big tour groups with SAG wagons and all that.

She was happy and free out west, riding down the middle of the roads where you could go twenty minutes without passing a car on a major state artery (Wyoming, Nebraska). She owned the road, free and open.

She led me over a great part of the Rocky Mountains on my first day with the group, out of Jackson Hole. All I could do was concentrate on her back wheel. She lagged behind to make sure I could go on while the others surged ahead. We crashed in a hot tub after 60 miles just the western side of the continental divide.

In Nebraska, an African bicyclist on the tour had been blown over by a semi. We found her and took her to a local clinic. We were all deeply suntanned and I'll never forget how pale she was in her fear.

I left the group in Omaha due to personality conflicts and lack of cash. My California friend told me she had earlier dreamt I would leave the group there and then, in Omaha.

She was blond and beautiful and annoying as hell. I was exhausted.

I caught a bus back to Boston then went home to North Carolina.

Later that fall, I heard from someone else on the tour the California woman had been killed on Highway 17 going into Washington DC, at the very end of the tour. Her sub-group had gotten lost and had to improvise. One other person was killed and several others injured. My source said the driver never even stopped.

Not sure there's much of a point to this. Oh, I remember. People who ride bikes for transportation in American culture are breaking one of our society's major unspoken rules: in transit, only cars have value.

Todd Gitlin makes a point in "The 1960s" that prairie populists were more radical than their eastern brethern because they had already broken partway from American orthodoxy anyway...Lawrence, Kansas and Cambridge MA spawned very different types of campus radicals. That's why the crazy hair and sexual libertinism came from out west, not back east.

If you've broken one big rule (support for the war) breaking the others doesn't seem so daunting.

My California friend didn't belong on a bike dodging semis trying to wedge her way into a metropolis. She belonged in the desert grinding out 50 miles daily before noon.

Bicyclists are mavericks because they know the physical odds are against them. Add in a dose of American exceptionalism and ....

It's not an excuse, just an explanation. They're in the right, they're just so wrong about it, ya know?

I myself don't bike anymore. My eyes tear up from the pollen and I can't see the way. They'll run you over here in North Carolina as soon as slow down, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Can't disagree. Except that 90% of the drivers whining here have no problem ignoring stop signs themselves-and we won't talk about speed limits. Cyclists are not piloting two tons of death-dealing steel and plastic.

Melissa McEwan said...

This is how much I hate not living in Chicago - that brilliant list of all the insanity on the roads makes me miss it desperately.

Can't wait to move back very, very soon.

Drogon Saurischian said...

As much as it hurts me to say so, I have to disagree a little bit with Driftglass today. Traffic laws, traffic lights and stop signs are all put in place for one reason: to ensure the safety and continuity of automobile traffic. In many instances, cyclists can actually endanger themselves by following the letter of the law. This is not always the case, of course. Blowing through a red light is dangerous regardless of the vehicle you pilot (unless that vehicle is an M-1, I suppose).

As an urban cyclist (I live in DC), I've found that to successfully navigate through the city with a minimum of danger, I must occasionally flout stop signs and red lights. For example, on my route to work there is a section of road just after a red light to the right of which a large building is being constructed. Jersey barriers reach right to the edge of the right hand lane along that section. After having had a sizeable number of drivers try to squeeze past me on the left while riding along the barriers, I've determined that it is safer to run the red light and beat traffic past the barriers than try to ride it legally.

Now, this is a limited sample, but I merely mean to suggest that our transportation system is not always configured in a way to make it safe or simple for cyclists to travel in urban areas. This, of course, is no excuse for routine and nonchalant breaking of traffic laws by cyclists. I've always believed it does more to piss off drivers than anything else (per your post).

Even then, there are always those people who are just pissed because you're riding your bike at all. I regularly have people honk at me, swerve into me, throw stuff at me, and even chase me while yelling "Get off the road" (or some variant thereof). There behavior does not excuse poor cycling habits and law-breaking, but it can eventually give a cyclist the mind-set of "me vs. them" and, perhaps, even give them the infuriating sense of moral superiority you and your commenters refer to.

Anyway, I understand that you're not one of the beer-can-throwing, life-threatening drivers out there, and I understand how totally fucking annoying many cyclists can be. Even more importantly, venting here is better than venting on the road. So, even though I might disagree with your conclusiosn, vent on!


Shanshu said...

That was a great post...laughed outloud, at that one!

Ahhhh. thanks for the chuckle. I needed that.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, nobody's mentioned the cyclists who breeze through red lights with no regard for any pedestrians who might be crossing with the "Walk" signal.

I don't know what it's like in anyone else's burg, but in my town cycle couriers in particular are notorious for their intimidatory attitude to those on foot.

Anonymous said...

As someone who routinely bicycle commutes, I agree with this post in every particular. I try to scrupulously obey the laws and to be courteous to the others with whom I share the road, and few things piss me off more than seeing some jackass on a bike flouting the laws and the conventions of etiquette, because it reflects badly on all cyclists and, more to the point, makes ME less safe.

Anonymous said...

Out here in the Heartland we all know the Unwritten Rule of the Road: horsepower has right of way, boy. Our cyclists are furtive and timorous creatures if they know what's good for them. They are so grateful for the 420 feet of bike lane we provide near one of the universities. Goes for motorcyclers too.


Anonymous said...

I'd personally be happy if the cars would stop for red lights. But then, this is Massachusetts, home to the Worst Drivers in America (tm).


Anonymous said...

Didn't quite fully grasp the concept of Socialism being good on paper, but killed by self rightrous control freaks, maybe you have elaborated that thought in other posts.

But, isn't Social Security "Socialism", and with over a trillion dollars in surplus, a fairly good success?

Like this blog, a lot.

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