Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sure Iraq says, "No".

But impotent Chickenhawks know she really wants it.

They know she want's it bad.

They always know best, the Yellow Elephants do. I don' t know if they glean this Special Wisdom from the internets or from the perverse Death God they worship or what...but they know that no matter how much she pleads and kicks and screams and bleeds and slashes and swears vengeance...that she really looooves it.

Loves the torture.

Loves the humiliation.

Loves it.

Loves it to death.

I mean, if she didn't, she wouldn't have tarted herself up in all of that hot, hot Future Oil revenue, and strutted around so brazenly, right?

This from Mr. Gilliard's Shoppe...

------------------------- Here begins Mr. Gilliard's commentary ------------------

"We're winning....I think

We're winning

Critics Call Radio Hosts' Trip Propaganda Mission
Sunday, July 03, 2005
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

WASHINGTON ? A contingent of conservatives talk radio hosts is headed to Iraq this month on a mission to report "the truth" about the war: American troops are winning, despite headlines to the contrary.

The "Truth Tour" has been pulled together by the conservative Web cast radio group and Move America Forward, a non-profit conservative group backed by a Republican-linked public relations firm in California.

"The reason why we are doing it is we are sick and tired of seeing and hearing headlines by the mainstream media about our defeat in Iraq," Melanie Morgan, a talk radio host (search) for KSFO Radio in San Francisco and co-chair of Move America Forward, said.

Morgan said the media is "imposing a Vietnam template on this war."

"This is not Vietnam," she said. "War is war, and it's dangerous, and the killing is taking place all of the time. At the same time, where there is danger, there is success and there is a mainstream media that is determined to shut out that success."

She said the group is going to Iraq to support American troops, who see a disconnection with what they experience and what's being reported in the United States. She said the incongruence is leading to "morale problems.

It's funny, when you read Stars and Stripes, you only get the rah-rah bullshit from people stationed outside of Iraq. Inside? Well....

Iraqis must fight for freedom

How does the current war in Iraq relate to the freedom of the Iraqi people? Well, simply put, it doesn?t.

I?m serving in Mosul, Iraq, so I?ve seen what the Iraqi people do with the American brand of freedom. When early Americans wanted freedom from English rule, they fought for it. When early Mexicans wanted their freedom from Spain, they fought for it. When early Scots wanted their freedom from the English, they fought for it. When blacks and other minorities wanted freedom from slavery and other racist policies, they fought for it.

Other than the Kurds in the north, who fought for the freedom of the Iraqi people? Yes, America did.

The Iraqis will not know what to do with freedom until they have to fight for it. You can?t just give it to them on a silver platter. America should be the helping hand of freedom, not the rock. The rock comes from the people seeking freedom.

Look at the situation in the country now. At best, it?s mild chaos. The Iraqi people don?t see us as liberators. We are occupiers. Liberators liberate and then leave. We seem to be having a problem with the latter. The Iraqi people may have hated Saddam, but they hate us more. That?s why my fellow soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines are dying.

There are two things they hate most in this part of the world. The first is Jews, and the second is the West. America is the poster child of the West. How can you liberate that? You can?t.

Staff Sgt. Kevin Washington
Mosul, Iraq

I've been saying this for two years. But no one in Washington wants to admit this. What? Soldiers are stupid? They know what they see.

------------------------- Thus ends Mr. Gilliard's commentary ------------------

Sadly, Steve has gotten this all wrong. I mean, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

No, as with all hole-related problems, we must keep digging...and digging...and digging.

Ever Deeper and Ever Harder.

Like Carlin said a generation ago: "Pull out? Doesn't sound manly to me, Bill--I say let's leave it in there and get Job Done.

Soon we'll near the molten core of the Earth, by which time we'll have handed off many of the shovels to the literally dozens of Iraqis who haven’t by that time been killed or joined the opposition, overtly or covertly.

And then we’ll breach the Asthenosphere and freedom will vertiably bukkake all over the face of this hot, young, petro-sexy region – sorta like the last reel of the “Journey to the Center of the Earth” but with more violent, x-rated overtones.

All Good Americans will miraculously be thrown free of the catastrophe they’ve unleashed and alight gently into a New Golden Age of Imperial Democracy complete with humble, thankful Shia-Christians and Sunni-Christians who will hold gas prices at a reasonable levels while they rebuild their country into a Jesus Friendly Ay-rab Disneyland.

At least they’d fucking well better.

Hate to have to pull this car over yet again, come back there and “liberate” the shit out of them one more time.


Anonymous said...

Um, the GERMANS bombed Pearl Harbor? Is this the Yellow Elephant still talking?

The climax of your hole-digging Fight for Freedom 'n Goodness sounds like the Rapture, with Americans as the chosen wafted to paradise. Well, yeah, I guess that fits.

driftglass said...

That's John Belushi in "Animal House" :-) -- a classic rant of historical illiteracy.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I'm revealed as a hopeless dweeb (I did see the movie, but it was long ago and far away).

driftglass said...

Don't give it a 2nd thought: This is a clubhouse for dweebs and the more the merrier :-)

Mr. Natural said...

Ya right driftie...we'll show them some fuckin liberation and it won't nunna that liberaly liberation niether! It almost (almost, and only sometimes) makes it fun...but it is not fun and we all know what we have to do...WE WILL BE IN THE STREETS, AND WE WILL BE FREEWAY BLOGGING, AND WE WILL BE SHOUTING, AND WRITING LETTERS AND EMAILS TO OUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES, AND BLOGGING LIKE CRAZY DEMENTED MOTHERFUCKERS...oh golly, do I seem angry?

Anonymous said...

apparently no one let the Iraqui general public about "rape rooms" and that "Saddam was a *baaaad man*

If they just *knew* that they'd be delighted to welcome US with roses and daisies.

We just need some better PR. That's all it will take!! Right? Well, that and convincing every last American sitting alone in their living rooms in Iowa City, Boston and Phoenix to stop thinking *negative* thoughts that aid the enemy. Because that will *always* be the problem even if vile old Fox news---that den of traitorous liberals!---and the others stop their "negative" news there will always be people thinking *bad thoughts* and undermining our great campaign of liberty

(Right now I'm watching Lawrence of Arabia---surprising how appropos it is at the moment)

Its really very simple


RossK said...

Unfortunately, based on the evidence, it appears that the source of the special wisdom may in fact be a perverse deity.


Unknown said...

Great post, I enjoyed reading it.

Adding you to favorites, Ill have to come back and read it again later.

Sonny L. said...

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Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Bird Flu is expected to arrive in the USA or Canada this fall.
It said it killed almost 60% of those who got infected.
Is it true ?
What can we do to avoid it ?