Friday, July 08, 2005

OK, Massa Terry, just tell me.

Who do I have to kill to be President?

Because it turns out, Michael Schiavo didn’t do it, so that's not gonna work.

And it turns out that Randall Terry’s favorite Hustler Street Slut Inflatable Sex Doll – Jeb Bush – couldn’t possibly care less.

After expending a trillion passionate words to individually massage the prostate of each and every Christopath in Jesusland, and finding out that he was 100% completely, utterly, absolutely, undeniably, indisputably wrong, Jeb Bush has nothing left to add to the discussion but two peevish, gutless sentences shucking off all responsibility.



Because with all of the rhetorical crinoline and dust ruffles stripped away, the GOP operates by Three Inviolate Rules:

1. Persistent and reckless Lying to advance The Cause is perfectly OK.
2. Facts that don’t support your lies are the work of the Devil.
3. When you’re caught being a Lying Douchebag, attack like a meth-crazed ferret.

Of course these three pathologies – commonly found in such profusion only in hospitals for the criminally insane – tend collapse like spun-sugar candy under the slightest pressure in the Real World.

In the Real World, a mugger caught crouching over his bludgeoned victim, soaked in his blood, razoring out his pockets, still holding the tire-iron with which he beat the victim unconscious …could not hope to say, “Umm, I thought he had a Nukuler Program” and get to skip away clean with his plunder.

In the Real World, Serial Lying could not become the iron scaffolding which holds the Ruling Party upright without one more ingredient: the complicit and utterly invertebrate Moderates.

There is a lot going on the news, but I as cynical as I am, I am still stunned by the Deafening Silence of the Right. From coast-to-coast…nothing.

Purely for the most whorish, partisan, red-meat-to-the-Red-State-Berserker reasons, the Republican Party raised the Schiavo Issue from a tragic, private, family discussion to The Ring of the Fucking Nibelung. Djinned up out of whole cloth, they ate this nation alive. They rampaged across the countryside in their Seven League Boots of Righteousness, kicking the everloving Hell out of anyone and everyone that didn’t join there Political Lynch Mob.

Jebby stood shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the most dangerously deranged Wahabi Christopaths in the Universe. So did Frist. DeLay suddenly “Came to Jesus” over the Schiavo Fiasco as part of his ongoing efforts to annihilate anything like an independent Judiciary, so that he can rule all of Jesusland by direct edict. GW– who couldn’t bestir his sodden ass from Rancho Margaritaville for terrorists or tsunamis – scampered back to D.C. to sign an unconstitutional GOP Nanny State Gone Wild Bill into law in the middle of the night.

They were the ones that were more than happy to picnic on the dead as long as they thought they could make some political hay off of it.

They in turned out they were wrong.

Then really wrong.

Then Holy Fuck, is it even theoretically possible to be any more wrong than these people are?

Then Jebby decided to chuck a brick into the spotlight that he suddenly didn’t find such a friend and go after Michael Schiavo, because just when you think a Slunkmeat Republican can’t sprint into the moral sewer any quicker…they'll pour on some extra steam and surprise you.

Here’s the story…

No Crime Found In Schiavo Collapse
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., July 7, 2005

Florida's state attorney said there was no evidence Terri Schiavo's collapse 15 years ago involved criminal activity, and Gov. Jeb Bush on Thursday declared an end to the state's inquiry.

Bush had asked State Attorney Bernie McCabe to investigate Schiavo's case after her autopsy last month. He said he now considers the state's involvement with the matter finished.

"Based on your conclusions, I will follow your recommendation that the inquiry by the state be closed," Bush said in a two-sentence letter.

In asking McCabe to look again into what put Schiavo in a persistent vegetative state, Bush had cited an alleged gap between when Schiavo's husband Michael found her and when he called 911. The governor had said the issue remained unsettled.

McCabe said, however, while such discrepancies may exist in the record, Michael Schiavo's statements that he called 911 immediately had been consistent.

"There are several hypothetical theories that could be advanced, but I have concluded, though not with reasonable certainty, that the most likely hypothesis for the cause of her collapse was the one advanced during the 1992 malpractice litigation, i.e., an eating disorder," he wrote.

Well, the Bush Crime Family has always found a complete lack of conscience…liberating.

By jettisoning anything resembling a moral compass, they are free to tell any lie, suck any dick, immolate any opponent, start any war with a kind of undifferentiating, sociopathic glee that is sometimes just a wonder to behold.

Of course the Bush family will crawl into anyone’s bed, no matter how crusty the sheets, no matter how many gallons on innocent blood oozes from the mattress at the slightest touch…as long as doing so advances their political fortunes. That’s a given. Neil, George and Jebbie were, after all, raised by a man who was one of the very last of the Nixon Loyalists. Who, along with Pat Buchanan, defended the previous World Heavyweight titleholder of "Most Reckless and Despicable Republican President Ever" practically up until the helicopter taking the Mad Dog Dick back to San Clemente in disgrace was in the air.

Big George ate shit sandwiches from a man whom he despised for eight years just so he could be a failed, one-term President. He hired joke-writers to make sure he would have fresh Reagan Suck-up material each and every day. The Funeral Attender-in-Chief unhesitatingly flushed every principle he claimed to hold down the crapper of Air Force Two, shaved himself like an Olympic 400-Meter Swimmer and oiled himself head-to-toe just so he could slip just thaaaat much further up Reagan’s ass.

So when it came to pass that Terri Schiavo’s medical condition indisputably proved that that the Right (using its amazing powers of thuggery, mass hypnosis and magical thinking) had been as wretchedly and recklessly wrong as Nixon – and using Demon Science and sound medical opinion, responsible (Read: Liberal) observers had been right all along -- no surprise that Jebby would show off just how well he learned the lesson of strategic treachery from the Old Man.

Terry Schiavo is Jebby’s Iraq: chapter and verse. Another despicable Bush Family, partisan head-fake fluffed up with moralizing rhetoric from the Bush Family Hymnal. All-out strafing runs against anyone that questions anything that he says, all executed in the same despicable way…right up until the lies fall apart. Then the essential hollowness and cowardice that is knit right into the Bush Family DNA bares its ugly face.

Captain Obvious -- Tom Friedman to his colleagues and gullible book-buyers everywhere -- with whom I normally disagree, and who – in this article – does little more that sum up the obvious, happens to accidentally make the single most salient possible point about the Republican Party when he works his little pink self all up into a state over state of the Muslim world…

Here is what he said, in part, about the responsibility for the larger Muslim community – especially the religious leaders -- to police their own radicals and crazies, a position with which I happen to (mostly) agree. Shocked the hell out of me, agreeing with The Captain, but he got this one about half right:

What do I mean? I mean that the greatest restraint on human behavior is never a policeman or a border guard. The greatest restraint on human behavior is what a culture and a religion deem shameful. It is what the village and its religious and political elders say is wrong or not allowed. Many people said Palestinian suicide bombing was the spontaneous reaction of frustrated Palestinian youth. But when Palestinians decided that it was in their interest to have a cease-fire with Israel, those bombings stopped cold. The village said enough was enough.

The Muslim village has been derelict in condemning the madness of suicide bombing. When Salman Rushdie wrote a controversial novel involving the prophet Muhammad, he was sentenced to death by the leader of Iran. To this day - to this day - no major Muslim cleric or religious body has ever issued a fatwa condemning Osama bin Laden.

Some Muslim leaders have taken up this challenge. This past week in Jordan, King Abdullah II hosted an impressive conference in Amman for moderate Islamist thinkers and clerics who want to take back their faith from those who have tried to hijack it. But this has to go further and wider.

IMHO, if you simply transpose over those paragraphs the words “Republican Leaders” and “Respected Christian Spokespersons”, the root of problem facing our country jumps into diamond-sharp relief.

Consider how it reads after that slight adjustment…

… The greatest restraint on human behavior is what a culture and a religion deem shameful. It is what the village and its religious and political elders say is wrong or not allowed. Many people said Schiavo Incident was the spontaneous reaction of frustrated Christians and their “Culture of Life”. But when Republicans decided that it was in their interest to have civil conversation on the subject of end-of-life issues, those mob stopped. The Party said enough was enough.

The Republican Party has been derelict in condemning the madness of the Christian Right. When (Chuck Hegel/Richard Clarke/Joe Wilson) made factual statements that contradicted Administration lies and delusions, he was (was torn a new one/was ignored and called “disgruntled”/had his wife outed as an undercover CIA op) by the leaders of Administration. To this day - to this day - no major Christian cleric or Republican Organization has ever issued a (polical) fatwa condemning what happened in the Schiavo Incident.
Or condemning those that want to ram Genesis into biology textbooks.

Or want to gut Science so that we can continue to boil the Earth and pretend its not happening.

Or start a whole war based on Lies and the calculated manipulation of public fear.

The problem with the country in not our Dobsons or Falwells: like viral diseases, they are what they are.

The problem is and has always been, the gutless Moderates of the Republican Party and the MSM. The “Christian clerics” and “Republican Organization” who categorically refuse to say one single fucking word about the Dobsons or the Falwelsl.

People who will merrily pound on imaginary Liberal enemies 24/7, but who categorically refuse to hold a douchbag like Jeb Bush to account for what he put this country through.

To even say to him, “This is what you said, and this is what you did. Now apologize.”


Anonymous said...

The whole issue neatly fit into a nutshell and gift-wrapped in literate and precise prose by he whose pen (er, keyboard) is mightier than the sword.

PS- Love the pic DG. We should drag him behind a low MPG SUV just to wipe that face off his face.

Anonymous said...

A little later this evening, I'll be jamming a bar-b-q fork into my eyes in an effort to erase the image of a shaved and oiled poppy, swimming north through the south end of the Gipper.

But before I undertake that important task, I have a few words about tolerance. It's a liberal value, to be sure, but it may also be our undoing. The shortcomings of tolerance are most apparent when major, mainstream Christian sects extend tolerance to those who, in the words of Ezekiel, "would poison and destroy my brothers."

Yep, it's the Falwell/Dobson contingent, wiping their fat asses with the Words of Christ, and receiving nothing more than a full measure of Christian tolerance from the very group with the moral throw-weight to mount a counter-offensive.

If you review the ministry of Jesus, it's apparent that his primary role was to generate a schism, a you're-with-us-or-you're-against-us cleavage in the spiritual world. Piety = good. Pride = bad. Peace = good. Killing = bad. Pick a side.

But the Christian virtue of tolerance has allowed the Christopaths to exploit a weakness in the system. They can roll Jesus in a blanket and toss him in the trunk, careening down the Dixie Highway with a bottle of cheap whiskey in one hand and a Saturday Night Special in the other and the Christian Liberal wing (as one might expect) turns the other cheek until its head goes all Linda Blair.

Hey, folks....we atheists can only get a certain amount of traction, especially when the task at hand is the Preservation of Chriatianity Itself. We could use a little help here.....

Anonymous said...

roxtar said...
A little later this evening, I'll be jamming a bar-b-q fork into my eyes in an effort to erase the image of a shaved and oiled poppy, swimming north through the south end of the Gipper.

Well, that's one way to rid yourself of that heinous vision but...since I want to live and *see* another day if only to read Driftglass...I found out about an hour ago that 10mg of Xanax does the job without the permanent damage.

triozyg said...

Faithful readers of this blog know that what comes after you say:

“This is what you said, and this is what you did. Now apologize.”

and you are irrefutably right is flying dishes -- and what the Bush mafia has in that department is bound to be nuklear scary (still I wanna see it).

res ipsa loquitur said...

driftglass...The blog isn't enough. You need a radio show.

Mister Roboto said...

Hear, hear on the radio show! I'll bet you have a sexy voice, Drifty! :-D

Mister Roboto said...

Seriously, though. Have you ever seen the movie Pump Up The Volume? I would be very surprised if you hadn't, Drifty, because you remind me so much at times of the renegade ham-radio deejay played by Christian Slater in that movie!

Anonymous said...

I call dibs on sidekick!

Anonymous said...

Driftmeister (and all), about the GOP moderates and their ideological kindred, the DLC Democrats:

One thing I haven't seen mentioned here yet--though I haven't been following this blog for very long--is that most of these "centrists"--I use quotation marks because our center would be center-right or main right in almost any other Western democracy (assuming, of course, that we still count as a democracy)--are at least middle-class or affluent, and live mostly in suburbs, unless I'm deeply mistaken. However much the Elephascists may offend pseudo-centrist sensibilities, they keep holding their noses and supporting the Elephascists because they fear that a genuinely leftist (centrist by other nations' standards) government would--oh, ultimate diabolical horror of horrors--RAISE THEIR TAXES! Why, they might not be able to afford that second Hummer or that ninth premium cable channel! How DARE you ask such inhuman sacrifice of them?

Actually, a true leftist government could CUT taxes for the common citizen, because a leftist USA would not be trying to subjugate the world on behalf of US and global corporations. Hence, we could cut military spending back to what we actually need to defend our country. We could also spend less on homeland security because our government wouldn't be installing and propping up dictators in order that corporations could sodomize the Global South (formerly known as the Third World) with impunity, hence far fewer people from those countries would be pissed off at us.

(Not that the Chimperator and his minions have been giving Homeland Security much more than lip service; strategic civilian sites such as chemical and nuclear plants, ports, railroad yards and bridges, etc., are as wide open as ever because the Busheviks can't make their corporate masters pony up the moolah to harden those targets. I normally give conspiracy theories the back of my hand--as Hanlon's Razor says, never assume malice if stupidity can explain the situation adequately--but I can't help but wonder if maybe they don't spend the money to harden the targets, because they know they won't be attacked, because they won't whistle up another attack?)

Also, the federal tax cuts have to be made up by state and local tax hikes, usually through sales and other "regressive taxes" that hit low-income folks harder than the rest of us, meaning most of us gain little or no savings from the much-hyped tax cuts, or even lose money. In a related issue, Paul Krugman has pointed out that a single-payer health care system (you know, like EVERY OTHER FUCKING WESTERN DEMOCRACY ON THE PLANET HAS HAD FOR YEARS!!!)would save most of us money, because much of the money paid to our for-profit system goes to paying a vast bureaucracy whose main task is to find excuses to deny coverage to the clients of the insurance companies.

The more affluent half of US citizens display a disgusting propensity to whine about taxation that would seem like chump change to their counterparts in other Western democracies. I bust my ass in a full-time job and I pay income and other taxes, but what pisses me off is not the total burden but the fact that most of it goes to people better off than I, rather than to the poor suckers worse off. Of course I don't LIKE paying taxes, but I understand that they are the membership dues in a civilized society, so I shrug and do my duty. It's called being a grownup. Those arrogant whiners of the Right and the so-called Center should fucking try it sometime!

Let's assume for the moment that the "centrists" are right, and that a leftist government, or just a REAL Democratic Party government, would cause a modest net rise in their tax bills.

Are they willing to send their sons and, now, daughters as well, or more likely, the sons and daughters of the working classes, to get killed, or physically and/or psychologically maimed in the mad foreign schemes of the neocons, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to tolerate the existence of Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and other foul stains upon our national honor, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to endorse a fucking police state within our borders, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to institutionalize the persecution of harmless erotic nonconformists, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to tolerate the poisoning of our political discourse by hatemongering fascist demagogues and propagandists, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to tolerate the derogation and starvation of scientific research, the very foundation of economic and military power since the Industrial Age got under way, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to watch as the Earth slowly boils, as Drifty put it, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to see the schools on which many of THEIR OWN CHILDREN depend starved of the resources they need to equip our kids to keep up with their Asian peers, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to see THEIR OWN DAUGHTERS stripped of the right to control their fertility by a court system packed to the rafters with pseudo-Christian fascist judges, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to let Dominionist fascists turn our great nation into an overblown echo of Calvin's Geneva, to get lower taxes?

Are they willing to see THEIR OWN CIVIL LIBERTIES that generations of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines DIED to protect, stripped away by the Elephascist goons, just to get lower taxes?


I'm afraid the answer is yes. If the next Presidential race were Jesus Christ versus Adolf Hitler, and Jesus said, "Look, folks, our country, one of the world's richest, allows millions within its borders to suffer inadequate food, shelter, and health care. This is a shame before the world and an abomination unto my Dad. I appeal to you to accept a modest tax increase to address these problems.", while Adolf said, "These millions of whom my opponent speaks are a bunch of lazy bums, mostly dark-skinned (actually, a majority of the poor are white, but of course Der Fuehrer would be invoking the all-too-popular misconception to the contrary) offspring of mud peoples who can never be raised to participate in our glorious civilization because of their inherent inadequacy. We should allow natural selection to operate. That will enable me to cut your taxes further.", Adolf would win in a landslide. And an indispensible block of Adolf's votes would come from "good", "respectable", "patriotic", "Christian", and oh-so-"moderate" citizens of the USA.

The enablers of the Elephascists have got the government they deserve. Unfortunately, we who deserve better also have the government THEY deserve.

"DID YOU EVER GET THE FEELING THAT EVERYTHING IN AMERICA IS COMPLETELY FUCKED UP?" Only every day, Harry, only every day. (By the way, "PUMP UP THE VOLUME" turned me on to the work of Leonard Cohen. He's fantastic!)

I wish to announce that I'm resuming an old webname. When I got broadband, I decided to mark the change of ISP by choosing a new name. However, "Kid Charlemagne", cool as I think it is, just doesn't project the rage I feel at the takeover of our country by a pack of arrogant, whining, spoiled snots who would sacrifice their own children to Moloch for wealth and power. I hereby resume my old webname.

Please call me the MONSTER FROM THE ID. E-mail remains "".

From internal exile, Monster from the Id

Anonymous said...

I liked "kid charlemagne" better, fwiw ("I think the people down the hall know who you are...."}.

But under any name, your post is spot on. All it lacks is the recognition that a so-called tax cut, combined with a record deficit, is merely a tax deferral. We'll be paying higher taxes in the future to service that debt, and we'll get no services in exchange for our dollar, because that money will be used to pay off the GWOT (choke, choke). Bottom line: Today's working people can look forward to spending our retirement starving and shivering in the dark while watching the noble experiment that was America slip slowly down the shitter. No war but class war, baby.....

Anonymous said...

True. The true war, the real war, the everlasting war is the war of aggression by the privileged classes against the rest of us.

From internal exile, Monster from the Id

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention--I have to get to work for a while now and have to leave the Web. Later, 'gators.

Anonymous said...

Top headline,

National Zoo's Giant Panda Gives Birth

Sorry, nothing about douchbags.

P.S. 2 reporters are covering the panda. Big story.

Anonymous said...

"But before I undertake that important task, I have a few words about tolerance. It's a liberal value, to be sure, but it may also be our undoing."

no, no roxtar - our undoing will not be from tolerance. tolerance is something i do not see enough of these days. it has been replaced by ignorance. the majority of folks seem to be swept up in the wave ignorance, which is spoon fed from all the sources we know, (fox, et al). we, (that would be the 'royal we') are in the minority.sometimes reading these blogs gets me down cuz its preaching to the choir - however brilliant and salient the points. driftie is special because he tells stories, wonderful colorful metaphorical stories, which is why i love him so. me? i refuse to go off the cliff with the lemmings, i will cling by my fingernails as the last thing i do. no fear. tolerance. those two attributes could save us. that, and thankfully i was born with xx chromosomes instead of xy, so i do have an edge :~)

Anonymous said...

Had Jesus meant us to tolerate evil, his name would have been Milquetoast Christ. There is a battle underway for the very soul of Christianity in this country. And if the battle lines are drawn between the tolerant and the intolerant, the result will be as predictable as a dodgeball game between the armless and the armed.

Tolerance, as I said, is a wonderful, liberal virtue. But we don't tolerate ignorance, nor bigotry, nor cruelty.

Or, to put it another way, let's not be so open-minded that our brains fall out onto the ground.

Mister Roboto said...

Monster from the Id:

Your longer comment rather reminds me of my metaphor for the immediate future of human civilization:

Imagine a picture on a movie screen. At the right end of the picture is a granite wall. At the left end of the picture, a Yugo (an automobile that's as close to an aluminum soda-pop can on wheels as you can get) packed full of people appears cruising at 60 MPH. Upon the sighting of the wall, the driver speeds up to 80 MPH at the urging of the passengers sitting directly behind him. Other passengers are hanging out the window waving their arms in the air shouting, "WHEEEEEEEEE!!" with the vacant wide-eyed look of the self-satisfied st00pid on their faces.

You can easily imagine the rest, more likely than not.

drumwolf said...

Between Friedman's original column and your response to it, this just confirms yet again what I've always believed, that there are countless parallels between our psychopathic extremists and the ones from the Muslim world. And American and Islamic moderates and progressives have the same problem as far as speaking out against the scumbags in their respective midsts -- the extremists intimidate and shout them down when they speak out.

We also should look at the differences between our crazies and theirs. Muslim and Christian fundies are equally as violent and dangerous, but they have very different environments in which their pathologies take root.

Christian fundies live in a society that has a democratic political process, free markets, and incredible military might. So they don't need to resort to terrorism. It's infinitely more productive for them to work within the system to take it over, and once they do take over, they have access to the kind of big shiny boy toys that al-Qaeda can only dream of having.

Islamists don't have this option. They don't have a free political framework in which to operate, economic clout, or access to heavy-duty firepower. So they resort to terrorism, which is essentially warfare waged by the weak.

Anonymous said...

“let's not be so open-minded that our brains fall out onto the ground”

-i must take issue with that comment, rox. Without going on a rant defending my position about the importance of tolerance, perhaps a step back is in order, to offer the definition of tolerance to which I refer. This, from the southern poverty law center:
“What is 'tolerance'?
The word "tolerance" is surely imperfect, yet the English language offers no single word that embraces the broad range of skills we need to live together peacefully.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the Greek term "agape" to describe a universal love that "discovers the neighbor in every man it meets." The various disciplines concerned with human behavior have also offered a variety of adjectives: "pro-social," "democratic," "affiliative."
In its Declaration on the Principles of Tolerance, UNESCO offers a definition of tolerance that most closely matches our philosophical use of the word:
Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is harmony in difference.
We view tolerance as a way of thinking and feeling — but most importantly, of acting — that gives us peace in our individuality, respect for those unlike us, the wisdom to discern humane values and the courage to act upon them.”

Anonymous said...

Thank you Hillbilly Dem, kudos to Drumwolf for the well-wrought nut-to-nut comparison, and a special salute to jedwards for hanging on like grim death to the values that we wish were shared by one and all. But the Fred Phelps of the world give a rat's ass about UNESCO, or MLK, and they most certainly have little use for Morris Dees and the SPLC.

They spit (figuratively and literally) on tolerance, beccause they see it as weakness. Did Rosa Parks "tolerate" apartheid in Montgomery? I submit that she did not. Understanding the ignorance of the bigot, submitting to firehoses and police dogs, enduring insults great and small at a Woolworth's lunch counter....noble acts, worthy of the Buddha himself. But not tolerant. Ghandi did not tolerate the British, he fought back like a mo-fo, albeit with non-traditional weapons. Dignity, non-violence, and disobediance. But never tolerance.

I suspect we're just quibbling over semantics. If you choose to "hate the sin, but love the sinner", that's okey-dokey with me. But if tolerance means that we don't want to hurt the sinner's feelings by exposing his sin for the vile, loathesome thing it truly is....well, include me out.

I'm sure you are a far more beautiful soul than I. I still have base feelings, especially toward those "who would poison and destroy my brothers." But I will never "respect, accept and appreciate those whose "ways of being human" are exemplified by Dobson, Phelps et al.

Let's not talk at cross purposes...I respect the core moral values at the center of Liberalism. But I am one who will not hesitate to embarass himself by calling "bullshit" on these phoney-baloney thugs, hypocrites, bullies and con-men who pass themselves off on a scared and superstitious public as "Christians." It seems to me that the followers of Christ should show these chrlatans the same degree of tolerance that Jesus showed the Pharisees and moneychangers.

Anonymous said...

"albeit with non-traditional weapons. Dignity, non-violence, and disobediance. But never tolerance."

just as i suspected, rox, we agree. whew!

"if tolerance means that we don't want to hurt the sinner's feelings by exposing his sin for the vile, loathesome thing it truly is....well, include me out"

that is definitely NOT what i meant, so thank you for clarifying it.

Anonymous said...

To expand on Drumwolf's comments: Ironically, had some Christian European nation of the Early Modern Period (basically everything between Columbus's first voyage and the beginning of industrialization) been able to conquer all the others and gain the same sort of hegemony over Christendom that the Ottoman Empire had over the Muslim world, we might be no further advanced than they. A successful empire can impose intellectual conformity, stifling the freedom of thought that produces scientific and technical progress. Back in the Middle Ages, Muslim civilization was more scientifically and technically advanced than ours, but the Mongol hordes ruined that, and then the Ottoman Turks were able to build their empire on the remains. The enforced intellectual stagnation of the Empire allowed the West to overtake and surpass the Muslim world.

From internal exile, Monster from the Id

Anonymous said...

L&L: I've never ridden in a Yugo, but at 42, I can remember them. Unfortunately, we are currently (mis)ruled by "self-satistfied stoopid" people. Of course, those people were chosen by a minority of the citizenry because so many of our fellow citizens can't be bothered TO GET OFF THEIR SORRY LAZY ASSES AND VOTE! This assumes that the votes were counted fairly; we can't forget the "black box" computerized voting machines (HAL 1984s).

From internal exile, Monster from the Id

Anonymous said...

As usual, you're spot-on, Drifty. May the Force be with you. I'll blogroll you as soon as I get back to my site. It may take a while- this blog is fucking addictive. It's kinda like a cross between The Rude Pundit and the best of the late Hunter S. Thompson. But a find like this is a rare one- a liberal blog that's savvy, politically astute and in which your sentiments are couched in undiluted outrage, passion and a gift for the turning of a neat phrase. If you were to go to my blog you'll note that while our styles are different, we think the same way. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jeb held press-conference. (Okay; a very SHORT press-conference, but Goddammit, civilians are dying in bomb attacks in...shit; I forget; was it London or Baghdad...Fukkit!

WAIT! I know! There's a hurricane coming!)

He announced that he REALLY, REALLY was going to stop dry-humping Terry Schiavio's corpse for political gain, and (presumably!) buckle down to the serious business of defending Florida from the crazed Jihadi's whose numbers, his brother's policies have exponentially increased to something like the 477 power.

(He looked awful at the press-conference. It must be hard to have to munch on one of your own turds, even if it's only for 15 seconds....)

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, you can be tolerant and still retain your facility for critical judgment. That is, you can recognize the essential humanity of a person you disagree with, but that doesn't oblige you to agree with them, or even to shut up when they do stupid or evil things. In fact, "shut up and agree with me" is exactly the kind of faux tolerance the Republicans are demanding of the opposition in the upcoming Supreme Court fight(s), and exactly what the opposition should resist.

Anonymous said...

So many amazing comments…

Exactly. I think what roxtar said fits neatly into that as a perfectly legitimate adaptation of the virtue of tolerance. I’ll be tolerant of you…insofar as you are not working for my extinction.

Yeah, and I’m REALLY REALLY going to campaign for him in 2008 ;-) Stay safe.

Thank you. I’d happily settle for being a fourth generation, faded photocopy of any of those things.

Me, I just put out some lemonade and finger-sammiches. I love listening to these brilliant people tackle such complex issues with such deft hands and words.

Monster from the Id (from a fan of “Forbidden Planet”),
100,000 votes. That’s the margin.

Well put, + (I’ll like Trntino’s improved version of E z ekiel.

Well fuck: just lost my keybord. The z + the a + th shift + cp lock. + copy/psting those letters in isn’t cutting it. Well I know wht I’ll be doing this morning.

I’ll get bck too tlking ‘bout rey-dio + pump up the volume + my horrible voice > I go shopping.

Thnks everyone for the thoughtful words.

- driftglss

Anonymous said...

Jeb Bush only THINKS he's God, Like the self-righteous fundamentalists Dobson, Falwell, Ovadal OBVIOUSLY do. But they worship Phallus in all probability.

Unknown said...

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