Thomas Adams knows you don't screw around with Bugs

This story just made my day, and somebody please can Friedman's wheezing corpus over at the NYT and give this lad a job...
Boy's battle to save Bugs' gang gets Warner Bros.' attention
By Kelly Kurt, The Associated PressPublished April 28,
2005 TULSA, Okla. --Eleven-year-old Thomas Adams thought Warner Bros. had gone daffy when he saw the company's plans for a new cartoon called "Loonatics," based on Bugs Bunny and his Looney Tunes pals.The grimacing, hollow-eyed, power-fisted prototypes of a futuristic Bugs, Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner struck the boy as dark and scary. In the words of Daffy Duck, he found them "dethh-picable."Now, nearly two months after starting an Internet petition drive against the TV series' fall debut, Thomas has gotten their attention.
Warner Bros. Entertainment spokesman Scott Rowe said his company wants the thousands of fans upset by the made-over characters unveiled in February to know "that's NOT all, folks."Those "early drawings" have been revised into characters that are softer and less menacing, he said.
"We heard the outcry from fans, including Thomas," Rowe said.
When I was just a little driftglass, my mother sat me down and said, “Son, there are three things you should never do...
“First, never invade entirely the wrong country on a lie...
“Second, never try to loot Social Security and act like you’re doing people a favor...
“Third, never, ever fuck with The Bunny.”
And her wisdom has served me well.
BTW, young Thomas Adams done good – done real good – so why not pay him a visit and say “Thanks” or sign his petition or bump up his hit count.
And watch the language! He’s in fifth grade.
I sent him my thanks. After all, my core personality traits were shaped by Daffy Duck.
Warner Bros. should hire this kid. God knows he's got more sense than anyone there (except for the genuinely talented folks behind BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and ANIMANIACS.)
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