Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Rabbit Men of Washington

"You know it isn't true and I know it isn't true. So what do we care what they think?"

 -- Pseudolus, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum"
The Encyclopedia of Scams brings us the story of the Rabbit Woman of Godalming:
One summer's day during the year 1726, a young woman by the name of Mary Toft, fell ill whilst working in the fields. She groaned, and swooned and clutched at her stomach. Her husband fetched a doctor, a man by the name of John Howard, who was confounded to find the young woman giving birth to small rabbits. Each rabbit was born stillborn and was found cut into several small pieces.

Word of this odd medical curiosity spread throughout England and eventually, King George himself sent his surgeon, Nathanael St Andre and the Prince of Wales secretary Samuel Molyneux. They were also amazed to see the young woman producing small baby bunny bits from between her legs.

Mary was brought to London where he was the toast of British society until eventually the pressure of fame became too much. She admitted her hoax and spent four months in Prison. She has a real, live human baby one year later.

According to Dr Ian Stevenson, Mary’s scam was believed by so many doctors because it agreed with the concept of Maternal Impressions, the idea that the woman’s experiences and feelings could imprint on a baby. This idea explain other birth defects as the mother’s fault. Maternal Impressions have since been debunked.
Making a buck conjuring nonsense out of nowhere that agrees with the prevailing opinions of Very Serious People is nothing new.

If Mary Toft were alive today, she'd raking it in as a Senior Managing Editor at Politico.
After initially refusing to address Erik Wemple’s exhaustive documentation of Mike Allen’s pattern of parroting the editorial line of his advertisers, Politico editor John Harris appeared on Howard Kurtz’s Fox News show to rebut the charges. Well, “rebut” may be too strong a term. He acknowledged the charges and then strung together a series of words in response to them. But the words do not make a great deal of sense...
Or a booker on Meet the Press.

Or a newly-minted senior vice-president for content monetization at Time, Inc.
Within the next six months, its parent, the media conglomerate Time Warner, hopes to spin off Time Inc. into a separate public company. But if the plan succeeds, Time Inc. will become independent at a difficult moment. Not only do the magazine industry’s fortunes continue to sag, but Time Inc. has also shown signs of instability. It has churned through three chief executives in the last three years, and lost a star editor, its former editor in chief Martha Nelson.

To combat these negative forces, Time Inc. will abandon the traditional separation between its newsroom and business sides, a move that has caused angst among its journalists. Now, the newsroom staffs at Time Inc.’s magazines will report to the business executives. Such a structure, once verboten at journalistic institutions, is seen as necessary to create revenue opportunities and stem the tide of declining subscription and advertising sales.
In the Libertarian Utopia of Tomorrow towards which we are plummeting, this is what free market, laisser-faire "journalism" looks like.

George Will Takes Lemons

And makes himself one of them lemon-powered unicorn dealies to fly him to the Moon.

Which, based on Mr. Will's firm grasp of 18th century science, is a fine place with a temperate climate, low taxes and populated entirely by voluptuous, non-uppity Moon Maidens who are only too happy to bring a virile Earth man like George Will a drink and rub his feet after a hard day behind the keyboard battling Liberals and Science:
The prophet Al Gore has given many hostages to fortune, and this year fortune shot another of them. In 2008, he predicted the North Polar ice cap would be gone “in five years.
Sadly, Moon Maidens and their tempting cocktails will have to wait, because virile Earth man George Will is quite busy making his Year End Pronouncements!  And lest you think Mr. Will is some kind of doddering Paleoconservative buffoon who has expended all of his virile Earth wisdom mocking Liberal Al Gore (who is also fat!) for not accurately predicting the exact date of a specific event which is part of a centuries-long, staggeringly-complex process of global climate change, think again!  Mr. Will's has plenty of machismo in reserve to brutally take down a website advertising graphic!  Pee-len-ty!
In 2013, the face of progressivism became Pajama Boy, the supercilious, semi-smirking, hot-chocolate-sipping faux-adult who embodies progressives’ belief that life should be all politics all the time — come on, everybody, spend your holidays talking about health care. He is who progressives are.
Thus says virile Earth man George Will.
Whose entire life is all politics all the time.
And who is spending his holiday column writing about health care.

But Mr. Will is not just about yelling at clouds and putting Liberal website graphics and Science in their place.  Not at all!  For example, virile Earth man George Will has a tender spot for hero Conservatives who are doing heroic, Conservative things like smashing evil labor unions:
 In Wisconsin, as a result of Gov. Scott Walker’s emancipation legislation requiring annual recertification votes for government workers’ unions and ending government collection of union dues, more than 70 of 408 school district unions were rejected.
Finally, Mr. Will is also a man of humor, who is not afraid to laugh at the trifling concerns of lesser beings who might find the ugly legacies behind the names of some of our country's sports franchises to be offensive:
Finally, a regularly recurring fever of progressive indignation about the name of Washington’s professional football team again waned without success, which means Oklahoma will not have to change its name. “Oklahoma” is a compound of two Choctaw words, “okla” meaning people, and “homma” meaning red.
Silly, progressives!  

If only they would heed the wise words of virile Earth man George Will they would understand that native Americans were a cheerful and noble people, who were only too happy find their proper place in White American culture bringing virile White men cocktails and soothing their brows after a hard day battling Spaniards and Subduing Nature.

"Nature", which is a compound of two Conservative words, "Nat" meaning lemonade and "ure" meaning unicorn.

Monday, December 30, 2013

David Brooks Talks To Today's Youth About Writing

It's mostly about piles.

No kidding.
The Sidney Awards, Part 2

I tell college students that by the time they sit down at the keyboard to write their essays, they should be at least 80 percent done. That’s because “writing” is mostly gathering and structuring ideas.

For what it’s worth, I structure geographically. I organize my notes into different piles on the rug in my living room. Each pile represents a different paragraph in my column. The piles can stretch on for 10 feet to 16 feet, even for a mere 806-word newspaper piece. When “writing,” I just pick up a pile, synthesize the notes into a paragraph, set them aside and move on to the next pile. If the piece isn’t working, I don’t try to repair; I start from scratch with the same topic but an entirely new structure.

I wonder what the pile looked like that gave birth to this paragraph:
Maybe what was phony about Woodstock was not the pretense that somehow it was above money and material things. Perhaps what was phony was the pretense it was being led by rebellious young people against a corrupt establishment. Perhaps most people at Woodstock, like Jimmy Hendrix, really were quite happy with their upbringing and loved their families. But when they got amongst each other and the rebellious pose became de rigeur, they began to convince themselves they felt more alienated than they actually had any cause to be. Then their behavior become unmoored from normal family-influenced constraints; Jimmy Hendrix lost control and became Jimi, and that ambitious boy who only set out to become rich and make his father proud, ended up dead.
[Gilligan] is also public spirited. Though humble, he is forever filled with good-natured plans to make other people happy. He doesn’t have a narrow perspective, like the other characters—the Professor, or the Millionaire, or the Movie Star. He doesn’t want to mold other peoples’ lives for them. But because of him the island is a happy community—happier, the show continually implies, than the world the castaways are stranded from.

Though Cantor doesn’t make the connection, Bush is a lot like that...
ARE THE DEMOCRATS about to go insane? Are they about to decide that the reason they lost the 2002 election is that they didn't say what they really believe? Are they about to go into Paul Krugman-land, lambasting tax cuts, savaging Bush as a tool of the corporate bosses? Are they about to go off on a jag that will ensure them permanent minority status in every state from North Carolina to Arizona?
Competent Conservatives, Reactionary Liberals

We seem to be entering a period of competent conservatism and reactionary liberalism. George W. Bush has put together a cabinet long on management experience and practical skills. But liberal commentators and activists, their imaginations aflame, seem to be caught in a time warp, back in the days when Norman Lear still had hair. They are depicting John Aschroft as if he were George Wallace, Interior nominee Gale Norton as if she were the second coming of James Watt, and Labor nominee Linda Chavez as if she were Phyllis Schlafly with slightly darker skin. We could be in for a series of confrontations in which the two parties don't just hold different views, but live in different centuries.
Or this one:
Your perfect Bay Area denizen dresses in open-toed sandals with advanced polymer soles for extra traction during Sierra Club-sponsored day hikes amidst endangered coastal wetlands. He wakes up in the morning in his $4 million Victorian home with the renovated minimalist interior that cleverly recycles reclaimed poplar wood from a 16th-century monastery in the exposed ceiling beams. The Thai religious figures on his raw cedar mantelpiece make a statement about the need for inner peace in a world of commercial excess, and are widely admired when he holds mushroom tasting fund-raisers for Native American/Chicana Lesbian Dance troupes.
Or this one, that rips the lid off of the multicultural Commie hoax that is the Olympics
The propaganda machine reaches its climax during the only two ludicrous moments of the Olympic games, the opening and closing ceremonies. These ceremonies were fine when their major feature was the parade of nations. You could see the teams, the diversity of nations and cultures, the spirit of friendly but determined competition that is supposed to dominate the games. But over the years this parade has taken a back seat to the great propaganda show, often featuring cute children, multicultural cliches, and Up With People-style dance routines. The whole thing is designed to spread the message that we are all just one great big loving human family.
Or this one:
It’s not that Egypt doesn’t have a recipe for a democratic transition. It seems to lack even the basic mental ingredients.
Or this one:
It's wrong to describe an America in which the salt of the earth common people are preyed upon by this or that nefarious elite. It's wrong to tell the familiar underdog morality tale in which the problems of the masses are caused by the elites. The truth is, members of the upper tribe have made themselves phenomenally productive. They may mimic bohemian manners, but they have returned to 1950s traditionalist values and practices. They have low divorce rates, arduous work ethics and strict codes to regulate their kids. Members of the lower tribe work hard and dream big, but are more removed from traditional bourgeois norms. They live in disorganized, postmodern neighborhoods in which it is much harder to be self-disciplined and productive.
There are more.

So many more.

Thousands and thousands of piles' worth more.

Think about that for awhile.

From "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
...       I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; I know the voices dying with a dying fall Beneath the music from a farther room.   So how should I presume?

The Machineries of Joy -- UPDATE

Having lost the ability to metabolize reality decades ago, to stay alive Conservatives have been reduced to a state of complete dependence on a steady diet of ideologically-engineered lies tube-fed to them by their Brain Caste.

And now that one of their last, remaining sources of basic nutrients -- Benghaaaazi! -- has been damaged by a sudden dam-burst of reality, for a brief moment the machinery behind the maintenance of the entire lie factory stands exposed to public view.

Here is what it looks like.

Step One:  The New York Times cruelly blows up your favorite foundational lie.

Step Two:  Fox News hastily patches the gaping hole through which horrible reality is pouring into the Wingnut Alternate Reality Bubble with a boilerplate denunciation based entirely on anonymous sources.

Step Three:  The Breitbart Collective quickly picks up Fox News' freshly-minted official Conservative Party offal and makes the story its own by troweling a layer of Breitbart-brand bullshit on top.

Step Four:  With the Breitbart Collective in place as Fox News' mirror server, the orc army can now start shutting out terrifying, eye-scalding reality with confirmations from "multiple sources" that their bubble is still intact, and their ideological drip-feed is once again Blue Sky pure.

Step Five:  Dredge up just one Democrat -- anywhere -- who is willing to say anything critical about the Times' story (see, "Lieberman, Holy Joe") so that you can give your shit hoagie a big schmear of Both Siderism and run-run-run with this headline (once again from Fox News):
Congress, in bipartisan tone, disputes report Al Qaeda not involved in deadly Benghazi attack
Step Six:  Republican lawmakers begin obediently repeating the new lies as hard news:
From HuffPo:
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) on Monday joined the growing chorus of Republicans claiming that an in-depth New York Times report on Benghazi, Libya, was published to protect former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ahead of a possible presidential run.

During an appearance on "Fox & Friends," Westmoreland questioned the timing of the report, which was published Saturday after a months-long investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed four people.

The Craphammer chimes predictably in:
Krauthammer: NY Times Benghazi Report Undeniably About Protecting Dems, Hillary
And, finally, inevitably, we circle once again back to Fox News, where it is time for Roger Ailes to harvest what Roger Ailes has sown, courtesy of Teapublican Congressman Trey Gowdy whose "epic takedown" consists of Congressman Gowdy dutifully regurgitating Roger Ailes' talking points back into one of Roger Ailes' teevee cameras.

Teapublican Gowdy launches into his Fox News job interview by snidely "congratulating" the New York Times at only taking "15 months to figger out how to spell 'Benghazi'."  Apparently, in his haste to get on the air, Congressman Gowdy neglected to A) have someone de-haystack his hillbilly-hair and, B) have one of his staffers hop onto the "internet" and do the 11 seconds of basic research necessary to discover any of over 4,000 mentions that have been made about Benghazi in the New York Times in the last 12 months (to say nothing of +10,000 "Benghazi" mentions in the New York Times since 1875.)  Then again, maybe Teapublican Congressman Trey Gowdy is just very, very, very, very stupid.


Not hard to do.

Not hard at all.

Because it's the same playbook the Modern Right has been running at least since the days when Richard Mellon Scaife was paying off The American Spectator to make up lies about the Clintons.

All you need to make it work is a mob willing to believe anything, demagogues willing to say anything, a media willing to let them get away with it, and a huge pile of money.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

"All Fall Down" edition.

In case you missed it, the New York Times broke a very long, detailed story about the tragic events surrounding the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi over a year ago.
Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security cameras.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.

Republican arguments appear to conflate purely local extremist organizations like Ansar al-Shariah with Al Qaeda’s international terrorist network.
To be clear, the story in no way exonerates the Obama Administration, but it also vaporizes several of the foundational lies on which the Grand Wingnut Benghaaaazi Conspiracy has been built, and so as you might expect, the reaction from Right has been muted and apologetic.

Just kidding.  They completely lost their shit.

And more than that: they lost that shit in that special, "Turn Rush up til your ears bleed!" way that seem to happen every three months or so, during those frenzied, screechy, free-fall interregnums between the collapse of another Foundational Wingnut Lie and the arrival on-scene of a Fox News/Hate Radio rapid response team to upload the latest Perpetual Indignation patch into Pig People's firmware.

So, unsure of how to seal this latest breach in their ideological wall through which terrible, terrible reality is pouring, they once again resort to just flinging anything they can lay their hands on at it.

For example, Fox News' Chris Wallace doesn't know that the NYT article was intended to "clear the decks for Hillary", but, as always, some people say...just as I don't know that Mike Wallace's death in 2012 was the result of heartbreak brought on by unbearable humiliation at having such a shameless hack for a son, but I hear some people say that too...

But seriously, like dogs returning to their vomit, if you have eyes to see and memory you will not fail to notice that the clowns who are now circling the Benghaaaaazi! wagons over the Treason!  of Four Dead Americans!  Murdered!  Deliberately!  By Hillary! The Butcher of Benghazi! are the same, blood-drunk chickenhawks who spent the Bush Years jerking off behind their keyboards as the lives of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and trillions of your tax dollars were shoveled down the rathole of their dreams of Neocon Empire.

A regular Operation Freedom Fries high school reunion, it is.

Ewick Ewickson:
The aforementioned Fox News, hauling a little red wagon full of anonymous sources who are all "outraged".

Instacracker ads his contribution to the Right Wing media spitoon:

Hindrocket and his merry band of lizard children at PowerLine.

Pammy Atlas, who kinda fell off the Earth after her Ground Zero Mosque scam dried up and blew away:
Perhaps the NY Times is desperate to stave off impeachment hearings on Obama's treasonous perfidy in Libya on September 11, 2012: A Deadly Mix in Benghazi -- The New York Times

Perhaps the New York Times is trying to shore up the imploding Democrat party by deconstructing the truth on their greatest most lethal failure, Benghazi...
And, of course, Bill Kristol's malignant Neocon rag in an article written by Stephen F. Hayes, whose greatest claim to fame to-date (h/t digby) has been saying things like this --
"...there can no longer be any serious argument about whether Saddam Hussein's Iraq worked with Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda to plot against Americans."
-- and writing a book entitled "I'm having al Qaeda al Qaeda al Qaeda al Qaeda al Qaeda al Qaeda al Qaeda beaked beans al Qaeda al Qaeda al Qaeda and al Qaeda!" "Baked beans are off." "Well could I have al Qaeda instead of the baked beans then?":
The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein has Endangered America.
All still hiding behind flag.  All still using dead Americans to move their wingnut poison.  All still paying their mortgages by calling you a traitor.

Because as the last 20 years has demonstrated, no matter hard reality slaps these freaks around it will never be hard enough to slap Roger Ailes' dick outta their mouths.  And that, in the end, is the reason they will never stop.  Because what they do is comes with enormous benefits and no downside, which is why their madness will never end until it start coming with a fearsome price-tag.

On the lighter side, we did get to observe the exact moment at which the gag-reflex of usually-reliable Conservative-sludge-guzzling tool Jonathan Karl was finally exceeded:

So there's that.

Were I a betting man, I would bet that as another of their foundational lie burns around them, we will witness a return of the Conservative "Even the appearance of impropriety" standard for Republican witch-hunts.

You might remember the ETAOI threshold last peaked in popularity back in the days when Speaker Newt Gingrich would periodically take a break from cheating on his second wife with his third mistress to make loud, swinish noises about the need to hold one more Congressional snipe hunt on the subject of the moral depravity of Bill Clinton.

It worked like a charm 20 years ago, and as you may have noticed, Conservatism's collective IQ been nosediving into the flatworm-zone ever since.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The New York Times Just Pulverized

Any last remnants of the wingnut fairy tale of Benghaaaaazi!

But before you get too excited, do not for one minute imagine this will trigger a sudden outbreak of Conservative self-awareness; there will be no wailing and rending of stupid, little "Benghaaaaazi!" ribbons by an army of Eagle-rampant-on-flag-rampant-on-the-Constitution-rampant-on-another-flag-rampant-on-crossed-M-16s Liberty! Christian! NRA! Free Markets!  Unapologetic! Love Murrica! Conservative! Twitter halfwits.  

None of this will in any way penetrate the lightless, factless Netherville in which they live.  We sailed way, way past that point years ago.  But one more baseline from which future historians can calibrate just exactly how hopelessly Limbaughtomized the Pig People actually were might be useful.


Right on cue, The White Citizens' Council Powerline chimes in:

The New York Times is out with a revisionist account of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. The Times says that in months of investigating, it “turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.” The Times also claims that the attack “was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.”

I suspect that the Times story tells us more about Hillary Clinton’s assessment of the threat Benghazi poses to her likely 2016 run for president than it does about what happened in Benghazi...

Money Talks.


Everything else takes the bus.

The back of the bus.
A+E lifts Phil Robertson’s "Duck Dynasty" suspension

Phil Robertson, the "Duck Dynasty" patriarch who was suspended from the series last week over controversial comments he made about gay people, has been reinstated on his family's reality series.
Virtually every report you may read about this will have some version of this "controversial comments he made about gay people" sentence in the lede:
CNN: ..."incendiary remarks about homosexuality"

Fox: "...comments he made about homosexuality."

The Washington Post: "...despite his comments about gay immorality."

The New York Times (paragraph four): "...after comments he made about gay people in a magazine interview."

ABC News: "...where he made anti-gay comments..."

USA Today: "...he made anti-gay statements, which he said reflected his religious beliefs."

Politico:  "...over inflammatory remarks about gay people."
But if you read all the way to the bottom -- waaaay down by the "Bible Money Code" and "Local Resident's Plastic Surgery Weight Loss Secret the Energy Companies Don't Want You To Know About!" ads -- there is about a one in seven chance that might you also encounter this little tidbit as well:
"Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' -- not a word! Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."
Obviously, as 25 years of Rush Limbaugh has demonstrated, you can haul the poo-flingingest, bigoted loudmouth out of the dankest wingnut watering hole in America and stick a microphone in front of him, and nothing he says or does -- no matter how offensive or untrue -- will earn him more than token slap on the wrist just as long as he can generate ad revenue and hold an audience.
So nothing new there.

What is mildly interesting is the curve on which those wrist-slaps are graded.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Professional Left Podcast #212

"Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand."

-- Cool Hand Luke



Da' money goes here:

David Brooks Phones It In

Fresh from a several-month "book leave" and returning the Gray Lady just long enough to squeeze out a few, genuinely terrible columns, Mr. Brooks has now gone back to the literary hammock to parcel out his own end-of-the-year-fake-award thingies, most of which Mr. Brooks' flash-fries in same gloppy vat of obsessive Centrist trans-fat he uses to kill the flavor of virtually every subject:
On the one hand, [Aaron Swartz] seems to have been the victim of the formless freedom of the Internet life. On the other, he did have intellectual daring and a fierce independence.
Overall, it's probably a mercy, although Senator Rand Paul would probably disagree:
"I do support letting David Brooks dick around for a couple of weeks if he wants to. If you extend it beyond that, you do a disservice to pundits like him," I imagine Sentor Paul saying. "When you allow people to continue collecting a check while being this lazy and unproductive, you're causing them to become part of this perpetual wingnut-welfare-dependent group in our economy."

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cross-eyed And Painless

Ron Christie, as you probably know, is one of the six or seven black professional Republicans in America who make handsome livings letting the Party of Jefferson Davis use them as boot-scrapers:
Ronald I. "Ron" Christie (born August 7, 1969) is an American government relations expert and Republican political strategist, who has also worked as a member of former Vice President Dick Cheney's staff.

Christie is a native of Palo Alto, California, and has received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Haverford College and a Juris Doctor degree from the George Washington University National Law Center. At the beginning of his career, he served as counsel to Senator George Allen of Virginia and as senior advisor to former House Budget Committee Chairman and future Governor of Ohio John Kasich. He began working at the White House in 2001, as deputy assistant to Vice President Dick Cheney for domestic policy, advising him on health care, budget, tax and other policy areas. Later that year, he was elected to the Council on Foreign Relations. In 2002, he joined the staff of the President, serving as a Special Assistant to George W. Bush until 2004.
So it is especially adorable that Ron Christie thought it would be a really clever idea to use the byline which The Daily Beast continues to inexplicably afford him to offer President Barack Obama some brotherly advise on how to get over his "Lousy Year":
  1. Fire your most trusted friends and advisers.
  2. Benghaaaaaaaaaazi!
  3. "Accept You’re Part of the Problem" and throw yourself on the mercy of the GOP.
  4. Also the horrors of Obamacare, Syria, and the IRS!Scandal!
At no point in Mr. Christie's article is the Republican Party ever mentioned except to make some point about Mr. Christie's trustworthiness:
Critics will say I have the Republican Party’s best interests in mind—I have the best interests of our country in mind.

As It Happened, I Was There That Night

Good show.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

In Search of Historic Bobo

If you want to start a brawl in the media scholar faculty lounge at any major university, stick your head in the door and ask them to settle the question of the historical authenticity of "David Brooks" once and for all.  Then duck, because this is the subject which has most loudly and aggressively divided students of the so-called "Fucking Crazy Years"* of American political media for the last century.

Of course as every high-school student knows, almost all of the original digital and analog records of the Guild of Pundits during that period were destroyed during the Great Discontinuity -- the early 21st century's Elite media's last ditch effort to evade accountability for their crimes.  And what few fragments we do have from that time come down to us filtered through the fun-house mirrors of surviving backups of the "fuckingblogs".  

And yet such is the enduring fascination with the fallout from those terrible, lunatic "Fucking Crazy Years" that despite the paucity of first-hand evidence (or perhaps because of it) thousands of master's theses, doctoral dissertations, best-selling "histories", graphic novels, stage plays and dirty limericks have been written about the era.  

(Artist's rendering of "David Brooks" offering a ritual "Social Security" sacrifice 
at the Temple of St. Reagan)

And as the original events have been sifted and re-sifted by popular culture, fan fiction and hermeneutics, the academic world has more-or-less evenly divided itself into two, irreconcilable orthodoxies -- the Historical Brooks versus the Fictional Brooks -- each of which finds strong support for its own theory in the literature itself.

Based on the radically divergent accounts of writings attributed to him during a single decade, roughly half of all professional media historians -- The Historicals -- subscribe to theory that "David Brooks" in an amalgamation of several real but wildly different people. The other half -- The Fictionals -- maintain that since so much of what he was alleged to have written was so obviously false and absurd, "David Brooks" had to be a literary contrivance: something analogous to Poe's nameless recounter of "The Telltale Heart" or Greta Van Sustern -- a fictional narrator whose own pathological unreliability is integral to the story.

For example, the Historicals point to the fact that there is strong evidence that a writer or group of writers using the name "David Brooks" achieved a level of notoriety during the Age of Bush by relentlessly backing the Worst President in American History as he terrorized and lied his country into one catastrophic misadventure after another.  How (the Historicals ask) could someone who backed disastrous and unpaid-for wars, disastrous and unpaid-for tax reductions for the most wealthy and the whole constellation of ruinous policies of President Bush H. W. Cheney (citation needed) -- who wrote paeans to the competence of the Worst President in American History --
Competent Conservatives, Reactionary Liberals

We seem to be entering a period of competent conservatism and reactionary liberalism. George W. Bush has put together a cabinet long on management experience and practical skills. But liberal commentators and activists, their imaginations aflame, seem to be caught in a time warp, back in the days when Norman Lear still had hair...
-- possibly be the same person who turned on a Bitcoin to spin hair-raising tales of government coercion and incompetence in which the "legitimacy" of the very idea of self-governance was gravely imperiled by a poor website launch?
The Legitimacy Problem

...There are two large questions to be settled, which you might call the questions of competence and coercion.

The first is whether the government is competent enough to manage large programs. Can the administration get the website to work, set rules for the right insurance products or impose efficiency measures to restrain costs?

Obamacare, as originally envisioned, mandated that people join the system in order to redistribute money from the healthy and young to the sicker and older. It coerces some people to do something they might not want to do, and which, in fact, may not be in their short-term interest to do.

Already, it’s very clear that millions of Americans — and not just Tea Party types — do not accept the legitimacy of the government to overrule individual decisions, even on something like health insurance. This is not the America of 1932 or of 1964. This is an America steeped in distrust of government. It’s an America that is, on both left and right, steeped in the ethos of individual choice. It’s an America steeped in a morality of authenticity, which says that it is right to listen to the individual voice within and immoral to be forced to conform to the external commands from without...
How could the same person (the Historicals ask) who energetically championed the people and policies which most grievously crippled the nation's faith in its government (and equally energetically mocked those who cautioned against the dark and dreadful path down which the Worst President in America History leading them) --
Bush, as Advertised 

What on earth has gotten into the liberals and the media? Perhaps affected by some sort of post-Palm Beach stress disorder, reporters and activists on the left have depicted George W. Bush as the leader of some sort of arch-conservative jihad. They've portrayed his tax plan as dangerously radical, some of his nominees as Confederacy-loving loons, and his voucher plan as a menace to the future of public education. To put it bluntly, this is all deranged. You get the impression that the left has actually started believing its own direct-mail fund-raising letters.
-- possibly be the same person who wrote this with a straight face just a few years later?
Governing in an age of distrust is different than governing in an age of trust. Government now lacks the legitimacy to impose costs on losers, so politicians face unprecedented pressure to create situations in which everybody looks like winners. Government lacks the legitimacy to coerce.
Obviously, (the Historicals conclude) like "Alan Smithee" or "Tom Freed Man", "David Brooks" must have been some sort of collective pen-name behind which dregs of the Punditry Guild could shout all kinds of shameful craziness while avoiding the professional consequences of saying remarkably stupid thing in public.

But (the Fictionals rejoin very effectively) it is the very ludicrousness of "David Brooks"'s "opinions" which argue most strongly against it being the name -- or pseudonym -- of any real person or persons.  Consider that, in order to make the argument that the United States government is incapable of competently operating a national health-care system with mandates, "David Brooks" simply ignores the fact that the United States government of that era was already operating a very efficient and beloved national health-care system (with mandates!) which was known as Medicare and, at the time, had over 49 million beneficiaries.

Fine (the Historicals say), but do you really need to yell every time you make that point?

If you'd fucking listen for once (the Fictionals reply) maybe we wouldn't have to!  I mean, just look at the literature.  "David Brooks" touting the success of the ruinous Second Gulf War.  "David Brooks"  blaming an infamous 2011 serial rape case at Penn State on the 1960s.  "David Brooks" writing numerous "serious" short histories of "Conservatism" in which he conspicuously refuses to mention any actual Conservatives of the period.

Based on the sheer number of these obviously tall tales (the Fictionals conclude) it is clear that in the United States during the early years of the 21st century, "David Brooks" was created as a wealthy, suburban caricature whose cultural function was very similar to the "Ole" character in classic Scandinavian American "Sven and Ole" humor (see also "Ole and Lena"): an all-occasion buffoon, whose myopic obliviousness to the world around him leads him and his even-less-bright sidekick to say and do comically ridiculous things. Example:
Sven and Ole go to Fargo and visit a brothel. A woman says she will have sex with both of them for $20, but insists, "You have to use rubbers 'cause I don't want to get pregnant." They agree. Back on the farm, a week later, Sven says, "Hey, Ole, remember that girl we met in Fargo?" "You betcha, why?" Well, I been thinking I don't give a damn whether she gets pregnant or not." "Me neither." "Well, let's take dese damn tings off, then"
Until definitive proof is unearthed to settle the issue once-and-for-all, the battle between the Historicals and the Fictionals will continue to rage.  However,  even as the conflict between these two schools of thought continues to divide loyalties behind the ivied walls of academe, it should be noted that both groups are united in their contempt for a third, much-smaller and thoroughly-despised band of outlaw professors who refer to themselves the "Literals".

These "Literals" assert that "David Brooks" existed literally, as an actual person, who really did write every, single viperish, false and self-contradicting thing which has been attributed to him. That he really was elevated to the highest ranks of the Pundit Guild.  That his opinions were read and taken Very Seriously by Big Thinkers, government officials and hundreds of millions of ordinary people around the world.   And even though the "fuckingblogs" show that the obvious fatuousness of "David Brooks" fables were routinely and effortlessly shredded by "fuckingbloggers", for reasons the Literals are never able to explain, David Brooks was somehow allowed to accumulate vast wealth and power...by publishing reams of patently silly drivel...all while never once having been challenged by anyone of any stature.

Which is why, despite their deep differences, Historicals and Fictionals issued their famous joint statement on the Principles of Academic Exegesis (see, "The Literals? Fuck those guys!") in which they express unanimous concurrence that however shoutycrackers things became during the worst of the "Fucking Crazy Years", as tens of thousands of journalists were defrocked and hundreds of media houses were shuttered, it would have been impossible for any real writer whose output was as meager and ridiculous as "David Brooks" to have maintained a position of such influence and status at the very apex of the Punditry Guild.

Behold, a Tip Jar!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

So say we all.

If Only He'd Had a Beard -- UPDATE

Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan continues to show the same easy moral elasticity which made him such a popular Conservative footstool in years gone by.

Also, I would once again ask Mr. Sullivan the same questions I have been asking (and he has been conspicuously ignoring) for years.   The same fundamentalism he decries as sick and destructive today --
"To recap: fundamentalism is not the same as Christianity. It has certain psychological tropes. The first is to see sexual sin as far the worst of them and the root of all of them. The second is to see gays – whose very being represents sexual sin – as an enemy class within a society bringing about its destruction if they are not stopped or converted (see: Jews, Europe, circa 1300 – 1945). The third is to see these gays as opening the door to every other sin and evil. The fourth is to 'lose our country.'"
-- has been one of central pillars of modern American Conservatism since before Young Andy Sullivan washed up on our fair shores and went into the worshiping Ronald Reagan business.

Another one of American Conservatism's pillars is white supremacy.  Another is the fetishization of guns.  Another is a volcanic hatred of the federal gummit.  Another is seething xenophobia. Another is homophobia.  Another is an obsession with controlling women's reproduction.  On and on it goes, and virtually very one of these pillars has its caisson sunk solidly into the blood and soil of modern American Conservatism's diseased nostalgia for the good old days of Jim Crow.

And yet during all the years that Mr. Sullivan was building his career as America's premier, Harvard-educated, gay, Catholic, Conservative public intellectual he somehow managed to avoid noticing the ugly reality of American Conservatism even as it was staring him -- and the rest of us -- square in the face.

How did you miss it, Andy?

Finally, given that Mr. Sullivan spends most of his life firmly cocooned in the Washington D.C./NYC elite media bubble, I tend to believe that his venomous contempt for Alec Baldwin and his detached bemusement with Mr. Robinson --
... I’d much rather have dinner with Phil Robertson than Alec Baldwin. Engaging fundamentalists on this subject is one of my favorite activities. And I’d much sooner engage than condemn.
-- come less from the details and context of either incident, and much more from Mr. Sullivan's hardwired Tory elitism.  When he looks at Alec Baldwin, the Conservative Mr. Sullivan sees a successful member of the rival, Liberal upper class who must needs be brought to book in the harshest manner available.  When the Conservative Mr. Sullivan looks at Mr. Robertson, Mr. Sullivan does not -- dare not -- see a fellow, card-carrying member of his Conservatism: instead, Tory to the core, Mr. Sullivan merely sees a harmless aboriginal tribesman from the furthest reaches of Darkest Louisiana, brought before him to poop adorably in his teevee cage and say outrĂ© things for Mr. Sullivan's amusement.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Excerpt From Fluffy Gregory's Possible Future Confidential Exit Interview

"Did you ever think about that? Huh? Did you ever once think about that?! Send Fluffy off to do this, send Fluffy off to do that! Let Fluffy 'interview' John McCain's crazy ass for the millionth time! Send Fluffy to polish Harold Ford Junior's balls again! I'm the head cheese, Mika, and I was stepped over! ... I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!"

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

Reader chautauqua notes that it's weird that no one has come up with a better phrase than "Both Siderism" yet.


How about ... The Gregorian Chant:

Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  (But Liberals Are Actually Worse.) Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.  Both Sides.

You have now experienced the entire Sunday Morning public interest offering of every major teevee network in America in all its untrammeled glory.

For greater specificity, check out the Bobblespeak Translations and Dean Baker.  Also, by sometime tomorrow I'm sure Charlie Pierce will have posted something very much like what I would've written if I'd decide to write something other than this.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

This World Was Never Meant For One

As beautiful as you.

It's rumor at this point, but oh my (from Mediaite):
Meet The Press Reportedly in Jeopardy as NBC Looks to Cut Back DC Bureau

As we head into 2014, the fate of the longest-running news program on television is starting to look uncertain. According to a new report from the New York Post’s Claire Atkinson, NBC News chief Deborah Turness is looking to make some major cutbacks at the network’s Washington D.C. bureau, where Meet The Press is produced.

Atkinson quotes one unnamed executive as saying, “Instead of getting better, NBC News has been getting worse [since Turness arrived earlier this year.] It’s a mess.” In October, the reporter cited rumors about Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski adding Meet The Press hosting duties to their already full 15 hours a week on MSNBC.

Meet The Press, which used to be the perennial first place finisher on Sunday mornings over ABC’s This Week and CBS’ Face The Nation, fell to a 21-year low over the summer and has been coming in third place behind those two show for much of 2013.
 Dear Ms. Turness,

Give me a week and I can fix "Meet the Press".  Seriously, send me a check for what David Gregory makes in one week and I will fix your flagship show.

Unless, that is, you're goal is to continue appeasing your sponsors and personally enriching Mr. Gregory by using MTP as a dung wallow for every shit-slinging, Both Sider shill, lie-spouting Republican hack and Wall Street parasite who wants to roll one more re-retread of player-out Beltway drivel into my living room and sell it to me as the received wisdom of our culture's best and brightest.  

In which case you're fucked.

If not, drop me a line and a check: I've cleaned up worse midden piles than yours.

Yours in Christ,


Today In Rampant Both Siderism


Spackled into every crack in the crumbling wall which protects our Elite Beltway Overlords from any form of accountability you will always find the vast and pervasive fraud of Both Sides.  The Big Lie of Centrism.

In fact, once you start to look for it you'll begin to notice that the wall which protects our Elite Beltway Overlords wall is now mostly Centrist spackle: that our system of political reporting is now so entirely on autopilot that whenever there is the slightest threat that Republican perfidy or bigotry or sabotage might be reported as explicitly Republican perfidy or bigotry or sabotage, one of the system's extremely well-paid maintenance drones will immediately appear to squirt a gob of Both Siderist goo into the fissure.

This Friday's featured Loyal Beltway Maintenance Drone is Mr. David Brooks, who proved himself reliably incapable of merely reporting the fact that Republican government shutdown was an obvious disaster --
DAVID BROOKS: The government shutdown was one.
-- without balancing that catastrophe out with something he asserts is an equally catastrophic Democratic action (modest filibuster reform), as well as a third disaster that is apparently the fault of "Congress" generically:
DAVID BROOKS: The government shutdown was one. I would say the change in the filibuster rules was a disaster, and then the failure to pass immigration reform, which really has majority support. So I think that is three pretty big strikes. I think they have earned whatever their approval rating is, 1.2 or whatever it is at this point.
Two seconds later, we find Mr. Brooks perfectly capable of noting that Congress is in terrible shape:
DAVID BROOKS: I think it's been a pretty lamentable, lamentable Congress...
But being a Loyal Beltway Maintenance Drone, Mr. Brooks is financially hardwired to reflexively lie about why the Congress is in such lamentable condition, and so we find the blame for the Republican Party breaking the Congress scattered all over God's little acre with nary a mention of the word "Republican" anywhere to be found:
DAVID BROOKS: I think it's been a pretty lamentable, lamentable Congress. And that is partly because of Congress, partly because of the country, frankly, and partly because the president has not gathered a governing majority at any point in his presidency, some 60-vote majority that he can count on time and time again.
Mr. Brooks went on to say more silly, ignorant things (many of which he will probably reprise on Meet the Gregory this Sunday) but the Centrist scriptural lesson was clear:
For where two or three are gathered to try to name names, a Both Siderist watchdog will be there with them.

Remember When We Used To Argue

About not getting married?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ian Bayne: That Guy at the Bar Who Just Won't Shut Up

Ian Bayne is running for Congress in Illinois' 11th district.

To jump you right into the World According to Ian Bayne, his website greets you with the revelation that "Duck Dynasty Star is Rosa Parks of Our Generation".

Illinois' 11th district looks like this --

-- and is currently being very ably represented by Democrat Bill Foster.

In case you don't have time to paw through Ian Bayne's entire ad (which consists of short clips of Ian Bayne talking about stuff about which you have no idea, interspersed with stock images and footage of various people and things flashing past at near-subliminal speed) here is what you will be missing -- 
  • Stock footage of a prototype navy jet.
  • Trading pits!
  • Boot  camp!
  • Ian Bayne sayin' stuff.
  • Stock footage of the Kenyan Usurper apparently Applauding Tyranny!
  • Over 50% of America is unemployed!
  • Grainy terrorists...
  • Blaming Murricans!
  • "...Lies!" voiced-over a picture of the Kenyan Usurper.
  • Ian Bayne...sayin' more stuff.
  • An "Americans for Prosperity" fake grassroots sign
  • A hand-lettered "Dictator Obama!" sign (Apparently "He is the DEVIL himself!")
  • Bill Foster's congressional office.
  • Ian Bayne is still talking...
  • Random clip of Ronald Reagan from "What's My Line?"
  • Martin Luther King!
  • Monster Trucks!
  • Giant Cigars!
  • Smoking a cigar while listening to folk music!
  • Gunz! Oh yeah!
  • Stock footage of Democrats apparently applauding the "Petty Tyrants in Washington D.C.!"
  • Freedumbz!  Along with stock footage of the Wright Brothers.
  • Capitalists!  Ford.  Apple.  Subway.  Coors?
  • The office of the Eeeevil SEC!
  • The office of the Eeeevil Social Security Administration.
  • "I'm running for Congress" voiced-over a stock Getty Images photo of the US Treasury building from 2004 for some reason.
Ian Bayne: That idiot at the bar who just won't shut up.

Professional Left Podcast #211

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff."

-- Doctor Who

Da' money goes here:

Too Late Ladies, He's Taken!

From the St. Louis Riverfront Times:
Charles Manson's Fiancee is From St. Louis

Wedding bells are ringing for the most infamous convicted killer of all time, and his bride-to-be is a hometown girl.

She goes by Star, a name given to her by Charles Manson, the cult leader serving a life sentence in California. Star -- a 25-year-old Susan Atkins look-alike who moved from St. Louis to the West Coast to be near Manson in 2007 -- tells Rolling Stone that Manson loves her more than any other.
Of course when God closes one door, he opens a vast space for entertaining.