The pitiable George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina still hasn't found the internet's "Off" button.
In the space of a few, short weeks, Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina has gone from anonymous angry hick to internet superstar. This has happened for two reasons.
First, apparently none of Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina's friends, colleagues, family members, fellow sports enthusiasts, or "real Catholics" every took Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina aside to explain to him the difference between shouting "coon" and "nigger" and "cunt" and "muslim pharaoh baby killer" at the teevee machine down at Ol' Uncle Whitey McKlavern's Magic Tap Tavern...
..and shouting it on The Twitter at people like Alec Baldwin and Michael Moore

Oprah and Tom Hanks

Michelle Obama,

President Barack Obama and Data from Star Trek TNG,

Serena Williams

And assorted other conspirators in the Great Liberal Plot to pry the last remnants of Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina's beloved Confederacy out of his cold, dumb hands.
And second, Tbogg --
Angry Boo Radley Is Angry-- who feareth not where the stoopid may lead him.
By: TBogg Tuesday May 22
Quite frankly, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to give this clown any more attention, but….
Well, let’s just say that he is neither contrite nor does he play well with his new internet google superfriends. ...
At this point, having lightly skipped over Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina's Twitter stream, I should tell you that his wife has been repeatedly and gravely ill and for awhile there he was flinging tweets asking for information and support (and including his phone number) at pretty much anything that moved on Twitter.
Many years ago, over the course of a few posts on the University of Illinois' mascot, I caught the full brunt of a Conservative person's genuinely unhinged fury. This happens on the internet all the time, but I was unsurprised when I dug a little bit and found that the man's wife had died very recently. He was enraged at the world, and rage -- like water -- will follow any open channel to the sea. Being a hard-core Conservative and advocate of "warrior culure" (as I recall), his rage found its easiest outlet with the notorious bleeding heart Liberal, fag-loving driftglass and he was so over-the-top with it that eventually all I could feel was sorry for the guy.
Perhaps something like that is happening Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
Perhaps not.
What is very clear is that American Conservatism is a monster that feeds on pain, rage and fear and that, deprived of these basic nutrients, American Conservatism would shrivel up and die overnight.
What is also very clear is that, whether or not recent personal trauma caused Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina to up his crazy to 11, his own long,






Twitter trail

along with his choice of reading supplemental material

and difficulty with basic history and arithmetic

indicates a preexisting bigoted, misogynistic Conservative condition many generations in the making.
Ironically, this is why I do not fear for the future of Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
It is the wingnut way to circle the wagons around their craziest outliers and make them heroes once the random Klieg light of instant celebrity catches one of them making big, stupid noises in public.
So if Orly Taitz can launch a media career on pure Birther crazy-juice...
...and Katy Abrams
can squeeze a "policy director" position out of the wingnut welfare trough by screaming about Commie Health care at town meetings...
...and "Joe" the "Plumber"
can find his true calling as Joe the Economic Adviser, Joe the Foreign Policy Wonk, Charlie Brown, Joe the Hey-Batta-Batta-Batta, Joe the War Correspondent, Joe the Welfare Guy, (y'all know he can only vote once, right?), Joe the Footstool, Joe the "Lennie" to McSame's "George" in the "Of Mice and Men" 2008 touring company...
...and such a creature as Jonah Goldberg can exist at all...
...then I think there is an excellent chance that we might be witnessing the early, damp, chrysalis stage of future Congressman George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina
even runs away like a Conservative.
George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina might not have found the internet's off button, but he has seemingly deleted his Twitter account. Such a shame - I was really enjoying the colossal douchebaggery and public implosion of George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. That must have been one heck of a hangover he had this morning.
At least when Ernest T. would lob rocks through random windows....Andy would lock him up with Otis.(God knows what horrors that entailed...)
...but much like the various Mississippians from Ms. Pelosi's video, I fear this guy is just the tip of very large horrible iceberg.
Good luck to his neighbors when "live golf" gets preempted, and he goes all "second amendment solution"..
OK... I thought "Judges rule for Sharia law! Why isn't Fox on this?!?" was the best.
The railroad magnate getting rich... hauling oil... to China....? Perhaps it's a tunnel?
Best post title ever on this blog. DougJ would be proud.
I love you driftglass.
Holy cow, what a jerk.
George Tierney: Proof that a human being CAN live without a brain....
Actually, he's back. He shut down his Twitter for a while, then launched a broadside at Tbogg, then rolled over and went "urp."
Well, G. Tierney of SC did not leave soon enough, and I'm the only one who seems to have noticed Mr. Tierney's impact on history, wherein the early 17th century George Tierney, an English Whig, is no longer the first thing you see when Googling "George Tierney."
Millions of people will no longer learn that the English Whig, as a reluctant leader of the opposition, ended his career by moving "a motion in the House of Commons for a committee on the state of the nation" in 1819. It went down in flames 357 to 178.
Word around the campfire is that this is what killed George Tierney eleven years later, a broken man at Savile Row, London.
Nice work, Mr. Driftglass. Good luck on the interview
My favorite was him saying Serena Williams needed to be smacked in the face. I would pay money to see his pasty ass try. I would buy front row tickets to that.
Where is your live golf now, oh muslim pharoah obama?
The part about his wife's health really makes me feel bad and I want to let up on the guy....however I'm inclined to say no dice because this def seems like a guy who would gladly deny millions of not just "looters" like the disabled and children but also working poor healthcare on account of sociamalism or some such...he def seems like the "let em die" ra ra ra type who would let the undeserving, not him and his ilk or course, die with a big fiscally responsible morally reprehensibile grin on his face...
I like the examples of his inability understand math and history, but I think the use of words "muslim" and "pharoah" fits under that category as well.
Yes, I'm sure Tierney is deeply traumatized by family issues, as displayed by his air of overall melancholy in his recent interview.
Sick spouse? Recently lost loved one? Laid off? Harsh period? Missed the last seat on the bus? Couldn't fill in that last fucking Sudoku square?
Your stress is not a free pass to shit on others, nor to spontaneously revert to the Terrible Twos. Period.
Those of us conversant with it call this inconvenient situation "adulthood" AKA "putting on your big-girl panties."
Tierney has plainly yet to be burdened with this attribute.
It is also obvious from his (now well-known)online history that he is a troll who is now beginning to discover just what the Interwebs can do.
Heaven help him if the /b/tards decide he's worthy of full LULZCOW status - as previous victims can readily attest, their milking technique is somewhat lacking in gentleness, to put it VERY mildly ... & I'm pretty sure you can't get Witness Protection for being a flamewar-fixated dipshit.
At this point, having lightly skipped over Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina's Twitter stream, I should tell you that his wife has been repeatedly and gravely ill and for awhile there he was flinging tweets asking for information and support (and including his phone number) at pretty much anything that moved on Twitter.
Many years ago, over the course of a few posts on the University of Illinois' mascot, I caught the full brunt of a Conservative person's genuinely unhinged fury. This happens on the internet all the time, but I was unsurprised when I dug a little bit and found that the man's wife had died very recently. He was enraged at the world, and rage -- like water -- will follow any open channel to the sea.
This is a fascinating detail, and I've never seen it discussed anywhere before. My own father became an off-the-deep-end anti-semitic conspiracy theorist in the years after my mother died, and his basic intelligence was quite high - he had a STEM PhD - and AFAIK he followed mainstream news media while screaming loudly at it rather than sticking with kooky right-wing bs. I've never even seen anecdata linking the two things so directly before. Thank you.
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