Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to Get Doughy Pantload

to Twitter-block you.

Step 1: Follow Jonah Goldberg for a bit just to keep tabs on what one of the founding members of the Dick Cheney Fan Club is up to (nothing good) and to see if his writing has improved any (it hasn't: Doughy still makes a fine living selling his signature brand of stone soup out of mossy cultural cliches, beer jokes and reflexive Liberal hatred.)

Step 2:
Note the above tweet as Jonah (Editor-at-Large of NRO, LA Times Columnist, USAT contributor, USA Today columnist, author of Liberal Fascism, visiting fellow American Enterprise Institute.) and Byron York (Chief political correspondent, Washington Examiner, Fox News contributor, author of The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy) share a hearty tweet-laff over how awful Ron Reagan Jr. is for not worshiping his father in a manner sufficiently idolatrous to meet the exacting standards of giddy, Reagan-fetishizing neocon chickenhawks.

Step 3: Send him a note explaining how I could "certainly understand why an ambulatory moral dumpster fire such as yourself would think that."

Step 4: Blocked.

Step 5:

As he bravely runs away, away.

Bravely runs away.

Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Panstload.

Because after all these years and all of their humiliating failures, that is still

Tucker (Carlson):'re apt to see hyperventilation. People hate Cheney on this visceral level. What is so hate-able about Dick Cheney?

Goldberg: I have no, I really...I truly have no idea. I like Dick Cheney. Love to have a beer with the guy---I think one of the things that bothers them is that he doesn't care! The opposite of love isn't hate---it's indifference....

just how

Well, at least Jonah Goldberg of National Review has considered volunteering for military service:
As for why my sorry a** isn't in the kill zone, lots of people think this is a searingly pertinent question. No answer I could give -- I'm 35 years old, my family couldn't afford the lost income, I have a baby daughter, my a** is, er, sorry, are a few -- ever seem to suffice.

But his sorry a** is still good enough for National Review Online?

the Yellow Elephants roll.

(Don't forget to join the fundraising fun already in progress here.)


Frank said...

Sounds like Jonah, like his fantasy beer-drinking buddy Dick, has other priorities.

Birds of a freaking feather.

BudP said...

Once upon a time, my mommy gave this troll woman some dry cleaning advice for another lady. Now I'm famous. The end.

Far East Loon said...

One topic I think Jonah Goldberg and the former IDF volunteer and dual Israel/USA citizen, yer new mayor, Rahm, would find common-ground is Lebensraum for the Red Sea Pedestrians. Add John (Leibowtz) Stewart's former roommate, Mad Anthony Weiner to the list. Oh Hell, let's add thirteen of their co-religionist Democratic Senators to the list.

See, libruls and Conservatives aren't so far apart after all; at least on some issues.

Anonymous said...

Pantload said:

"I'm 35 years old, my family couldn't afford the lost income, I have a baby daughter,"

So, let me unpack this:

1) So, you're 35. Why didn't you join when you were 18?
2) Lost income? The military does pay a salary, your have PX privileges and full medical benefits. Plus the joy of serving America.
3) A daughter? People in the military also have children.

It appears that ole Pantload loves himself more than he loves America.

"moral dumpster fire?" Yep. Pantload is fully aware of what he is doing and he knows he is morally culpable.