Now we'll have re-shoot the family photo.
Local man quits GOP.
Film at 11:00
From Time:
Republicans in the Wilderness: Is the Party Over?So apparently Joe the Plumber (who is neither) -- aka Joe the Economic Adviser, Joe the Foreign Policy Wonk, Charlie Brown, Joe the Hey-Batta-Batta-Batta, Joe the War Correspondent, Joe the Welfare Guy, (y'all know he can only vote once, right?), Joe the Footstool, Joe the "Lennie" to McSame's "George" in the "Of Mice and Men" 2008 touring company -- isn't Joe the 'Rithmatic Guy.
Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, tells TIME he's so outraged by GOP overspending, he's quitting the party — and he's the bull's-eye of its target audience. But he also said he wouldn't support any cuts in defense, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid — which, along with debt payments, would put more than two-thirds of the budget off limits. It's no coincidence that many Republicans who voted against the stimulus have claimed credit for stimulus projects in their district — or that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stopped ridiculing volcano-monitoring programs after a volcano erupted in Alaska.
Man oh man.
What does it say that the meatheads and toe-pickers are leaving the Grand Old Party because it's just not hair-on-fire/ass-gouting-napalm reckless and crazy enough?
Info on the Wingnut Family Photo:
First row seated (L - R): Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn BeckClick the pic for larger and share as far and wide as you wish.
Second row standing(L - R): Joe the Quitter, Rupert Murdoch, Brit Hume
Is there a web award for best photoshopping? I am in absolute awe of your talents.
Thanks for the great graphic. Keep up your imaginative work !
Joe the Hey-Batta-Batta-BattaO God I dye.
Best photoshopper in the whole univois, dat's ouah DRIFTY!
You're one of the best Photoshop artists on the Net, and still you've outdone yourself this time.
And Joe the Plumber quitting the Republicans? That's like Jared publicly denouncing Subway. That's like Ronald McDonald becoming a vegetarian.
Hope you don't mind did a little linkage to this on my round up. Great work and no one photoshops Glenn Beck more fittingly than you.
Malkin really does look like the Weekly World News' "Bat Boy", don't she?
Not quite as friendly, maybe.
Joe Not a Plumber may actually be the "smartest" one in that "family" photo.
All of the usual suspects above are absolutely right, of course.
I can only add that Brit Hume as Lurch just KILLS me...
Brit is a match, but so is Rupert.
The whole thang's just brilliant.
so much awsomeness!
tnx dg, u made mah day
is that the Titanic? or will Ship of Fools suffice?
Joe the Quitter is my favorite incarnation of this wurzelberger fella yet. What's his next persona gonna be? " Joe the Let Me Back In The GOP I Was Only Kidding! Seriously! It's Cold Out Here!" guy? Looks like he's going back on welfare. Fucking parasite.
/iced coffee >>>> monitor!
(This week I was thinking about what a special couple Joe the Dumber and Miss California might make...)
Bravo, dg! Bravo!
Joe the Plunger as personal reference is a sure sign of a crock o' shit!
There are so many ways this pic is perfect!
charming, driftlightful, glasstacular
you bastard, you've killed the Addams Family. is nothing sacred?
Holy cow, Republican family values.
you are a genius with the steady hand
love it!
and beck and pugsley
where is cousin It
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