Ladies and gentlemen, as we all know the GOP are ruthless, unprincipled, hostage-taking thugs who have spent the last two years throwing bombs into traffic.
But I'm sure the more power they get, the nicer they'll be.
If not, well then one of these fine days I'll stand up to them over something and then they'll see!
Unless they, y'know, take another hostage.
Which they totally won't do!
Unlike those fucking fuckers on the Left.
Thank you.
That's it, Mr. President; keep calling Liberals unreasonable, sanctimonious dicks.
Genius strategy.
I'm way to the left of the "progressive" whiners and I cheered when the Prez smacked the professional complainers.
In 2012 they're going to wonder and write long self pitying articles about why Obama hasn't been able to mobilize the same level of public support he did in 2008. They'll again blame the left.
So, let's take bets on how much longer democracy is going to limp along in America before we get a latter day Augustus to come along and finally euthanize it? And honestly, Augustus is who you get if you're very very lucky. He was smart enough to put together a system that continued to expand for 2 centuries and at least managed bread and circuses.
Now Palin? I can see President Palin (It'll happen, just you fucking watch) suspending elections because someone said something mean about her on twitter.
For the love of Haruhi, Drifty, wake up and smell the espresso.
Obummer is neither stupid nor cowardly.
He is bought and paid for, and was so from the beginning.
He knows if he serves the Malefactors Of Great Wealth faithfully, even if that means taking a dive in 2012, he will be a very rich man for the rest of his days.
The most serious bribery problem in our system is not the bribes the pols get while they hold office; rather, it is the implicit bribe that says: "Play ball with us now, and we'll hire you to some high-6 or 7-figure sinecure after you leave office, and you'll live like a prince for the rest of your days".
Two years in, and no paradigm shift? Perhaps our expectations are a wee bit out of whack, considering? As much as I'd like him to play hardball, let's not jump ship just yet, shall we?
... The most serious bribery problem in our system is not the bribes the pols get while they hold office; rather, it is the implicit bribe that says: "Play ball with us now, and we'll hire you to some high-6 or 7-figure sinecure after you leave office, and you'll live like a prince for the rest of your days"...
Obama may well believe he'll be rewarded beyond his greediest dreams for destroying the US, but he should stop and ... consider. He thought Wall St & Banks & Insurance Corps. would be on His Side during the last election; after all he gave them trillions, let them write the "health care bill" and "financial bill".
And what did he get? He got less than ZERO. He was slimed, insulted, kicked in the nuts, blamed for every crime the Repugs ever committed, or dreamed of committing.
I bet you he'll be impeached in the next 2 years, and if not convicted of any real crime, he'll live the rest of his sorry life in FEAR, hoping for obscurity.
They HATE him. No matter how many song & dance routines he does for them, how many Tax Break Rabbits he pulls from his hat, how many wars he escalates or starts, how many Hippies he smashes. They Hate Him and They're Gonna GET him, someday.
The Obama Charade officials ends on 12.7.10, the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Irony is a bitch.
For the long term health of the progressive movement, he needs to lose in 2012. I would rather sacrifice 4 years than the generation. We aren't likely to gain any supremes from 12-16 anyway.
I wish there was a way to convince him not to run and make way for someone else. His latest speech makes it clear he thinks his base are the fanatics, not his opponents.
What US Blues and Monster from the Id said.
Even shorter:
"I give up."
("I still get my pension though, right?")
First of all, those who keep commenting that Obama is "bought and paid for" as if someone with his skill and qualifications is looking at the temp job in the white house as a road to retirement riches....bullshit. Get back to the real world. He thinks he is being a statesman, he just doesn't know they don't exist anymore. .
Second. A salient point from a comment off another link:
"The left could be helping push their policy positions, and making the arguement about how/why they are better than what conservatives offer. If they did that, Pres. Obama's job in these negotiations would be much easier because he'd have more leverage and support. He could get more of what he wanted (and what the left wanted), and thus everybody wins.
But instead they direct their ire at him, and him alone. He's definately deserving of some...but the amout of flak he's taken because Congressional Dems "didn't deal with this before the election" cannot be understated. So it's the reverse cycle. He gets no support, Congressional Dems never show up, and he's left to deal from a position of weakness against a unified obstructionist GOP. Then when the deal sucks (it does), everyone blames him, and him alone.
That's why he's frustated. This was supposed to be a team sport, but no one else showed up to play. Now they all blame him for the loss.
Posted by: TheBBQChickenMadness | December 7, 2010 4:01 PM
In other words: He may be a Pollyanna...but he sure isn't a republican.
Riiiiight, 7:41 am Anon.
And denial IS just a river in Egypt.
Your Kool-Aid mustache is showing. ^__^
I hope Drifty's KAM is wearing off at last.
Monster from Idiot
I don't enjoy being lectured to by "anonymous" ranters without any logic to their reasoning.
Ever. Step up and identify yourself and your rationale before you start down that path. And it better be better than I've seen already. There is a massive amount of literature out on how he and his team have ignored all the input they got initially on the issues like the health care bill, etc.
My logic is thus:
As "someone with his skill and qualifications" (as you say) continues to make these type decisions, a fair observer is stunned that he is such a slow learner.
Unless he isn't.
And he's "frustrated?"
Now you need to get a life.
He just added $600,000,000 to the long-term deficit for our children and grandchildren to pay merely to increase the savings of the upper 2% (advocated by the people who are screaming about reducing the deficit as long it's Social Security and safety net programs at issue).
Give us a **** break.
Do some reasoning at your end first.
Just what are his core principles again? What is it that he stands for?
After the tax cuts extension, DADT, continuing gov't invasion of civil rights, continuing conflicts abroad, and the enormous boon to insurance companies that is the health care reform act, I'm really wondering what sets him apart from the GOP.
Actually, Suzan nobody was lecturing you about anything... or hard to believe... referring to you, or any comment you made.....at all.
I believe the comment that said "those who keep saying that Obama is "bought and paid for" is directed at....wait for it.
...the troll commenter who actually said "he is bought and paid for". See up there??
Get a life yourself...or defend the position that our president is in any way shape or form "bought and paid for". Something, "my logic thus" certainly failed to do.
..and since my grad degree is in economics...and not spookology..like yours..I don't need to be lectured to by you about the consequences of the new tax policy or anything else for that matter.
I guess I can live with being run out of here for defending the president (who I have been critical of many times) from the baseless rantings of a troll.
I may miss reading driftglass, but I sure wont miss your sanctimonious mewling sycophant crap.
My only regret now is that this comment wont be up long enough for you to see it.
DG you don't have to bother running me out of this bar, your bitch bartender
took care of that for you. I have been sick of her for a long time anyway.
Okay- the real question is: how SHOULD the President have handled this whole tax cut debacle? Should he have played chicken with unemployment insurance and middle-class tax cuts? COULD he have succeeded? Last I heard, if the middle-class or the unemployed got totally hosed right before Christmas, the G.O.P. doesn't lose any sleep.
Couldn't there be some truth to President Obama's protestations that pragmatism had to go before ideology, that his job was to help as many Americans as he could, not to give the drooling Republicans what for?
'Cause I don't know how fun it would be for him to be principled King-Swingin'-Dick during a full-blown depression, but I know it wouldn't be any fun for me.
Oh, ho.
So now I'm called a bitch by that courageous anonymous responder with an economics degree from where? Phoenix Unknown?
You don't want to get into a match with me on economics degrees, sweetheart.
And I've said over and over again here and in lots of other places that it does seem like Obie is the ultimate black candidate as his governing skills have never lived up to his campaigning skills, making me quite unpopular among the adoring fan side of the room.
I have no idea why Obama, from the health care plan's buildup to today's last meeting with the Rethugs without Dems being present, goes into a negotiation and gives away the store before the negotiations even start, but it surely looks suspicious to anyone who has studied economics, strategic planning and negotiation (and who supported him because he seemed to be well-prepared enough not to do something naive like that).
I rest my case as we now have a situation where if the Dems in Congress demand any type of more equitable change to what Obama has already given away, the Rethugs can scream that the Dems have caused the unemployed and miserable the pain as they refuse to pass anything.
Good work all around.
P.S. Thanks, Dg, for having a site where the "views" of your fond readers can be aired without name calling.
Where "bitch," of course, is meant in its original sense: brave, thoughtful woman.
In case Anon still at least reads Driftglass's blog:
Why do I think Obummer is bought and paid for? Two words: Occam's Razor.
Well, look at it this way: having been punked by the Repubs, Obama had to give someone a smack to make himself feel better.
Oh, and rootless_e: will you still be cheering when Social Security dies, because Obama just gave the Repubs a handy backdoor way to kill it?
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