Monday, December 31, 2007

"Leave Dubya Alone!"

Paul Krugman wonders why the hell this is still the face of the GOP.

From the NYT.

The Great Divide
By Paul Krugman

Yesterday The Times published a highly informative chart laying out the positions of the presidential candidates on major issues. It was, I’d argue, a useful reality check for those who believe that the next president can somehow usher in a new era of bipartisan cooperation.

For what the chart made clear was the extent to which Democrats and Republicans live in separate moral and intellectual universes.

On one side, the Democrats are all promising to get out of Iraq and offering strongly progressive policies on taxes, health care and the environment. That’s understandable: the public hates the war, and public opinion seems to be running in a progressive direction.

What seems harder to understand is what’s happening on the other side — the degree to which almost all the Republicans have chosen to align themselves closely with the unpopular policies of an unpopular president. And I’m not just talking about their continuing enthusiasm for the Iraq war. The G.O.P. candidates are equally supportive of Bush economic policies.


And things seem likely to get worse as the election approaches.

...however, except for Mike Huckabee — a peculiar case who’ll deserve more discussion if he stays in contention — the leading Republican contenders have gone out of their way to assure voters that they will not deviate an inch from the Bush path. Why?

Because the G.O.P. is still controlled by a conservative movement that does not tolerate deviations from tax-cutting, free-market, greed-is-good orthodoxy.


Krugman knows better than this.

I mean, he gives a pretty good, family-newspaper answer -- but since he asked the question…

There are two years that hold the answer as to why so many Republicans are supporting this lying failure of a President and his criminal and criminally incompetent policies: 1998 and 2004.

In the 1990s, Bill Clinton was every single thing Republicans claim they want in a “bipartisan” Democrat:
1. Smart
2. Capable
3. A superb communicator
4. Fiscally disciplined
5. A surplus-maker
6. Willing to compromise on just about anything and – to the horror of his party’s most loyal supporters -- give away to the GOP win after win on NAFTA, GATT, Welfare Reform and a slew of other items on the GOP Lifetime Wish List.
7. Respected on the world stage.

And for his troubles the GOP didn’t simply hard fight him on the fair-and-square every fucking inch of the way. Oh no. Instead, their political and media Parti apparats crawled up his ass and ripped into his guts like Furies on a mean whiskey drunk.

Morning, noon and night.

Wartime or peacetime.


Under the banners of DeLay, Gingrich, Limbaugh and Falwell, they rededicated themselves to Total Political War on everyone Left of Pat Buchanan, and redoubled their efforts to destroy!destroy!destroy! the other side.

At any cost.

Now to be clear, in the matter of Monica Lewinsky, Clinton handed his enemies a sword and thought he could clever his way out from under the blade. But let’s also be clear that Ms. Lewinsky – like the endless Whitewater fishing expedition, or Congressional hearings to comb through fucking Christmas card lists -- was never more than the available means at-hand to serve Conservative political ends that had been in forged long before Clinton got into the Oval Office.

Because to have a (D) in the White House – any (D), any time, for any reason – stands in the way of the Republican One Party Theocracy.

Based solely on his accomplishments as President – and Republican rhetoric about what a President should be and do -- if Clinton had simply had an (R) after his name instead of a (D), the GOP would be clearing space on Mount Rushmore for him.

But he didn’t, and for that reason and that reason alone he had to be annihilated.

At any cost.

And then these same people “elected” and then “re-elected” an Administration fronted by a mush-mouthed halfwit and powered by looters, liars, traitors, imbeciles, degenerates and Dominionists.

Why? And why, as Krugman asks, do these same people still scuttle along in lockstep with leaders and policies who have marched them right off of the cliff over and over again?

Because in the space of a generation, Conservatism has devolved from dodgy-but-defensible political philosophy to a Hobbsean, Lord of the Flies cult whose tenets no longer intersect reality at any point.

Whose cultists no longer bother to consult the world of cause and effect for validation of their views of Right and Wrong.

Who instead cower in a terrifying darkness of their own making and, by the light of the AM Hate Radio dial, measure success by their own, creepy doctrinal checklist.

This is a small example of how a Modern Conservative “thinks”:

Government destroyed? Check.
Everyone armed to the teeth? Check.
Neocon-approved hack put in charge? Check.
Every critical public service “privatized” to friendly contractors? Check.
Every vital national resource handed over to corporate overlords? Check.
Corporation-friendly tax structure installed? Check.

All of the above being true, Iraq must therefore be Wildly Successful.


And since Iraq is Wildly Successful, there cannot have been any looting.

There was no insurgency.

It was a cake walk.

A slam dunk.

Iraqis do not hate us.

There were no ethic tensions.

Everything will be great in six more months.

We’re turning the corner.


And since Iraq is Wildly Successful, all who say otherwise must either hate ‘Murrica or be the stooges of those who hate ‘Murrica.

In the 1990s, these people reacted to four years of exactly the kind of cooperation and concession-granting they said they wanted by shrieking “Impeach the Mothefucker!” ever louder and louder and louder, because these people will never get past the atavistic hate and stupidity that decades of relentless wingnut propaganda with a Christopath chaser has burned into their skulls.

In the 2000s the same people looked at four years of hard evidence of incompetence and ruin and incipient fascism – of an Administration that had systematically eviscerated every canon of genuine Conservatism – and bellowed “More Please!” ever louder and louder and louder, because these people will never, ever, ever give up their dream of a tidy, White, Male, totalitarian Jesusland where the clock has been run back to a perfect, conformist 1951 that never was.

They are the mooching, lying Party Malfunctionaries that launch wars they have no intention of fighting in or paying for, and set standards for others that they themselves have no intention of meeting, and couldn’t if they spent the next thousand years trying to evolve opposable thumbs, respect for the Constitution and some detectable trace of a fucking conscience.

The endless "Get Out of Accountability Free" cards that Conservatives deal out to cover every one of the Bush Administration's atrocities is the final and irrefutable proof that they did never meant a single fucking syllable of all of those millions of fiery words of self-righteous rhetoric the expended during the Clinton Era.

That it was all lies. All theater for their fuckwad masses.

And through it all – all 15 years of it – these grotesque failures have coped with this overwhelming evidence of their own perfidy, hypocrisy and complicity in the ruin of this nation by smirking, lying and called the rest of the world deranged.

Whose idea of an action plan is to burn the world down to the stumps because…because… because…well...that’ll Show Those Damned Libruls!

And so, in the words of Steve Gilliard -- our immortal bard of Fighting Liberalism --

“It is time to stop looking for an accommodation with the right. They want none for us. They want to win, at any price. So, you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?”

Have Fun Out There Tonight

Three rules of a good time on NYE:
1. Be careful/ Safety first.
2. Flirt as madly as conditions and common courtesy permit.
3. Don't wake up in the Village.

Oh, and remember...

Saturday, December 29, 2007

NY Times Magazine: Steven Gilliard Jr.

Gilly got a much-deserved write up in the NYT today.

The GNB has all the links and such here, as well as a lovely wreath of words from Jesse Wendel and some well-delivered corrections to the general tone of the piece (For example, somebody tell Matt Bai that he voided his poetic license when he decided to trowel on the "po' lonely guy" bathos when in real life those that knew him say Steve was not that way at all.)

Still, I can easily believe that someone like Gilly was a man alone in an entirely different sense: a man who could see things with a clarity that others did not see at all; who was every day terribly troubled by events (and their likely consequences) that others were not even aware existed.

And that particular Cassandric watch tower can be a very lonesome dwelling.

So to put it better than I ever could, I'm going to shamelessly steal respectfully borrow some words from another writer I admire greatly. One who was also simultaneously hugely talented and under appreciated. Who harrowed a living out of the air with just his pen, who possessed that singular gift for reaching into his writer's bindle and plucking out exactly the right word, and who died far too young and unrewarded.
Edgar Allan Poe -- "Alone"

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.

It's a poem which reads dark and rather melancholy, and is therefor a pretty accurate reflection of my own, inner emotional state -- one of selfish anger that I will never read another new post from Gilly again.

But then from somewhere I hear Steve admonishing me -- "Yeah, whatever. Now fuck your self-pitying bullshit and get back to work." -- and I know that this

is so much more the right coda to the Big Guy's life and work.

Rest in Peace my friend.

There's this joke that goes:

Q: What do you get when you play a country song backwards?

A: You get your truck back, your dog back and your woman back.

Pinch Sulzberger shows us

his ass.


Because the New York Times just announced that, as far as it's concerned, being a mendacious prick is no longer a bad thing.

Being a slaughterporn whore is no longer shameful.

Apparently being a walking advertisement for every single thing that is wrong with the blood-caked, sociopathic Neocon Right is no longer even an impediment to extremely lucrative employment at the apex of the "liberal" NYT.

Instead, being genocidally evil is now just another "point of view" that deserves to be represented in America's paper of record.

And pimping one insane war after another -- and then being shown over and over and over again to be completely fucking wrong about every god damned thing -- is no longer horrifying, or even mildly disgraceful, but a license for William "The Bloody" Kristol to print money using Pinch Sulzberger's printing press.

Just another solid gold line on an Alpha Pundit's well-barbered resume.

C&L has the rest here.

John Fund


Because for the Villagers, even a movie review has to be waterboarded into yet another paean to their God of Bullshit Bipartisanship.

By John Fund in today's Huffington Post

Why Charlie Wilson's War Couldn't Happen Today

Posted December 28, 2007 | 09:35 AM (EST)

"Charlie Wilson's War,"...

something something something...ah, here we go:
But let's hope Washington notes another of the film's lessons: Good things sometimes happened in foreign policy when there was bipartisanship, which now appears to be a bygone concept.

Yadda yadda more don't care yadda

But he (Charlie Wilson) believes that nothing like the Afghan operation could survive today's poisonous Washington atmosphere. Tom Hanks, who brings the dapper, albeit sometimes debauched, Mr. Wilson to life in the film, agrees. He told Reader's Digest that "the constant blaring of the media, from the left and the right, has taken us to a point where there's no legitimate discussion" on serious issues.

Please note that this may well be the one millionth repetition of the Neocon's favorite nursery rhyme (and don't think that hearing it coming out of Pretend James Lovell's mouf makes it any less nauseating.)

From the left and the right.
From the left and the right.
From the left and the right.
From the left and the right.
From the left and the right.
From the left and the right.
From the left and the right.

For the last twenty years, as they have relentlessly worked to make "Liberal = Nazi", Republicans have shown with perfect clarity that they have absolutely no interest in genuine bipartisanship whatsoever.

As they have demonstrated this last year by racking up more threatened filibusters in less time than any Congress in history, they will accept only complete capitulation as a "compromise", and have absolutely no compunction about holding the children, the poor, the sick and the elderly hostage to get their way. This they have done while their own war cry -- "Up Or Down Vote!" -- still ring through the halls they now shut down by refusing to let anything come to a vote.

The very same people who stuffed their mushy skulls with Limbaugh and called it The Truth, and howled for Clinton's blood -- and were perfectly willing to trash the country to get it -- now giggle and smirk as their Bicycle Chief wipes his ass with the United States Constitution over and over and over again.

They are still proudly the Party of Newt and Rush and DeLay. The Party that has spent decades calculatedly poisoning our public discourse and destroying the possibility of having a civil discussion about anything...and now wanders the fire-seared rubble of the institutions they torched wondering who oh who is to blame for this mess?

They are a cult. A disease. And until they are rendered extinct, we're fucked.

And Arianna, as you full well know know, John Fund is already a well-remunerated conservative typist for the Wall Street Journal, whose book on voter fraud is fraught with fraud and error that all just-so-happens to bend in the direction of (surprise!) slandering Democrats.

Oh, and he is also one of Regnery Press' stable of cage-fed wingnut welfare "authors".

In other words, if I really wanted to hear what a hack like Fund thinks, all I need to do is open the WSJ, peruse his online columns, or pick one of his execrable tomes out of a WalMart remaindered book dumpster.

In other words, Fund is exactly the kind of conservative leech that needs to be salted off of our body politic.

What he does not need -- what is not helpful in the cause of ridding the Commons of their pestilence -- is to have his meal ticket and street cred further underwritten on one of the few large and putatively-progressive-but-increasingly-crap-riddled media outlets that exists in this country.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Welcome to another episode of

"Shorter Pantsload Theater"

Shorter Pantsload: Quit laughing at my tiny peh-peh, damn.

Mumsie? What's a rilly, rilly mean word?


Whazzit it mean?

Oh nevermind...

"You fascists!"


This episode of "Shorter Pantsload Theater" has been inspired by the good people at "Sadly, No!".
"Sadly, No!: where the elite meet to get their snark plugs gapped."*

*(The money quote: "It’s like Jonah’s never talked to a liberal in his entire life. He reminds me of Steve Carell in the 40-Year-Old Virgin describing a woman’s breast as a bag of sand.")

And sponsored by the 1946 Encyclopedia Britannica:

The 1946 Encyclopedia Britannica -- Because nothing says "We just fought the bloodiest war in history against it" quite like actually having a fucking clue what the difference is between "Despotism" and "Democracy".

OK kids; bust your box score cards and #2 pencils out and see if you can count how many symptoms of a diseased and despotic culture have become central organizing principles of the Republican Party?

(h/t Blue Buddha)

(If you leaped to your feet screaming "Ohmygod, it's all of them!" in horror, then you have obviously stolen a copy of the answer key. Report back here at 3:00 for detention.)

Update: One Googlebomb -- Liberal Fascism -- served hot and tasty.
Because that's just how we nefarious and brownshirty moonbats are.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Make. Them. Choose.

Ann Coulter shown here gently explaining to Rich Lowry and George Will exactly how Conservative Hate Radio and the Christopath Base of the GOP actually work.

So why pick on Will and Lowry?

No special reason except their proximity to the issue and citable quotes; it could have been any fifty Conservative Shipwreck Kellys whose soft, lucrative jobs depend entirely on remaining perched precariously far, far above the bleating sheep of the GOP Base, and are increasingly terrified by the threat of a stampede by the masses.

On December 14, Lowry wrote in this article entitled “Huckacide
After many false prophecies, Dean circa 2008 has finally arrived. He is former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Not because he will inevitably blow himself up in Iowa. But because, like Dean, his nomination would represent an act of suicide by his party.

Like Dean, Huckabee is an under-vetted former governor who is manifestly unprepared to be president of the United States. Like Dean, he is rising toward the top of polls in a crowded field based on his appeal to a particular niche of his party. As with Dean, his vulnerabilities in a general election are so screamingly obvious that it’s hard to believe that primary voters, once they focus seriously on their choice, will nominate him.

The GOP’s social conservatism inarguably has been an enormous benefit to the party throughout the past 30 years, winning over conservative Democrats and lower-income voters who otherwise might not find the Republican limited-government message appealing. That said, nominating a Southern Baptist pastor running on his religiosity would be rather overdoing it. Social conservatism has to be part of the Republican message, but it can’t be the message in its entirety.

Huckabee has declared that he doesn’t believe in evolution. Even if there are many people in America who agree with him, his position would play into the image of Republicans as the anti-science party.

Honest to Mithtras, what Alternate Universe does Lowry believe he's broadcasting from? Acting as if the anti-science bigots, racists and Xian jihadists that make up the shock troops of the GOP somehow just wandered into the Party of Lincoln to get out of the rain?

I mean;
“The GOP’s social conservatism inarguably has been an enormous benefit to the party throughout the past 30 years…”?

“…his position would play into the image of Republicans as the anti-science party.”?

Are you fucking kidding me?

It's not bad marketing your Party is suffering from, Rich: it is the anti-science Party. The Social Conservatives don't help the Party, they are the Republican Party.

Proudly. Openly. For decades now.

So when one asks “Who could possibly be stupid enough to believe such bullshit?” the question suddenly answers itself doesn't it?

Lowry is talking to…Lowry. And George Will. And Andy Sullivan.

Because these Extremely Ivory Tower Republicans have truly become the Sunni of the GOP; a distinct minority in the Party who have grown so used to cattle-prodding the Base around on behalf of their corporate masters that long after the wingnut gargoyles took over their cathedral, they're still bizarrely and hysterically insisting that they’re the Real Republicans.

That somehow the Chistopaths and Wannabee Klansmen who provide the shoe leather, the envelope stuffing, the Hate Radio ratings and the door-to-door electoral throw weight of the Party are some sort of kookie, fringe minority.

And that the best way of dealing with the rough beasts who are slouching to Iowa to be born is to deploy Upright WASP Family Dysfunction Abatement Strategy #5: sniff at the Base disapprovingly, sprinkle a little more Elitist Pundit Rose Water over the feculent monster gobbling up the remains of their Party, and then take to their beds and studiously pretend the Golem they created to destroy politics and win elections isn’t really there.

George Will then smoothly takes the Frantic Bed Wetting Baton hand-off from Lowry and sprints with it here:

The Huckabee Revolution: Evangelicals At The GOP Gate

Mike Huckabee's insurrectionist presidential campaign is defying the determination of the Republican establishment to restrict the selection of the party's nominee to pre-approved candidates.

At the same time that the ordained Baptist minister has surged to the forefront of the field not only in Iowa but in South Carolina and Florida, powerful conservative players -- from Bob Novak to the National Review to the Wall Street Journal -- are voicing outrage.

"A comprehensive apostasy against core Republican beliefs," fumed George Will, so infuriated that on December 20 the normally impeccable stylist used the same phrase twice in one paragraph: "Huckabee's radical candidacy," Will continued, "broadly repudiates core Republican policies such as free trade, low taxes, the essential legitimacy of America's corporate entities and the market system allocating wealth and opportunity."

Most importantly, endorsements notwithstanding, Christian evangelicals, who make up roughly 40 percent of the Republican electorate, are hungry for an alternative to Romney, Thompson, McCain, and Giuliani.


A comprehensive apostasy against core Republican beliefs…”?


Well Mr. Will, allow me to introduce you to an arcane manuscript that you have perhaps never read.

The Platform of the Republican Party.

Come, George: Let’s you and I count all of the places where this canonical document of “Republican beliefs” has been either explicitly or implicitly crafted to pander to the Bibledragging imbeciles who make up the largest power bloc in “your” Party:

At the very ippy-tippy-top of the list?


Promote adoption & abstinence, not abortion clinic referrals.
Human Life Amendment to the Constitution.

Translation: Letting a woman decide what to do with her body and -- not some Washington Theocrat -- makes Baby Jebus Cry.

Their very exciting Civil Rights plank has six points, three of which are about Teh Evil Gays
States should not recognize gay marriage from other states.

Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
Translation: Letting two consenting adults decide who they should marry -- not some Washington Theocrat -- makes Baby Jebus Cry.

Homosexuality is incompatible with military service

Translation: Letting a qualified, patriotic American citizens choose to serve their country -- not some Washington Theocrat -- makes Teh Christian Soldiers nervous.

Which in turn makes Baby Jebus Cry.


Support the death penalty.

Question: Why does your Party still demand the death penalty when every other civilized nation on Earth can see that state sanctioned murder does nothing to make their societies safer, but does leave a huge stain on their cultural soul?

Because unless we exact straight up Old Testament retribution for crime, the Prince of Peace will cry and cry and cry.

Because not killing people makes Baby Jebus Cry.


Jail time and school drug testing deters drug use.

Translation: The more ignorant you keep people and more insanely Old Testament you get over victimless crimes, the less Baby Jebus Cries.


Promote school choice and home-schooling.

Translation: Forcing Christian children to learn Scary Science in the same classrooms as smelly heathens makes Baby Jebus Cry.


Support voluntary student-initiated prayer in school.

Translation: There aren't already enough moments in the week when people of faith can silently ask God for help and guidance, which is why we need not some Washington Theocrat to carve out even more.

Anything less would make Baby Jebus Cry.

Energy & Oil?
No Kyoto, no mandatory carbon emissions controls.

Translation: There is no global warming. It is all made up by radical secular bastards. To make Baby Jebus Cry.

Families & Children?
Families are the cornerstone of our culture.

Translation: Of course, when we say "families", we mean white, evangelical Christian families with lots of science hating children and a Mommy who doesn't threaten the patriarchy by working outside the home, or having opinions of her own.

Who “...submit(s) herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.”

Because any other kind of "family" is a heathen blasphemy that makes Baby Jebus Cry.

Government Reform?

Stop activist judges from banning Pledge & Ten Commandments.

Because we are a Christian Nation, aren't we George?


And because we are a Christian Nation, all government should be abolished except where it can be used to force people to stop from being Smelly Heathens (making sure that women take their proper place as Brood Mares, making sure that Teh Gays can't get married, and that they stay away from the Christian Soldiers, making sure that the followers of the Prince of Peace can be as heavily armed as humanly possible, etc.) and where it can be used to ram our righteous Christian Doctrine down the throats of the Smelly Heathens.

Gun Control?
Open more public land to hunting.
No frivolous gun lawsuits, no gun licensing.

Translation: Let Christians kill more of God’s Creatures, and do so with fewer restrictions, or Baby Jebus will cry.

Health Care?

ABC for AIDS: Abstinence, Be faithful, Change behavior.
No assisted suicide.

Well, Mr. Will, is there really any reason to continue?

The idea of turning America into a nice, tidy, White, Conservative, Christian theocracy is by now wound so deep into Republican DNA that the idea of Republicans “denouncing” their Christopaths and Wannabe Klansmen is as ridiculous as

as Michael Corleone “denouncing” the devil and all his pomps.

You hypocrites have been getting your electoral freak on with the same cast of patently insane, human venom sacs for 30 years.

But just like global warming, Iraq, Katrina, and a dozen other epic Republican failures, the whiffling cowards of the Republican Elite never thought they personally would have to pay the price for their midnight rambles through the Red Light districts of Jesusland.

Ah, but now that the Devil has come for his due, it's Judgment Day in the GOP.

And now they’re carrying your baby. Your future.

Your bootiful, bootiful tax cuts.

Your glorious vision of the Privatized Feudal States of American, Inc.

Your permanent majority.

All of that is in their hands, and they’re tired of being your behind-the-barn-by- the-dark-of-the-moon-crazyfuck.

They want the ring, baby!

They want you to repeat in public and on camera all those sweet, velvety “Of course I’ll love your unhinged ass forever! Of course I’m all packed and ready for the Rapture! Or course global thermonuclear war is a God’s Will! Now bend over and let me do you like dirty, dirty Humanist you bitch!” you whispered in their ears behind the pulpit, under the bleachers and during your lap dances in the

CPAC Champagne Room.

They want to hear you plight your troth for their racist, homophobic Armageddon-hungry favors out here where we all can hear it.

Time to put up or shut up, wankers.

Time to quit hiding and temporizing and pretending you can't smell the rots and rats running riot in your own sodden bed.

You have been dawdling at the altar for thirty years, Lowry: time to stand proudly beside your Succubus Bride, say I do and kiss them full on their berserker lips...or burn down the Party.

Because they will no longer be ignored

and we will no longer let you pretend the demon child they carry isn't yours.

A Sneak Peek Into


Maybe it's me

I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how?

I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you?

I make you laugh?

I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?

What do you mean funny? Funny how? How am I funny?

(From "Goodfelines")

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down

“Poinsettias Every Damned Where” Edition.

Because while they can’t yet get away with Huckabeing a cross on every surface like they trowel a fat schmear of flag into every Exciting War Graphic, the networks want you to know that Jebus luurves them so much He buries them in eye-stabbingly red Blood O’ Christ Forget Me Nots on His Special Day.

Flags and Crosses, which actually leads us right into “Meet the Press” .

When I heard that Punkin Haid was going to grill Ru Paul, well I was pretty excited.

I mean Tiny Timmuh

(“Mr. Dickens, in ‘A Christmas Carole’ you said, and I quote, ‘God bless us every one'.
And yet as in the case of some of your more infamous villains – Fagin, for example, or Uriah Heep -- it seems unlikely that you really want God to bless them at all.
So, sir, which is it!”)

versus a big black transvestite?

Now that’s some fucking Must See (pun alert! pun alert!) TV!

Sadly and truer to form, Timmuh went with a smaller, older, whiter, nuttier, less gender-bending guest.

Ron Paul: Get rid of the IRS. We lived just fine – until 1913 – without an income tax.

Timmuh: That would leave us a trillion dollars short.

Paul: Then we should stop being the world’s policeman.

Timmuh: How many troops do we have overseas?

Paul: I dunno.

Timmuh: 572,000 troops overseas. Ha! I looked-ed it up!

Paul: We’ve had troops in Korea since I was in high school.

Timmuh: So you think Israel wants us to bomb Iran?

Paul: Yes.

Timmuh: Prove it.

Paul: Fuck you. We’ve been dragging our dick through the Middle East for fifty years. Destabilizing their governments. Overthrowing them. Installing dictators. Propping up and arming the shit out of any pocket edition Mussolini who would kill who we told them to kill and give us cheap oil. How would you feel if that was being done to us?

Timmuh: So it’s our fault and not al Quaeda?

Gotta love the utter predictability of Timmuh’s fatheaded, binary, zero sum world view.

Paul: If you step in the snake pit and they bite you, whose fault is it? They bit you, sure, but they wouldn’t have if you hadn’t have stepped into the pit.

Paul: I like the Dubya who ran in 2000, but his foreign policy changed immediately. At the first Cabinet meeting, way before 9/11. At his first meeting he was running up and down the aisles yelling “When are we gonna attack Iraq?” Kicking the back of Condi’s chair, going “Arewethereyet?Arewethereyet?Arewethereyet?”

Paul: War eliminates liberties. The War on Drugs is ridiculous. Out of control.

And then Teh Crazy came out to play…

Paul: Lincoln shouldn’t have gone to war. A useless Civil War. Shoulda just bought all the slaves and released them. And slavery would have just vanished.

Because there is nothing that the Magic of the Markets cannot cure!

On “Face the Nation”

Bob Schieffer: Is it true that you think Dubya is a power-drunk fucknozzle?

Mike Huckabee: Ah lurrve the Preznit. Always have. But I’m not running for Dubya’s third term. We need to be honest about what isn’t working.

Bob Schieffer: What about that damn cross?

Mike Huckabee: Maybe – hehehe – it was – hehehe – an...act of God? Or maybe it was…an accident. Yeah. I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money to shoot the commercial again. My Secular Bookshelf wasn’t back from the carpenters yet. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. It wasn’t my fault, I swear to God!

Schieffer: Are you running for Preznit of Jesusland?

Careful, Mike! It’s a trap!

Huckabee: No. For all America.

Whew! Good thing he kept his cool.

This is me, not watching any more of “Face the Nation”

On “This Week”

Nothing interesting here, except ABC debuted its new KarmaCam 2007 ™ , which alleges to do what revelations about medical records, financials and how close to Jebus you sat in the High School cafeteria (Mike Huckabee -- “Dude! He was in my band!”) can’t do; show you the state of a candidate’s soul:

Here, for example, Rudy’s Soul is shown here charming the pants

right off of the MSM…

The only matter of interest to me was this brief interplay between George Will, George Stephanopoulos and E J Dionne (video at Crooks & Liars here)

Will: The most important fact in Washington this year was the Senate rule that, in effect, we now have a supermajority requirement. It’s not in the Constitution, but noting important happens without 60 Senators.

Dionne: …The point is, Republicans can go out an brag that “We had a great successes!” What are their successes? Well they stopped expanding child health care to 10 million children. Are you going to brag about that?

Small things can be revealing. (The) President at the end of this week stopped 700 million dollars out of Medcaid from going to help reimburse school districts for things like from transporting kids to immunization or physical therapy. So…3.6 billion over five years. They’re going to brag about that?

Stephanopoulos: All they’ll say though is that President Bush and Republicans in Congress will “restrict spending”. Which will work.

Dionne: Against 12 billion a month in Iraq?

These are the moments that for me perfectly capture the utter failure of the Sunday shows in sum, because these are moment -- each and every week -- when the Mouse Circus routinely and conspicuously fails to do what real journalism does: Ask the next question.

Ask the hard, vital, follow-up question.

Ask the “why?” behind the commonplace wisdom of “everybody knows”.

So, to the uninitiated, Mr. Will, without diverting us into an arcane discussion about the rules of the Senate, what exactly was it that happened “this year” that suddenly makes a super-majority a “requirement” when this has never before in history been the case?

Because, when they were in the majority, I distinctly remember Republicans being on the teevee machine about every five minutes helpfully reminding the American people that their stuff deserved “An Up Or Down Vote” and that a filibuster was worse than six Hitlers!

And now? One year later?

These same people filibuster everything.

These same people are now willing to hold the military, the elderly, the sick and the poor hostage. Willing to let them suffer. Let them die.


E.J. Dionne lays out a compelling case that the same President who pissed away our surpluses and is burying us in debt, who only vetoed one bill in six years, who pisses away 12 billion dollars a month in his failed war in Iraq, is the now the same President who vetoes virtually everything he touches, and is more than happy to play politics with the lives of American children over a sum that would not fund his Iraqi Debacle for two days?

Stephanopoulos rebuts not one of the facts, but only with: “All they’ll say though is that President Bush and Republicans in Congress will ‘restrict spending’. Which will work.”

OK, but why, George? Why will it work? On whom will it work?

Because this is the place where the conversation should begin, not end.

This is the spot by the side of the road where a real journalist would pop the hood on American politics and take a long, hard look at why the vehicle isn’t running anymore.

But that will never happen, because under the hood they would find the works are mostly being fouled by the 27%-ers – that quarter of the American public that are unsalvageable ignorant, irredeemably hateful, ambulatory human sewage – and a spineless media that categorically refuse to discuss the ramifications of that plain and terrifying fact.

“Fox News Sunday” reports that

The Surge is Working! So everyone should STFU now.

Also we might bring some troops home.


Might not.

Depends on stuff.

We’re examining various conditions.

And then were gonna decide stuff.

Wallace (Asking Gen. Petraeus): But didn’t you say we needed to hand off this mess to an Iraqi government.

Petraeus: They passed a pension law. And when they come back from their long, long, long vacation we think they’ll do other stuff.

Wallace: Yay!

Wallace: Why does the media hate America?

Wallace: You smell good. Are you gonna run for Preznit?

Then came one of the scariest people in America. Pastor Neverfrown Joel Osteen. And when you step back and look at what Osteen is doing, you realize he is absolutely perfect for Fox News; he is to Christianity exactly what Fox is to Journalism.

Because Osteen is not a Christian at all: He’s Americas leading NeoFosterite and head of a nearly-full-blown Church of the New Revelation.

From Robert Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land” -- New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons (1961):

"A devout agnostic, Jubal rated all religions, from the animism of Kalahari Bushmen to the most intellectualized faith, as equal. But emotionally he disliked some more than others and the Church of the New Revelation set his teeth on edge. The Fosterites' flat-footed claim to gnosis through a direct line to Heaven, their arrogant intolerance, their football-rally and sales-convention services - these depressed him... If God existed... and if He wanted to be worshipped... then it seemed wildly unlikely that a God potent to shape galaxies would be swayed by the whoop-te-do the Fosterites offered as 'worship.'

"'...My point is that Foster's New Revelation is sweetness-and-light as scripture goes. Bishop Digby's Patron is a good Joe; He wants people to be happy--happy on Earth plus eternal bliss in Heaven. He doesn't expect you to chastise the flesh. Oh no! This is the giant-economy package. If you like to drink and gamble and dance and wench--come to church and do it under holy auspices. Do it with your conscience free. Have fun at it! Get happy!'

Right before our eyes, the Right is hollowing out the bones and teeth and heart and soul of Christianity and injection-molding a wholly new, Corporate Compatible faith into its old skin. A new, feelygoody, market-tested faith manufactured to some very disturbing specifications.

A comfortable, Jebus-For-Dummies Doctor Phil Pablumocracy Twinkie Church with spongy yellow God’s Glory on the outside, and the Soft, White, Gooey Glucose of Christ on the Inside.

Gone is the cross. Gone are the actual words of the actual Christ. Gone is any notion of anguish, pain or redemption. Or compassion. Or the narrow path.

Gone is the guy Kanye West is singing about here

or any mention of the real, ragged, flawed, terrified, noble, bleeding, tragic humanity that needs Him.

Instead we have a Republican-Friendly Power of Positive Prosperity faith, where if you just thought happier thoughts, all of your unsightly problems, debts, pounds, inches and, presumably, melanin would just melt, melt, melt away.

But uh-oh if you have bad thoughts. If you have the Seeds of Doubt…

Wallace: I must confess, I too have the Seeds of Doubt.

Yeah, you sure wouldn’t want that in a journalist…

Wallace: Some people say you’re a fucking huckster. Just a motivational speaker.

Osteen: I don’t wanna beat people down. Don’t wanna make ‘em feel bad.

Wallace: You don’t talk about sin. You talk about a Prosperity Doctrine.

Osteen: Evangelizing is not my main goal.

Wallace: People say your new book doesn’t mention God, or that you’re a preacher. So you’re saying that anybody can be a preacher?

Osteen: See me smiling? I never stop smiling ever.

Wallace: Should voters consider a candidate’s faith in this Presidential season?

So when exactly isn’t it a “Presidential season” anymore Chris?

Wallace: So what do you make of Mike Huckabee?

Osteen: Ah like him. Ah think he’s just super, ooper doper.

Wallace: And Mitt?

Osteen: Ahm not one to go into the little details of his faith. Ah don’t hear nothin’ that would stop me from votin’ for him if I chose to do that.

The 27%-ers thrive because there is Crazy Big Money in creating an alternate universe built on a media that consistently lies to them about nature of the world, and a church that consistently lies to them about nature of their souls.

And on Fox Sunday, that is exactly what the pig people got: the News Without Truth interviewing the Christ Without Suffering.

It made me physically ill to watch.

“The Chris Matthews Show”

Shorter Dan Rather’s Animatronic Corpse: Despite to horrible, hateful, murderous bilge she spews, I somehow don’t really believe Ann Coulter is anti-Semitic.

Shorter Andy Sullivan: As a gay conservative let me say that I’m angry that the party against which I have campaigned most of my life is Guilty!Guilty!Guilty! of not showing more foresight and bravery on the War than I ever did.

driftglass: To give Sully credit, he is now openly wishing for a Huckabee victory so that his Glorious Imaginary Geh-Friendly Confederacy can finally purge itself of the Christopaths in an epochal defeat. What Sully is far too gutless to admit, however, is
A) If the Dems ever did unilaterally cut off funding for Iraq, they would be slaughtered like hogs by virtually every Wingnut and MSM media outet – print, broadcast, internet – every day from now until the end of time. That the “We Coulda Won in Veet-Nam” Conservative Revisionista crap that still poisons any honest discussion of foreign policy would seem as sweet as a V-J day kiss in Time Square compared to the brutal, hysterical shellacking they would take if they pulled the plug on George Bush’s War.

Which is not to say they shouldn’t do it, because they should. But for Sully to pretend that the price they would pay wouldn’t be staggering – that the same “Wag The Dog” pinheads who came down like the Tunguska Meteor on Clinton when he stuck his toe into Afghanistan wouldn’t take to the streets, armed and by the million, the minute Dems cut their War Nads off – is delusional.

B) That without its 27%-ers – without its Christopaths and Wannabe Klansmen -- there is no Republican Party.
I mean, now that anyone with a conscience and a cerebellum has been drive out, what would be left behind after they’re gone?

Just a few hundred millionaires who think all tax is theft and Scrooge was a Liberal. A mercenary army. A handful a self-loathing gays. A battery of AM radio..

Hey, wait a minute? Where have I heard this before?

9 Coulters Hating
8 Years of Failing
7 Years of Lying
6 Years of' Warring
Countless Pervy Flings!
4 Blue Dog Dems
3 Chicken Hawks
2 Filthy Roves

and a Drunken Fuckup in the White House.

And God bless us.

Every one.

Working Man's Holiday Music

Ding Fries Are Done (Trans-Siberian Orchestra Remix)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A (nother) Holiday Favorite

Because I am all about the lazy Holidays are all about Tradition.

From last year, this time:

Due to this entirely predictable leap into the season’s favorite Lee Press-On Outrage (“Instant Indignation at prices the whole Christian Family can afford!”) – the terrible, tragic and entirely imaginary War on Christmas -- by Jebus’ Personal Very Favoritest Senator in the Whole Wide World – Sam “I Am” Brownback (go read the whole of it at Pandagon here) (and a hearty h/t to Mike, The Mad Biologist here)--

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Sam Brownback joined with other lawmakers and religious leaders Thursday in urging Christians to display nativity scenes on public property to remind America that “the birth of Jesus … is the reason for the season.”

“Christmas is making a comeback,” the Kansas senator declared at a news conference at the steps of the U.S. Capitol, where Christian leaders had erected a temporary nativity scene to kick off a national “Nativity Project.”

“It’s okay to talk about the birth of Jesus at Christmas,” Brownback said. “We need to have these expressions of religion … It’s important for America.”

…They urged Christians to apply for permits to display nativity scenes on public property in their towns Dec. 19-22. Mahoney said his group had obtained a permit from U.S. Capitol Police to display their nativity - which included three wise men, a shepherd, Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus - during the news conference as a way to show supporters that it can be done.


His exploratory campaign is less than a week old, but Brownback has already demonstrated that he has the toughness and resolve necessary to defend this nation from its enemies - such as those who seek to destroy Christmas, whether they actually exist or not.

Mean’s, like it or not, I am morally obligated to revive this cautionary tale from last year's War to End All Wars on Christmas. The story of a Jolly Old Elf gone mad, and the Dirty Liberal who had to be dispatched to take him out.

So as the day approaches…

My mission is to make it up to the North Pole before the 25th.

There's a Jolly Old Elf up there who's gone insane.

I'm supposed to kill him."

Then, later...
Evil Liberal: "Who are all these people?"

Bill O’Reilly: "Yeah, well... They think you have come to take him
away. I hope that isn't true."

Evil Liberal: "Take who away ?"

Bill O’Reilly: "Him. Saint Nick. The Big Elf. These are all his Helpers, as far as you can see."

Evil Liberal: "Could we, uh, talk to Saint Nick?"

Bill O’Reilly: "Hey, man, you don't talk to the Saint. You listen to him. The man's enlarged my mind. He's a elf-toymaker in the classic sense. I mean sometimes he'll, uh, well, you'll say hello to him, right? And he'll just walk right by you, and he won't even notice you.

And suddenly he'll grab you, and he'll throw you on his lap, and he'll say do you know that “ant” is the middle word in Santa? If you can know who has been naughty and who as been nice when all about you are getting shitty toys and socks and blaming it on you…if you can trust your elves when all men doubt you -- I mean I'm no, I can't -- I'm a little elf, I'm a little elf, he's, he's The Claus, man.

I should have been a bag of remaindered WalMart Barbies being sold out the trunk of an El Dorado on a dead-drunk Sunday Morning on Maxwell Street -- I mean --

And finally, in a cacophony of “Jingle Bells” and “Good King Wenceslas” and “Here We Go A-Wassailing” (and other affordable, public-domain Christmas tunes, seeing as how we have gone monstrously over-budget) comes the tragic denouement.
The ho-ho-horror.

The ho-ho-horror.

A Holiday Favorite

Because I am a lazy. lazy man Holidays are all about Tradition.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Dick Dale Friday

Tom Waits called in sick (his voice did sound odd -- just like Mario Lanza now that I think about it -- but just between us, I think he was faking.) Meanwhile he sent along this new kid -- Dick Dale -- to cover his shift today.

And I don't know about you, but one of the things that gets me through the cold, dark solsticity of this time of the year is the knowledge that, somewhere, dogs are surfing.

Well that and the knowledge that somewhere libidinous pagan lasses are whooping it up in grand style even though they somehow forgot to invite me. Again.

And now, back to the world of work...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A reprise from last year

Because it is time again to pass a little love Digby's way:

Don't Anger the Toyminator

This from FDL via Steve Gilliard.

By Jane Hamsher @ 1:59 pm

Digby is having a fundraiser over at Hullaballu. Do yourself and the world a favor by keeping the doors open over there and contribute to the support of one of the finest voices in the blogosphere.
Carry on.

Digby’s writing will endure.

Others are good – often very good – but Digby will be mined and cherished years from now in a medium where everything is drawn in pixels, where 86.7% of everything is kitten-based, and 99.999% of it all boogaloos off the end of the blogpage and into digital oblivion as quickly as chocolate whizzing down Lucy's assembly line.

Oh, and Santa loves Digby. Reads Hullabaloo every single fucking day.

I had a drink with him one ghastly night.

Well, more than “a drink”, and he confided this little secret to me.

Seems the Jolly Old One isn’t real God Damned thrilled with the lot he drew in this life.

Beloved, sure, but the price. The horrible price.

Doomed to punching that devilspawned, Sisyphusian clock 364 days a year. No rest. No peace. No little sumpin-sumpin on the side to take the pain away. It’s as pitiless as the reign of the Tick Tock Man up in the trackless wastes of the Polar gulag where he is interred.

It is “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” in a red suit and beard.

And his reward? His one night of sweet freedom?

It’s pulling a jitterbugfuck, nightmare, meth-fueled hellride of an all-nighter once every December 25th just to make sure every anklebiter in Christendom gets his or her PSP.

Why in God’s name do you think his “cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!” or “The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath” when last seen by human eyes?

“Digby,” he told me that terrible night in the airport bar up at Palwaukee, “is all that keeps me going.”

It was a chance thing.

Unaccompanied and melancholy and toasting imaginary saints, I just happened to be there the same oppressively dreary night Saint Nick (“Just call me Nick.”) declared an emergency and landed to put down a reindeer with a broken canon bone.

I remember watching him as he stood there, all alone on that gray, snow-streaked runway, with his 9 mm.

“No more reindeer games for you, old friend,” he choked out.

I turned away. There was a single shot, and it was over.

So I did what you do. I bought him a drink while the airport johnnies rigged him up with a replacement deer.

An hour later, deep in his seventh nog he confided in me about this one, solitary joy in his life.

“If Digby weren’t there,” he said, “…I…I don’t know what I’d do.”

Then he gave me this look -- this 1,000 elf stare -- and I can tell you right now, there was nothing of this “...little round belly, That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly” bullshit in those eyes. Nothing in there but the wind and chill of endless winter and soul-murdering sadness of endless toil.

And laying his finger aside of his nose,

And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like a meth-powered missile.

Then he was gone, leaving me with a sizeable bar tab and one piece of knowledge that has haunted me to this day.

I now know for sure The Claus is out there.

He can't be bargained with.

He can't be reasoned with.

He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until your stockings are stuffed.

And I for one do not want to be there at 2 a.m. when a crank-crazed Kringle is standing in my kitchenette -- 9 mm and "naughty list" in one hand and the Criterion Edition “Time Bandits” and “Brazil” combo I’ve been angling for in the other -- asking why, when Digby needed a little help, I couldn’t be bothered.

But hey, that’s just me.

Literally sprinting from Pillar

to Post Office, but I had to get the visual ipecac off of the top of the blog.

And how better than with a little traditional holiday music from Ms. Sarah Silverman?

Thank you all for the kind and supportive comments, email and links; I am hoping that I have been just good enough this year that Big Man will gift me with enough extra time to let me be a better correspondent and commenter.

And big thanks to Mike the Mad Biologist, Res Ipsa Loquitur at Rising Hegemon and Woody at Walled-In Pond for their saucy linkery

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Savage WIND -- Part 1 of 3

The Experiment

Because I do not do "calls" for anything -- and because for a lot of reasons boycotts can be sooo tricksie and hard to execute -- this is not a call for a boycott.

This is more in the nature of an experiment based on the simple fact that for the last two decades, Right Wing liars in the media have been able to get away with spreading their evangelism of hate, fear and war for only one reason: they never had to go out and get real jobs.

They have always been underwritten by people who, in exchange for votes or believers or validation or customers, have been only too happy to quietly foot the bill from the shadows.

And that is one of the GOPs fattest, juiciest Achilles' Heels; As the Party continues Entroping the Right Fantastic into ever more highly-distilled concentrates of fulminating, hysterical misanthropy, the harder it becomes to pretend that they’re not just plain shithouse-rat crazy.

Which means that since the Denial Condom that “Moderate” Republicans have to slip over their Huge!Throbbing!Racist!Crazy!Party grows thinner and more fragile every day, there has never been a more fruitful opportunity to get up in the grills of those who want to silently support the Party of God and start loudly and publicly framing their alternatives for them.

Make them choose -- Do you or do you not stand behind what these looney motherfuckers say? -- and then make them publicly accountable for those choices.

So I’m going to try an experiment based on these simple facts:
1. WIND is a Chicago radio station that features one of the ubiquitous, all-wingnut-all-the-time line-ups.

2. Some months ago they proudly announced the addition of Michael Weiner Savage to their line-up.

3. To keep the Pig People a'squealin' and a'listenin', Michael Weiner Savage likes to run his mouth.

4. The good people at Media Matters helpfully jot down what Michael Weiner Savage says and publish it, which makes Michael Weiner Savage very, very sad.

5. Advertising revenue is the life's blood of radio, and is what makes it possible for bottom-feeding moral CHUDs like Michael Weiner Savage to exist and enjoy a handsome living.

Thanks to a lot of tedious digging on the part of my army of (mostly imaginary) minions, I now have a fairly exhaustive list of the organizations that advertise on WIND.

The addresses of their corporate offices.

Their websites.

Their phone numbers

The names of their principle corporate officers.


There is nothing dodgy here -- all of this information is publicly available -- but outside of the WIND marketing department’s computer, I don’t know that such a resource has ever been collated into a single, easy-to-copy-and-paste-from location.

In the two posts that follow, I'll publish that list and offer it as a resource to those who wish to contact WIND's advertisers -- politely -- and inform them of exactly what kind of filth that station purveys over the public air waves (I use the specific example of Michael Weiner Savage), and ask them whether or not they are going to continue underwriting such hateful, divisive people with their advertising dollars.

I’ll also post up a sample Complaint Letter should anyone choose to use it as a template, so all anyone has to bring to the party is a little customized tweaking and a postage stamp.

Remember, if you choose to contact any or all of the organizations on the list;

1. Polite but firm works best to accomplish what you are trying to do.

2. This is not a Free Speech issue. Like any other American, Michael Weiner Savage is free to vomit his lunacy in letters to the editor, or on his preferred street corner, or on a blog, or scrawled in his own shit on his bedroom walls.

Instead this is about Disinvestment. This is about demanding that companies which choose to invest their advertising dollars in despicable organizations like WIND either stop doing what they are doing, or publicly affirm that they do indeed support the unhinged ravings of Michael Weiner Savage.

Because in the Age of Dubya, there is no third choice.

A Savage WIND -- Part 2 of 3

The Advertisers

Below is a list of the organizations and individuals that advertise on WIND, with as much pertinent contact information as could be gleaned from the web.

If you choose to contact them about their choice of advertising venues, remember that an initial polite-but-firm letter of complaint/inquiry is optimal for yielding the desired result: An affirmation that they do indeed support the demented rantings of people like Michael Weiner Savage, or that they don't.

And if they don't, why do they keep giving him their money?


Basement Flood Protector, Inc.
c/o Jeffrey Sloss, MPA, Owner, General Manager

Basement Flood Protector, Inc.
707 Rose Road
Lake Zurich, IL 60047

Local (847) 438-6770
Toll Free 800-238-0822


Begeman's Jewelers.
c/o Herman Begeman, Jr.
c/o Edward Begeman

Begeman's Jewelers
Route 83 at 63rd Street
30 63rd Street
Willowbrook, IL 60527

Phone: 630-325-9000


Buffalo Wild Wings
c/o Ms. Sally J. Smith
Chief Executive Officer and President

Buffalo Wild Wings
1600 Utica Ave. S., #700
Minneapolis, MN 55416


Classic Kitchen & Bath
c/o Larry Larson, President

Classic Kitchen & Bath
17A West Ogden Avenue
Westmont, IL 60559-1301

Phone: 630.515.9151


Companion Care
c/o President/Director

1616 East Roosevelt Rd.
Suite 11
Wheaton , IL 60187

Phone: 866.788.5100


Credit Card Relief
c/o President/Director

Credit Card Relief
5656 W. 74th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46278

Phone: (888) 674-6540


c/o Gina Mahony, Spokesperson

Abernook, LLC
2300 N. Barrington Road
Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195

Phone: (800) 683-0027


Allied Tele-Com
c/o President/Director

Allied Tele-Com Inc.
5465 Grand Avenue, Suite 100
Gurnee, IL. 60031

Phone: (847) 249-2027


American Lung Association Vehicle Donation Program

Damned server error cut me off


ComEd (An Excelon Company)
c/o John W. Rowe, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Exelon Corporation
c/o Frank M. Clark, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ComEd,
c/o J. Barry Mitchell, President, ComEd,
c/o Elizabeth A. Moler, Executive Vice President, Government and Environmental Affairs and Public Policy, Exelon Corporation

Exelon Corporation
10 South Dearborn Street, 37th Floor
P.O. Box 805398
Chicago, Illinois 60680-5398

Phone: 1-800-483-3220


Flagship Mortgage Company

c/o No name/address info available.
Email contact only:


Distant Horizon
c/o Brandon Wilson

16612 W. 159th Street,
Suite 201
Lockport, IL 60441

Phone: 815-836-3410


Dean Foods
c/o Gregg L. Engles, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
c/o Ronald H. Klein , Senior Vice President, Corporate Development
c/o Bill Tinklepaugh Senior Vice President, Government & Industry Relations

Dean Foods Company
2515 McKinney Ave., Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75201


Elgin Symphony
c/o Robert Hanson, Music Director

Elgin Symphony
20 DuPage Court
Elgin, IL 60120-6424

Phone: 847-888-0404


Farmer's Insurance
c/o Paul N. Hopkins, Chief Executive Officer, Farmers Group, Inc.
4680 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010


The DeJohn Advisory Team
c/o Steve DeJohn, President

The DeJohn Advisory Team
1600 Golf Road, Suite 1200
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008



Great Northern Financial
c/o Curt Van Peenen, President

Great Northern Financial Corporation
2850 Golf Road, Suite #403
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

Toll Free: (800 )292-0098 Phone (847)290-8900


Harbor Point Mortgage (No link. WIND Webmaster screwed it up)
c/o David J. Drumke, President

Harbor Point Mortgage
1117 S Milwaukee Ave Ste B4
Libertyville, IL 60048

Phone: (866) 404-4008


Illinois Federation For Right To Life
c/o Linda Behnken, President
c/o Bonnie Quirke, Vice President

Illinois Federation for Right to Life
1104 Milton Road,
Alton, IL 62002.

Phone: 618-465-7655


IG2 Data Security, Inc.
c/o Greg Bullard, Principal
c/o Gregory L. Stangle, Principal

IG2 Data Security, Inc.
451 North Paulina Street
Chicago, Illinois 60622

Phone: 888-850-4421


IHM Remodeling Repair Contractors
c/o Dawn & Dennis

IHM Remodeling
222 56th Street
Downers Grove, IL 60516

Phone: 630-963 3595


Illinois Right To Life Committee
c/o William Beckman, Executive Director

Illinois Right to Life Committee
65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 800,
Chicago, IL 60601

Phone: 312-422-9300


Illinois Secretary of State Organ Donors Program
c/o Secretary of State Jesse White

Illinois Secretary of State Organ Donors Program
213 State Capitol
Springfield, IL 62756


Intelligent Office
c/o Ralph Gregory, President

Intelligent Office of Chicago, Lincolnshire
250 Parkway Drive, Suite 150
Lincolnshire, IL 60069


Intelligent Office of Schaumburg
1900 E. Golf Rd., Suite 950
Schaumburg, IL 60173


Jimmy John's
c/o John Matthews, President

Jimmy John's Corporate Headquarters
Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: 217-356-9900


Merlin 200,000 Mile Shops
c/o Frank Smola, President and CEO
c/o Timothy (Tim) Williams, Director, Market Development

Merlin Corporation
One North River Lane Suite 206
Geneva, Illinois 60134

Phone: 630.208.9900


Meridian Vista Inc.
c/o President/Director

Meridian Vista Inc.
799 Roosevelt Road
Suite 4-019
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Phone: 708-428-4623


Phillip's Footery
c/o John Phillip, President

Phillip's Footery
5689 W. Touhy Avenue
Niles, IL 60714

Phone: (847) 588-1334


Precision Payroll of America, LLC
c/o Tom Sodeika, Managing Partner

Precision Payroll of America, LLC
1901 South Meyers Rd., Ste. 310,
Oakbrook Terrace., IL 60181


Precision Payroll of America, LLC
2230 Point Blvd.,
Suite 700
Elgin, IL 60123

Phone: (847) 888-8600


Rik Rock (Water Environments)
c/o Rick Walsh, President

Rik Rock, Inc.
3020 Schoenbeck
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Phone: 847-291-3455


Rizza Cars
c/o Ramy Betouni, Internet Sales Manager

Rizza Cars
2055 West Ogden Ave
Naperville, IL 60540


Rock Solid Imports
c/o President/Director

Rock Solid Imports
980 N. DuPage Ave
Lombard, IL 60148

Phone: 630-916-8141


Saltbox House
c/o President/Director

The Saltbox House
37 North Williams Street
Crystal Lake, IL 60014-4403

Phone: 815-356-6020


Second Chance Program
c/o President/Director


Phone: Unknown


Suzy's Cream Cheesecakes
c/o Suzy Strothmann, President

Suzy's Cream Cheesecakes, Inc.
1775 East Bolivar Avenue,
St. Francis, Wisconsin 53235

Phone: 1-800-828-1055


Trinity Christian College
c/o Dr. Steve Timmermans - President
c/o Kim Fabian - Director of Marketing and Communications

Trinity Christian College
6601 W. College Drive
Palos Heights, Illinois 60463

Phone: 708.239.4791


Trinity International University
c/o Associate Dean, Margaret R. Conner, MA

Trinity International University (Deerfield Campus)
REACH Program
2065 Half Day Road
Deerfield, IL 60015


Trinity International University (South Chicago Campus)
South Chicago Regional Center
14240 Dante Avenue
Dolton, IL 60419

Phone: 1.877.237.0806


Villa Park Office Equipment
c/o Annette M. Hernandez, President

1120 North Villa Avenue
Villa Park, Illinois 60181

Phone: 630-279-2312


Vision, Design & Build, Inc
c/o Richard Cowgill, Owner

Vision, Design & Build, Inc
8695 S. Archer Ave. Suite 12
Willow Springs, IL. 60480

Phone: 708-467-0944


Your IT Dept.
c/o Sam Alwan, Chairman and CEO

Your IT Dept.
2142 Harrison Street - Suite 100
Glenview, IL 60025-4955

Phone: 847-425-1000


Cyberworks Media Group, Inc.
c/o Jean Cueva -- CEO
c/o Bill Kenefick -- Marketing Business Development Manager

Cyberworks Media Group, Inc.
4410 N Ravenswood
Chicago, IL 60640

Phone 773.878.4683


Digital Transfer Systems
c/o Mr. Eugene Gekhter -- President
Digital Transfer Systems
3175 Commercial Ave.
Suite #102
Northbrook, IL 60062

Phone (866)733-5383


Gilkey Window Company

c/o Mike Gilkey -- President
Gilkey Window Company
3625 Hauck Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241
(513) 769-4527


Green Door Communications
c/o Ingrid Wallace -- President
c/o Dan Kelly -- CEO

Green Door Communications
1141 E. 50th Street
Suite 110
Chicago, IL 60615

773-551-2598 (cell)
630-253-9357 (cell)


Healthy Home 2000, Inc

Healthy Home 2000, Inc
Batavia, Illinois 60510

Phone: 630 406-0356


c/o Brian Kuzdas -- Founder and Owner
2001 Midwest Road, Suite 209
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Phone: 866-696-2266


A Savage WIND -- Part 3 of 3

The Letter

Writing a Complaint Letter.

STEP 1: Tell them why you are writing.
Dear Sir/Madame:

I am writing you because you advertise on Chicago’s WIND radio station, and because I did not know if you were aware of what sort of people your advertising dollars are underwriting.
STEP 2: Quickly emphasize your bona fides, and your specific complaints.
I am writing as an American citizen. As someone active in my community. As a hardworking, honest, decent man, who loves my country as much as I’m sure you do, and cares about our kid’s futures as much as you do.

We have so many problems, and as Americans we need to find a way to do what we have always done: work together to solve our problems. But these days it’s harder than ever to find ways of working together, and a big part of the reason why is that Conservative Talk Radio stations like WIND have found that peddling hate on radio using on-air personalities like Michael Savage is profitable.

It’s right there on their billboards -- “Liberals Hate Us!”

For the last 20 years, people like Mr. Savage have been allowed to poison the public airwaves for the amusement of the vicious and the ignorant. For the last 20 years, people like Mr. Savage have been able to make a very nice living not because his is smart or informative, but because of his willingness to use his position to promote a cruel, ugly, and deeply un-American agenda.

Frankly I’m sick of it, and hope you are too.
STEP 3: Cite specific examples (these are not fabricated; all of them are taken directly from Media Matters site here.)
Here is a small sampling of the kind of things Mr. Savage says on the air:

After Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Prize;
"90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child pornography and molestation....”
When he asked questions about military policy, calls Retired Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr a;
"gay, phony general"
Refers to an organization that collates and publishes his remarks in a effort to make him accountable for what he says on the air as;
"is a fascist front group" and "bunch of punk coward psychotics"
Stating that a "[L]oving, kind lesbian" is;
"the type that stuffed ovens in Hitler's concentration camps".
Regarding the grave possibility of a military conflict with Iran;
"Let's get it on! Let's bring it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now!"
Regarding a minor seizure suffered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts:
"You're telling me there's no possibility of a conspiracy by the Democrats" to cause Roberts' seizure?
Compared the firing of radio talk show host Don Imus to:
"what was done in Nazi Germany to Jews"
Stated that Representative Keith Ellison (who is a Muslim) and atheists share:

"hatred of Christianity and hatred of Jews".
Blamed the Columbine school massacre on sexual reassignment surgery.

Repeatedly refers to gay marriage and parenting as “child abuse”.

On Martin Luther Kings birthday, referred to civil rights as:
“…a racket” designed to steal “white males’ birthright”
STEP 4: Preempt any silly-ass argument about this being a Freedom of Speech issue.
Of course what makes America great is that here, people like Michael Savage have an absolute Constitutional right to hold any sick, malevolent beliefs they choose. But nowhere are they guaranteed the right to a national radio platform for spewing those beliefs, or the right to profit handsomely from spreading the doctrine of hate and divisiveness that is destroying our country.
STEP 5: Outline a specific course of action, and a specific warning.
This is a matter of choice, and as a nation we can no longer allow people who support extremists like Michael Savage to be quietly complicit. So now that you know exactly what kind of filth your dollars are going to support, I am asking as a concerned fellow American that you make a choice; choose to stop footing the bill for putting hatemongers like Michael Savage on there air, or choose to let it be known that your organization will continue to support his extremist views with your advertising dollars.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding your decision. I will wait (two weeks/30 days) for a reply before publishing your lack of response online.

Yours truly,

On of the genuinely remarkable things about America is that for the price of a few minutes of your time and $0.31 you can still make a little rebellion and help push back the ignorant armies.