Monday, March 24, 2025

Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says: Clinging to the Last Toehold of Political Celebrity

I know we'd all hoped that Andy Sullivan had finally sailed  far enough past the has-been political celebrity event horizon of that we were, at last, free of him.  That whatever faint blip of phrenological ravings he might continue to pass from pen to paper would be lost forever in immensity of the Extremely White Noise of stupid opinions which now dominates these interwebs.

As I mentioned a couple of years ago:

My regular "Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says" feature has fallen off in recent times since America's most prominent privileged White, gay, Catholic, Tory, Conservative, Libertarian phrenologist has finally gotten around to blocking me on the Bird Hellsite.

So his day-to-day idiocy doesn't cross my path as much as it used to.

However today some of you Alert Citizens sent this along to me and, yep, it checks both the Stupid Shit and Racist Shit boxes. so I felt somewhat obliged.

Sullivan is so far past his sell-by date that the mold that has grown over his opinions has long since become sentient and run away.  And as the aperture of his public spotlight has shrunk to a pinhole, his "hot takes" on any wedge issue he can invent or glom onto have grown increasingly, flailingly stupid.

But I'm man enough to admit I was wrong.  Or at least premature.  Because Sullivan has managed to sorta momentarily return is the most gloriously Sullivan way possible.

This is on January 24, 2025 Sullivan praising Trump's immigration policies 

And this is Sullivan, less than two months later, on March 22, 2025 on Bill Maher's Celebrity Midden Pile raving about how fucking awful Trump's immigration policies are.

Because when the jackboots are kicking in the door down the block, that's just Donald Trump "Undoing Biden's Left-Extremism".

But when they're kicking in my door, well that's not who we're supposed to be as Murricans!

Burn The Lifeboats


Steve in Manhattan said...

You have to admit that in that clip he looks tanned, rested, and ready for ... well, somewhere a beach is missing a Tory headshrinker.

Just another boomer said...

F. Scott Fitzgerald: “there are no second acts in American lives,”

Andrew Sullivan is now on something like his fifth act, each worse than the one before.

dave said...

he is like a persistent toe fungus....'andy, don't go away mad, just go away'.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't appreciated at the time but Sullivan's airing of race science was a stake in the heart of American Liberalism because many 'even liberals' and the entire business class have fully absorbed the idea of black and let's say colored peoples inferiority. It's a sure winner politically to gain political power. If strong racists believe it or not is actually besides the point. It works on a functional level in politics.

Jim from MN said...

Andrew Sullivan would NEVER attend anything that would grant admittance to guys like Andrew Sullivan.

Nick Jr. said...

This is part of pattern for Mr. Sullivan who also believes in LG rights because once we get past G, then it doesn't personally affect him anymore. And I'm sure he wouldn't lose any sleep if they lost the L as well.

mjs said...

Moments before he evacuates his bowels he evacuates his other bowels.