Thursday, March 06, 2025

Apartheid Clyde's ACME Rocket Company Strikes Again

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

Elmo 's government contrast are extremely necessary and everything else from Social Security , Medicare to Disease control and cancer research is not.
Quoting the Elmo at presser, " I cancelled cancer research because I (I) feel it is wrong to take other people's money to spend on other people they don't even know".
Now I am aware of who Elmo is but I do not know him but he feels comfortable with me paying for his government contracts from Tesla, Space X and for the Space air traffic control that monitors his satellites to ensure they do not collide with one another or run into space debris.
There are plenty of republican congressmen that I know who they are but do not know them personally and I have to pay for their salaries, healthcare for them and family, their pensions, their staffers their travel and all perks they bestow on themselves.

The White House and congress have not had anything on the efficiency chopping block of DOGie.
How about firing the White house cooks. Trump has a wife and he should put her in the kitchen and he can do take out. where GOP think they belong and Melania can clean toilets after they cut the white house janitors.
House GOP just spent 2 years wasting time on their judiciary and oversight committees pretending to investigate Biden with nothing but shit on their hands from pulling things out of their ass.
Does Senate and House need a Chaplin to give 30 second prayers prior to each day of congress? Do they need to travel to foreign contrives when the president does foreign affairs? Tell me, why do we pay for Congress's travel expenses to and from DC to their homes.
Does your job pay your travel back and forth to work?
CEO's have their travel private jets as work travel tax write offs but I can;t write off gas for my car to get to work.
How many Steven Millers does the white house really need?
Why can't Trump be his own white house spokesperson?
Congress recently raised the amount of funding for SCOTUS security. They ruled anyone can buy a gun to defend themselves. So cut the security funding and let them buy guns to defend themselves. I mean my wife doesn't get security details to go with her grocery shopping why them.
Did Justices Thomas goring a security detail on his billionaire Harlan Crow's yacht when he traveled to tour one of Putin's mansions in Russia.
Fraud and waste is now in the eye of the beholder

Jim from MN said...

Americans of all stripes are going to learn the hard lesson that Republicans are nearing the point of declaring Social Security an inefficient waste in need of "reform." Of course, that reform means cutting, delaying, or ending these earned benefits for millions—including the bigots and imbeciles who voted MAGA. Elected Republicans—who have been waiting 80 years to end Social Security—will vote as one bloc for the destruction of Social Security without fear of any blowback. For ten years, Trump has demanded Republicans take ever-larger bites from his shit sandwich, and for ten years they have obliged.

wibble said...

...I like the Escher-esque landing-gear. ~>XD

Anonymous said...

Robt said...

Of America cannot afford cancer research. How can we afford subsidies, tax credits and government contracts to Tesla?

We can't afford V.A care or Medicaid to assist our own people because El0n said, "it is wrong to take other people's money and spend it on people you do not know. Yet, we can give Elon other people's money for his desire to go to Mars while his inefficient space program rocket keep exploding.\\
II know of who Musk is but I do NOT know him. Never met him and most likely never will. So therefore we should not give our money to a stranger.