Thursday, November 21, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 856: Nancy Mace Is The New Jesse Helms

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." -- Voltaire, writer


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JHB said...

I've used this wording since the late 20th century, feel free to borrow: They've been moving in the general direction for decades, but it was the tag team of Newt and Rush that put them on the precise trajectory to the cesspool they are now.

Jon Sitzman said...

Good morning DG and BG.

Thank you for this excellent cast, and for your consistent callouts of the factors that got the US where it is now. Grim, necessary listening (as always).

For some reason, DG's reading of the Franciscan blessing at the end of the show just hulled me. I cried hard the evening of 11/6 (too shocked until then), and once when I spoke with a friend at work about all this. For whatever reason, the blessing evoked those hard, painful sobs again. It hurt. It helped.

Keep on keeping on. Thank you for helping us out here keep on keeping on too.

Stay safe and thanks for all you do.

Robt said...

Glad to hear some of how America has been poisoned throughout the years.
How many times do we hear, "this is not your father or grandfathers republican party". But yes it is! Only worse and more financed.
The media ( our press) has failed. They have been owned by wealthy people who control information.
As FOX rose thee other media either followed suit, ignored or ineptly let FOX lead as they followed or did nothing to counter and compete.
They defended FOX for exaggerating Obama as the Kenyan candidate to destroy America with health care.
The network and print press owners restricted picking on FOX and many reporters defended FOX in case they ever need a job.
They gave us networks with 24.7 dedicated news and made it politics. With every sooooooohow episode was covering the same one or two political stories.
Instead of providing reports on business, labor, war. They pumped glamour tabloid stories of AOC verses MTG.
Even my local paper does not provide what our state legislature is legislating (their agenda). They will print the exact words when the governor signs legislation into law with no other info.
People hear reported crap without context all the time and become apathetic.
After the FOX lied to viewers and sued and lost a ton of money for the harm of election machine business. Their viewers go back to be lied to.
What over 50 years of propaganda has done is produce voters without best information to cote. It has beat in and reinforced a political bias of hate. Liberal is everything bad. Any negative thing in your life is caused by the left.
Coopting evangelical pastors to use religion to co op the flock.
The Ann Coulter's book Godless (liberals) while claiming they own God. There are mental walls now. The weeds were left alone for so long half the lawn is taken over by them.

Robt said...

So there are other ways we got here. But,,,,,,
We all have our ideas how Harris lost or how the creep won.
It is past time to discuss our governing .
Was Roe V Wade ever codified in the 50 years?
Why the urgency of electing president and senate when SCOTUS sears are becoming open?
The GOP has tried to repeal the ACA over 60 times. How many times has Democrats tried to repeal Citizens United. Yes, the SCOTUS ruled it but the legislature could have changed that.
* the GOP is very aggressive at ramming things down on American lives while the Democrats are passive and look for consensus and bi partisanship. Knowing they are not going to get it.
The GOP has shut down government a number of times with Democratic president, never receiving accountability for their irrational abuse. The Dems have not used this tactic or anything like it.
I mean, Dems had Obama, majority in house and supermajority in Senate to pass the ACA and could have codified Row and other achievements.
Take the Dems on making sure they will fill the judges open seas because they saw the GOP bulldoze in theirs.
Judiciary char Durbin decides to allow GOP to blue chip their judges when the GOOP stripped the Dems of their blue chip recommendations.
Not just that, seems they have been lacking on confirming and have a bunch left. So they make a deal with the GOP to get through a bunch of circuit judges confirmed but leave 4 open seats on the appellate courts for Trump to fill while they go on a recess.
Sure they used Seminar and Manchin as their lame excuses.
During the ACA and the debate on the Medicare buy in, they had Lieberman to point blame at.
There needs to be more of a serious aggressive approach including during the campaigns.
Do you fet this?

dinthebeast said...

The first music I ever bought was the 45rpm single of Hey Jude, which had the rowdy version of Revolution on the flip side. I think I was seven, and bought it at the counter of the sporting goods department at Payless Drugs in the Eureka mall for a buck.
Having been put out on Apple Records, the label on the single was of a green apple, which confused my granny when she saw it and caused her to instruct my sister to play it in the belief that it was "Little Green Apples" by Roger Miller.
Now, my sister could have covered for me by turning the stereo down a little and playing the Hey Jude side, but that would not be behavior in character for an older sister who is also the middle child, so she put on Revolution and turned it up. Needless to say, my born in Oklahoma in the thirties father wanted to know what was going on with the communist noise coming out of his newly acquired stereo, and I had some 'splainin' to do. That was the first trouble I ever got into from music, but certainly not the last.
Next month I turn 64, which is also a Beatles reference.
I fail to be the least bit surprised at the media figures lining up to kiss Fergus' ass, and refuse to let them off of the hook for letting him get elected. We told y'all this would happen, just like all that other shit we told you that you completely blew off. Same as it ever was.
Thank you again for the podcast. Briana just got back from Oakland and listened to the podcast while we wait for the next wave of the atmospheric river/bomb cyclone to come over and hope it drops a couple of inches of rain again instead of a couple feet of snow.

-Doug in Sugar Pine