Thursday, September 05, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 835: Wingnut Welfare Has Always Been Dirty Money

"Everybody has forgotten that Russia helped start the Second World War." -- Ray Bradbury


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4 comments: said...

I never miss my Professional Left Podcast!
The Life magazine cover, with Khrushchev triumphantly holding up an ear of yellow corn, is a delightful illustration for this episode.

Robt said...

When Dr. Peter Frankenstein Teil sutured body parts together to form his senate candidate. And, a shout out to Ohio who could have had a damn good senator instead of HD Vance. He named his creation JD Vance. To this day I don't know for sure what the "JD" stands for. I have several ideas of what JD stands for , but will let that go.
Could it be Dr. Peter Frankenstein Teil's p;;an for his creation to become president via the VP?
If The Right can speak of death by shark or electrocution, Dr. Lector dinner invitations, windmills causing child care to cost so much.
Then why not talk about Peter Teil's scheme of hiring the kid to assassinate the Chosen one and then his JD Creation could take over the presidential candidate slot.
What is not to like with the JD? His Childless car lady NUNS outlook? His Daycare is grandma's responsibility. And if Grandma is not alive? maybe her cat can take over?
I notice the notion of childless men is not on his radar.
Trump has a severe Daddy issue and JD has a extreme Mommie issue.\ and neither has utilized their mental health care to overcome them and become adults.
By the way, how appropriate it would be to the cat of a childless woman or man the next pro left cat of the month.

dinthebeast said...

FYI: The internet pet of the week on your website is still Georgee the pup.
So now they have names and faces still roaming free to associate with the Russian program to destroy our country. Putin runs an economy roughly the size of Italy or Spain and he is seriously torqued that he doesn't have the kind of economy large enough to both wage war and look after its citizens. (Not that he gives a rat's ass about them, but it makes him look small and mean) So he is heavily invested in making as many Americans as possible believe that if he can't do it, then neither can we. And on a government scale, this is less than pocket change, so why the fuck not? If he wins, he gets Ukraine for almost free. Or so he believes.
So now it's not just Lizard "infanticide" Cheney, it's also her famous daddy! No word as to whether he will accidentally shoot JD Vance in the face or not, or what the political ramifications of such old schoolery might potentially be.
Some clueless commentator said on teevee that had you told them fifteen years ago that Dick Cheney would vote for a Black Democratic woman for president, they (and this was the good part) would have a hard time believing it.
Thank you again for the podcast. My mask fell apart and I had to walk around the grocery store without it yesterday, so hopefully I didn't catch one of the ultra contagious new covid variants I keep reading about running rampant in California...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Every so often I email a question to my republican senators and House Rep.
I ask them simply.
Who won the China trade war you started with China?

And, What was the total cost of the bail out to farmers impacted by that trade war. Last I checked it was $38 billion.

Isn't it socialism to give those farmers other people's money for crops they could not sell to China and why didn't the farmers get off the couch and pull themselves up by their boot straps to find a new market for their products?
There is a peaceful silence from them on this. Which stems from the old adage of asking a question that you already know the answerer to.