Thursday, September 12, 2024

How to Create “Public Opinion” Out of Thin Air

On the subject of manufacturing audience perception by repetition, let us turn to Mr. Hugh Hewitt.  The Conservative cyborg sent from the future to destroy America (and MSNBC would very much appreciate it if you would forget that they gave this like you to forget that they gave this clinking clanking clattering collection of caliginous junk his own show on that network not so very long ago.)   

So, how does one go about turning the objective fact that Trump's ass got spit roasted and served up on the good china by Kamala Harris into "Trump's Unequivocal Victory!"

Well, it's a process. 

First, Hewitt went on the "Still Drunk With Larry Kudlow!" show on Fox, where the puppets and grifters there were desperately trying to make a smiley face out of Trump's epic bed-shitting.

Hewitt kept repeating that it was an ambush!  The worst debate in presidential history!

The weaponization of lawfare is well understood by most Americans, but the weaponization of the media has never been seen that nakedly before and it's having an impact!

But despite the despicable Liberal media plot against him, and making a few, small mistakes Trump actually emerged victorious!

He just went on and on like that.

Second, he recycled thet bullshit into his very own Fox News dot com column!

Morning Glory: The worst debate in the history of presidential debates.   ABC and Disney disgraced and exposed themselves. Republicans and fair-minded independents will never forget. 

Third, did you know Hugh Hewitt also has his own radio show?  Incredibles but true.  Called something like the Hugh-niverse I believe.  And on his very bad radio show Hewit read from his own column and ran clips of himself from  the "Still Drunk With Larry Kudlow!" show because it is through the magic of repetition, bullshit becomes true.

The fourth step is Tweeting his own radio bullshit with the subject line -- 

Upon Further Review, The Officials In The Booth Have Reversed The Call On The Field On The Debate.

-- because someone told this sad little cyborg that humans like the sportsgames and that using the sportsgames metaphors would make him seem credible to humans.

Fifth, Hewitt reappeared on a different Fox News shithole program to repeat this super awesome sportsgame metaphor that will definitely convince humans that Trump!Won!

Six, and most pathetically, Hewitt retweeted is own Tweet directly to Donald Trump with this heading  

This is happening.  Harris know it. Everyone knows it. Some won’t admit it. But it is happening.

Now, you might be asking yourself, is there a seventh step in this process?

Damn you're clever, because yes there is!

Stepp Seven is some Never Trumper inevitably wondering sadly whatever happened to good-old so-and-so.  He used to be awesome.

C'mon Stuart.  You know how this happens.  In fact you wrote a whole book about how this happens.

We over here on the Left knew that Hewitt was never a serious human.  He just used to be more discreet about flashing his banal villainy in public and he masked his ideological perversity with big words.  

But the price of riding the Trump train is shedding all nuance and fig leafs and wallowing in the ugliness, which Hewitt has dropped trou and done so without a moment's hesitation.

I Am The Liberal Media


Just another boomer said...

I don't think "shedding all nuance" is a price of following Trump for these people. I think it's a benefit. They are now free to take their flag out of the closet and put it up just like Mrs. Alito. And they may just get away with it.

dinthebeast said...

Thing is, Fergus didn't have a "bad night", he sounds like that all the damn time. What Harris did was to successfully get out of his way and let him do the thing everyone knew he would do while standing there sounding sane and presidential. Remember, that debate wasn't for you, me or Fergus' idiot hordes, it was for the few thousand utter morons who remain "undecided" between the two candidates.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

emjayay said...

It was so unfair of ABC to ask questions that would have been on anyone's list of 25 possible questions, let Donald have the last word on every one of them, and also give him five extra minutes compared to Harris. Totally unfair.

Green Eagle said...

Please remember that something very like this worked just fine in 2016 after Trump's debate with Hillary. `Everybody who watched the debate knew that Hillary smashed Trump in that debate, but by the next day, the corporate press was reporting the exact opposite, so that a week later, most voters had been convinced that she lost. This press rewriting of the truth may have been enough all on its own to cost her the election. Hewitt might not be trying to alter reality himself here, as much as he is just utterly confused about why the rules for fair coverage of elections have changed so much.```````````````````````````````````````````

Robt said...

You know how many on the right (especially on the FOX) are so bold and articulate about shouting at say the Dixie Chicks. "Shut up and sing"/
Those powerful words from FOX's own Jenene Pirro or the once FOX employee Megan Kelly. Who pretend to be on a news channel. Pretend to be reporting news. New like this;
Pirro on FOX,
What makes you think your endorsement of harries is going to influence me in any way. Then the shut up and sing routine.
Megan Kelly on some network pretending to be a news host reporting news. Speaks of Taylor swift endorsing Harris. Actually going into a personal FICK you Taylor.
Now none of these are actual reporters on actual news networks. Keep that in mind when I say to them, Shut up and report the news. Do not need your diaper wetting on TV.
When the Hulk was paid to roar and tear off his shirt at the RBC. Did one (achem) rightie news caster shout , "shut up and wrestle? Not even from the left.
When Ted the Nugent wear the pants he shut in for days to wear to his draft board in the day. Did anyone demand he change his shitty pants before appearing for the republicans rally? I know it might be a stretch to demand Chuck Norris to shut up with the right wing stuff and act. Yes, Act?

How about this, Trump, shut up and act presidential....!

JD Vance, Shut up and behave as if you are NOT one of those imagined people you trash mouth.

Steven Miller, Shut up until you can prove you are not a Dung Beetle looking for a free turd meal.

seafury said...

New commenter here, My better 2/3rds was disowned Tuesday night after disagreeing with her stepmonster about God's anointed looking and sounding not so presidential. We are now offically ex family members. Because Jesus.

Robt said...

We can watch JD Vance feet interviewed and admit he reaches deep into Trump's rear end (checks the colon while he is there) and plucks a Pullup off the inside and pulls it out to show us all his new lie.
And his God says it is fine for him to bear false witness as long as he is republican .
He will just make shit up to get attention so he can tell you the shit he made up for attention is a problem only he and Trump can fix.