Thursday, August 01, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 825: When Did Trump Decide To Be Orange?

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro!" -- Hunter S. Thompson


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


dinthebeast said...

One of the obvious problems with building a political party by elevating the egos of bigots, dumbfucks and imbeciles is that not only do you have to pretend to revere bigotry, dumbfuckery and imbecility, but then you are surrounded by bigots, dumbfucks and imbeciles all of the damn time, and unless you have a sufficient number of B's, D's and I's to win an election, appealing to the vast sane majority will be complicated by your mere proximity to your supporters while they do the sort of things that come naturally to them. Which in turn makes propping their egos up all the more difficult, and in front of the teevee cameras, all the more necessary.
Molly Ivins often said that it was important to have fun while fighting for freedom, and one of the most striking things about watching Kamala Harris campaign is that she is very obviously having a good time. I think that maybe even the same messages will have a better chance of breaking through when delivered in what passes for joy in this year of our lord twenty twenty four. The goddamn Republican strategy of making politics so ugly and awful that normal sane people don't want anything to do with them has been alarmingly successful and any small ray of hope and goodness that breaks through the turd-cloud can be quite powerful among those who may not even be aware of how strong their own longing for them is.
Thank you again for the podcast. Briana is broken down by the side of the road somewhere between Oakland and Fort Bragg and I hope the AAA folks have gotten there to help her out, and I hope we aren't looking at having to replace yet another car just now. Wish us luck!

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Pagan in repose said...

Sorry Driftglass, I have to stop you right there. I loved 'old yeller'. I almost loved old yeller as much as my own dog skippy. She was everthing to me, one of my first conscious memories at 3 or 4 years of age. Running and playing with her by the (great) pond, as it was called, behind our house.

So, I hope you can imagine how hurtful it is to hear old yeller, even remotely compared to that malignant sewage waste, toxic slobber and rectal lesion in human form. I agree his chosen coloration these days has a jaundice hue. It does reflect his vile and pernicious image and ways. But please leave 'old yeller' out of it. Leave me to one of my most cherished childhood memories as a time before anything called trump.

Thanks for your consideration.
Sill liked the podcast. As always great work.

Pagan in repose said...

Forgot to add, I entered skippy into our second grade pet show. She won a blue ribbon for dog to most resemble 'Old Yeller'.

Yes, she did. Seems like yesterday.