Saturday, August 10, 2024

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

At the House of Sulzberger, Ross Douthat understands the assignment.  President Joe Biden committed the unpardonable sin of not acceding to A.G. Sulzberger's demands, therefore the war which nepo baby Sulzberger manufactured will go on until such time --

-- as Sulzberger decides otherwise.

For now, drones like Douthat have been given the go-ahead to recklessly speculate, impute and lie to their heart's content about what goes on in places and between people into they have absolutely no insight.

Douthat has been freed to slander whomever he wishes:

Certainly, it’s better for Kamala Harris not to be asked questions (assuming that she ever deigns to be interviewed) about whether she participated in that cover-up or was taken in by it. Indeed, it’s better for Harris not to have her boss in the political conversation at all, the better to separate her own identity from his presidency’s unpopularity.

Minimize Biden's accomplishments to the point where they can fit in the tiny coffin Douthat made for them:

But also we don’t know if it will be possible to keep Biden’s struggles safely in the background, if all the events that require him to play a presidential part will be small successes like the recent hostage swap, where his aides can just swear to his intense behind-the-scenes involvement,

And generally hint and harumph that where there is media manufactured smoke, surely there must be some fire somewhere.  

The last few weeks have been incredibly frustrating for Conservatives at the "But Her Emails" paper of record.  After all, the enthusiasm, joy and unity of the Harris/Walz ticket is disaster the Times' most popular products: Both Siderism, arrogant cynicism, contempt for middle America and Dems in Disarray!   So any fleck of meat from any shard of bone that can be conjured out of journalism's vast stock of weasel words shall be dressed up to look like a feast for those jonesing for a hit of "Bad News for Biden".  

FKA Twitter exploded on Friday after another of those inexplicable New York Times headlines for which the paper has become known of late. The digital din was such that editors have since altered it.

In a war -- which this very definitely is -- it's important to understand who is on your side, who isn't, and who is working for the enemy under the flag of neutrality.  

The Times clearly falls into the third category and should be treated as such in public as loudly as possible.   

I Am The Liberal Media!


LeadDreamer said...

Douthat: "I see smoke!! I see smoke!! Fire!! Fire!!"
us: dude, you've got cataracts. Go see an eye doctor.

Just another boomer said...

The NYT Crowley piece, "Biden Promised Peace, but Will Leave His Successor a Nation Entangled in War," is even worse. A hit piece masquerading as "analysis" up in the front of the paper. There are supposed to be editors up there.

Big Guy said...

"After all, the enthusiasm, joy and unity of the Harris/Walz ticket"
This is to the NYT and the Beltway Political Propaganda Complex what sunlight is to vampires.