Sunday, July 21, 2024

Ridin' With Harris

As we mentioned once or twice on our podcast, we had planned on Ridin' with Biden to the end.  Without reservation.  However, as we also made clear, if President Biden felt that stepping aside was in the best interest of the party and the country, that was also be just fine with us because we trusted his judgement.  Whoever leads the ticket has our vote.  

Period.  Full stop.

However, as the Guardian of Inconvenient History and the co-host of the "No Fair Remembering Stuff" podcast, I have no plans to ever forget the shameful, public "Dump Biden" pile-on by Hollywood celebrities, our Never Trump "allies", the Pod Save rug rats, the wealthy donors -- who resorted to what amounted to down-ticket extortion to pressure Dems in tight races to come out against Biden, and most egregiously of all, the entire corporate media, including CNN, MSNBC and, leading the jackal pack, The New York Fucking Times.  

Like the Grinch's heart on Christmas Day, my list of "fuck you forever" backstabbers, fair-weather friends, moth-eaten "insiders" and jumped-up toddlers with outsized platforms grew three sizes over the past few weeks.

I'm all-in for Kamala Harris and whoever she chooses as her running mate.  

But I will also never forget how so many people with so much money and clout publicly did my president dirty when he asked for their help.  

I Am The Liberal Media!


ILabbey said...

I wonder if she'll be a Biden/Warren D or a corporate Obama/Pelosi shill.

Hal Rager said...


Robt said...

I want to announce officially that this Professional Left commenter, Openly and publicly
------" endorses kamala Harris for president".------

She will have little time to vet a VP choice for her ticket.
There are a number of people I would most like to see as her pick.
I want to see the Senator Harris on the campaign trail that is the senator that questioned Bill Bar for his confirmation. That is the Harris for president I hope to see on the campaign trail.
Note' Trump campaign was a no to let HD Vance debate VP Harris. They won't have to be concerned with that anymore. Just whomever Harris selects. for her VP.

Dems should hire some of America's best comedians to function as Campaign spokes people. Say Jimmy Kimmel or Steven Colbert That will go on the TV circuit, To open with monologues before Harris gives a speech. This is for all those voters that need to be entertained instead of informed.

Robt said...


If kamala is elected as first female president with her husband being a first in that role.
It is going to cause the Fascist white national religious screwy zealots spray Jalon all over their heads. For it will feel like their grain is on fire for a woman to be president. Like the GOP born Trump to get even for Obama. I cannot fathom the 3 horn sloth they will bring on the world.

Anonymous said...

Movie & TV stars are reprogrammable meatbags, just like everyone else. Corporate media had been repeating "Biden is too old" for 3-1/2 years" And lots of people believed it. Maybe some of the donors too--though they also yearned for a Right Wing Democrat In Name Only, rather than a real Dem like Biden.

Marc McKenzie said...

@ILabbey: She;s Biden's VP--of course she's going to be the former, and not the latter.

Really, are you that dense? Are you trying to stir up s#@t already? Knock it off.

ILabbey said...

No, Marc, I'm shocked that the elite overrode our choice. I do love Kamala, but I will remain suspicious of the way one of our country's greatest presidents was forced from the ballot.

Jon Sitzman said...

G'd morning, DG and BG.

Pundits are ruminating and writing process pieces. Much of the sentiment (that I've seen) actually seems mostly favorable to Pres. Biden, for what's being billed as a selfless, humble act that surely came after a lot of agonizing. Nice of them to throw flowers on the grave of his Presidency, I guess.

I share your ire at how this all shook out. There are valid, comprehensible reasons that Pres. Biden's debate performance was shaky (at first - I thought he got his feet under him after a bit). The pile-on that followed it, growing steadily in volume and size, made a survivable wobble into an unsalvageable slide in the polls.

This feels very deliberate.

Three days ago, 1,400+ Black female leaders at various levels of government (and other leadership) spoke in full-throated support of Biden, and decried marginalization of Black voices. Who covered that? Daily Kos obviously; USA Today (wow!); The Hill; Yahoo News; The Daily Beast. Notice who's missing from the list? NYT. WaPo. NPR.

Again, this feels very deliberate.

In much the same way that SCOTUS decides what cases it will hear, national "news" networks decide what stories they will run and which they'll leave to die on the vine.

Biden's support was underplayed; his negatives spotlighted and emphasized.

The few folks I interacted with on FB over the weekend were very gloomy about the whole thing, worried and upset that this was a win for the GOP. The few guys in a gaming Discord channel I spoke with were the exact opposite, insisting that no-one would have gotten excited about Biden, but that people would do so about Harris.

I'm not so sure. I'm not sure white guys in Wisconsin are going to vote for a Black woman as POTUS. I'd really love to be surprised on that.

I really hope Team Harris can make this happen. I'll be helping in the small ways I can, and I'm heartened to know you two will be too.

Thanks for all you do. And hell yeah - never forget this shit.

Lawrence said...

Being in shock about this most of yesterday it took me a while to remember Biden also has COVID. His choice makes more sense factoring that in. I'm sure he's pretty tired. That doesn't exonerate the press ghouls. I will never forget. I see over at C&L that Obama is calling for an open convention, while most everybody else is declaring their support for Harris. This has me worried. But it's early yet. Wait and see.

XtopherSD said...

All those big name donors who said they were withholding money unless Biden dropped out.

I want to see just how big those big f*cking donation checks are. And I want them written by this week!

Kevin Holsinger said...

I'm cool with Harris for President. IF we're allowed to have her as the Democratic nominee, I'll vote for her without hesitation.
But I've also muted Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and the New York Times on Twitter. I unsubscribed from the same NYT newsletter that alerted me to the fact that Biden was pushed out.***
I'm Michael Corleone in "Godfather II," disowning Fredo...but obviously minus the rowboat part.
I'm pissed, but ready to press on.

***I don't buy the Cincinnatus rhetoric about Biden choosing to step down. Because, the legend of Cincinnatus is that he went out at his peak. If Biden was under no pressure to leave, then the rhetoric might fit. But that wasn't what happened.

Dark Phoenix said...

And in less than a day, both Joe Manchin and RFK Jr. have requested to rejoin the party they left so they can try for the Presidential nomination from the right. Because of course they are.

okanogen said...

Our hearts beat as one, friend.
Right now we need to focus on winning, but there will be a reckoning for these absolute worthless jokers. I don't think Harris is going to forget or forgive the unreliable clowns who rawdogged Biden.
But that dish is going to halve to be served cold after we win.

CardinalJedi said...

Nailed it, Mr Glass. Well done.

AuroraS said...

I won’t forget the handful of smug assholes in Left Blogsylvania on Team “Dump Biden” who are now doing a victory lap, as if any of this is over. Harris does not have the nomination yet, and this has been an extremely public shitshow. This is an enormous gamble with people’s lives, and it better pay off. I feel a little bit better that the Dems seem to be quickly falling in line behind Harris, rather than engaging in the cannibalistic orgy for which the mainstream press is lubed and ready. As I have been screaming this entire time, this is not a drill—we need to put up a united front and kick some fascist ass. Forgive me if I don’t trust the middle aged white guys who are more concerned with Being Right than being effective that they won’t knife Harris if the chips are down, the way they did Biden.

AuroraS said...

I won’t forget the handful of smug assholes in Left Blogsylvania on Team “Dump Biden” who are now doing a victory lap, as if any of this is over. Harris does not have the nomination yet, and this has been an extremely public shitshow. This is an enormous gamble with people’s lives, and it better pay off. I feel a little bit better that the Dems seem to be quickly falling in line behind Harris, rather than engaging in the cannibalistic orgy for which the mainstream press is lubed and ready. As I have been screaming this entire time, this is not a drill—we need to put up a united front and kick some fascist ass. Forgive me if I don’t trust the middle aged white guys who are more concerned with Being Right than being effective that they won’t knife Harris if the chips are down, the way they did Biden.